• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 6, 2020

    Puzzle & Dragons More than 6 1/2 years today, folks. PAD is the only mobile game I haven’t deleted after playing for a month.

    Puzzle & Dragons More than 6 1/2 years today, folks. PAD is the only mobile game I haven’t deleted after playing for a month.

    More than 6 1/2 years today, folks. PAD is the only mobile game I haven’t deleted after playing for a month.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    What is your most memorable fail?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    Come on, fess up. Tell us all about your most memorable and/or embarrassing PAD fails.

    submitted by /u/KTO-Potato
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    Best way to not waste these bad boys? Even feeding to a lvl 1 super reincarnated has 25 million excess wasted xp....

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Consistent Zelenbus Annihilation farm team with Zelenbus on it

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    Holy shinickles, these descended are getting hard.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    I think somebody said it about the last descended, how are any newer players even going to attempt these things. But I just struggled though the first lower two difficulties. About 400 stam each account. And I can tell some of the premeptives are just going to be even stupider in the last difficulty. Like one of the last premeptives of the final boss that just did about 150k and I lived with 3k I'm sure will do 210k and finish me unless im basically full with shields up,

    submitted by /u/juked1s
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    Finally a consistent team for clearing Ta1 (31x TPA)

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    Looks my phone is gonna automatically update itself in 24 hours.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    It would really suck if I can't play pad with sin dragons right around the corner. Please if anyone knows how to stop this, you would be my savior. Samsung s20

    submitted by /u/JevinNguyen
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    [NA][News] GungHo Post: PAD is fully compatible with iOS 14.0!

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    Flexible Dante/Remu team for Zelenbus Descended (Guide in post)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 11:33 PM PDT

    Flexible Dante/Remu team for Zelenbus Descended (Guide in post)


    (If you're on mobile, click the link to see the team)

    Sorry if the post is going to be long, but hopefully it can help someone clear the dungeon! This should be a flexible build for most Dante/Remu players. I even played around with other subs like MA Dantalion/R.Set/Cardinal and those all worked too. The team is consistent barring fire/heart orb trolling here and there.

    **Team BUILD**: For my team, each Duval has a 3 turn delay active, and Horus has a Morphea equip that provides a 3 turn delay. Amaterasu has a General Tamuramaro equip that provides 50% shield and 50% healing for two turns. Other equips are just there for SB awakenings or fire OE. My badge was a HP+, but you can use Time Ext+ or the SB badge too.

    Although Duval subs makes this dungeon A LOT easier, the subs for this dungeon are pretty flexible as long as you have the following:

    1. THREE fire attribute monsters with a delay active or fire attribute monsters with a short CD to inherit a delay (3+ turn delay is ideal). You want one sub to have an attack buff. To minimize orb trolling, try to have one or two of your fire attribute monsters with a fire orb generator. Depending on your build, you may also want one of your monsters inheriting a delay to also have a Time Debuff on a low cool down, such as Dantalion or SR Horus, so that you can save Remu's active for Floor 4.
    2. Heal stick like SR Amaterasu that can inherit a 50% or more shield.
    3. L-unlock awakening somewhere.
    4. Enough effective skill boosts to have Dante/Remu up on F1 with at least 2 turns left on the enemy attack timer after delay. If you have a 3 turn delay, this means you need to go into the dungeon with 16 natural skill boosts; 17 natural skill boosts with a 2 turn delay and so on.
    5. At least 103k HP to tank the largest preempt after leader shield reduction.

    **Floor guide**:

    F1: The knights will bop you with a bunch of nonsense turn one. Use your longest delay on this floor and just match some orbs, but save the orbs that are on color with your sub that has the L-awakening. On turn 2 - match an L and remove the locked skyfall. YOU NEED have Dante/Remu up by the time the enemies' attack countdown is at TWO turns. At two turns left, ONLY transform Remu because she can dish out enough damage with one VDP to break resolve. Once the resolve is gone, transform Dante and then a fire row+7 combo will finish the knights.

    F2: Use your second delay. Match orbs while saving fire orbs. As soon as you have 6 fire orbs, row + 7C to break the resolve . You can stall and save for fire orbs until the enemy has 1 turn left on its counter, and then row and combo to finish off the enemies.

    F3: Gabriel hits for 182,574 damage so make sure you have at least 103k HP entering the floor to tank the preempt. If you brought a sub with a time debuff, then it should be up by the time the attack counter hits 2 or before. Alternatively, you can pop Remu immediately IF you have a 3+ turn delay available and still have it up for when you need it on F4. Delay, rinse, and repeat.

    F4: If Remu is up, pick up the spinner orbs from the 6 spinners Zelenbus makes until you have all the orbs set to the same color (obviously dont move any orbs while doing this). Once they're all red, immediately pop Remu who will make another spinner and now you have 6 free fire orbs, and you should have a board with 9 fire orbs so you can VDP and one shot Zelenbus. His turn counter is two, so you can stall one turn here if you need to get Remu up. Note: Make sure you heal up as much as possible to tank the preempt on F5, and save your fire orb generators for the next floor if you can.

    F5: Amaterasu should have her shield inherit up by now, and your attack debuff sub should also be up. Pop both immediately. Fire row + 8 combo here to break the resolve, and if you aren't orb trolled, match a heal OE. You should be able tank the huge attack with your shield. Row +8C one more time to get that drop.

    If you have questions/suggestions, let me know!

    submitted by /u/x_coded
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    Aljae Shura Realm

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Has anyone cleared shura realm with aljae + some other lead like Anna, menoa, etc? If so, what team do u use? I can make it to the boss but don't have the dmg to kill it in time.

    submitted by /u/Gongster826
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    Why can't I clear Legendary Snowy Valley?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:21 AM PDT

    Seriously, >500k damage absorb is really being a pain in my side. Mega B.Sonia is the only team I have that even stands a chance at this, but does too much damage, and the absorb isn't nullifying damage so VDP doesn't counter... ugh.

    submitted by /u/SensualMuffins
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    Non-collab leads?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    I'm a returning player and I haven't really played much at all for probably a year. I have no idea what's good right now, and I don't really roll in collabs so that's out of the question.

    I've got most godfest exclusives by now and I think I have most pantheons at this point. What would some good non-collab leads be? If it matters, I don't really care about late late game stuff. Probably the hardest thing I'll do is alt arena, and probably some a4. Any suggestions appreciated, thanks

    submitted by /u/_Absolutely_Not_
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    latents: All Stat Imp. or RCV+ for Amaterasu on Dante teams?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    just wondering which one gives more rcv (i couldnt find any info about it in the wiki) thanks!

    submitted by /u/kisekis
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    Zeus Dios Best Weapon Assists & Latents

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    I have been searching all over for what to use for a woodsie lead Zeus Dios subs team. I am very interested in the latents especially. Should I use killers? Skill delay? ATK, HP, RCV?

    submitted by /u/sweetandblue
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    Alt account hits 1k

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    Should I plan on turning all my Monster Hunter Collab cards into assists?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    I'm coming back to this game with a fresh account after a multi-year hiatus (for reference, Sakuya was still a top tier lead when I left), so assists are entirely new to me.

    I rolled 2 Yian Kut-Ku and one Glavenus in the collab (1 free roll, one for beating the collab challenge, and one because I really really love monster hunter).

    I already plan on converting one Yian Kut-Ku to an assist, but should I also plan on converting the others? The awoken skills on the Glavenus assist dont look amazing, but I could be wrong since I dont know much about current meta or what to look for in an assist.

    Thanks in advance for any advice?

    submitted by /u/kaijujube
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    [Dungeon][Video] Abusing multiboost hp to tank Zelenbus hits - very lazy no killer team (feat. gudetama)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 09:05 PM PDT

    LF Safi friends (ideally with a green res equip or latent)! Also here are the leads I typically use. ID: 340244436

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    The Thief Descended 8× multiplier - is this really accurate with the 1.8× for lead and the 5% bonus?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 03:06 PM PDT


    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    Just started playing the game and I'm enjoying it but I don't really what to do. Anyone mind pointing me in the right direction?

    here's my box, dont know if I should reroll

    submitted by /u/idontonowwhattoput1
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    [MISC] ilmina.com: How to search for shield LS?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    I looked under the LS dropdown and I can't see one that lists "Shield" such that you can find leaders with shields in the LS activation like Touya.

    I plan on trying to use Touya for Zelenbus Descended

    submitted by /u/metaroxx
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    [Video] Zelenbus Descended! You're in for a Surprise!

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:41 AM PDT

    Help, purchased PAD pass and today’s dungeon isn’t showing up. I really need that tri mask

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:50 PM PDT

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