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    Puzzle & Dragons [Guide] Fasca Team Building

    Puzzle & Dragons [Guide] Fasca Team Building

    [Guide] Fasca Team Building

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 02:42 AM PDT

    Last Updated: March 15th, 2020

    • Minor edits and added some suggestions
    • Initial draft

    Similar to Yugi, Fasca is another transformation leader, you'll need to focus skill boosts build a team. However Fasca is also one of the most flexible leaders the game has ever seen since the days of Diablos as she can be paired to make any color team. This guide is focused on end-game team building, specifically for AA3 with some comments around Col2 and A6. This is based off my experience playing JP as well as reference to various JP youtubers. Note that I do not play multiplayer at all so please refer to other's advice.

    The guide will only focus on cards available in NA. However, I will include a new of units that are not released in NA yet as of this post (namely SAO and Artifact). If you have questions, please feel free to ask - I'll help wherever I can. If you're rude I'll simply block you - I'm too old to deal with BS.

    Reasons to Play Her:

    • Tier list hype - who doesn't like tier lists?
    • You like them young! *cough*
    • You're looking for an upgrade to former 7x6 queens: Minaka/Tifa
    • You get bored of playing 1 leader all the time - I've literally cleared AA3 with 15 different leader pairings to date!


    • Built in shield
    • Tons of utility with a single active
    • Generally good movement time


    • Restrictive subs - while you can pair with many leaders you'll still be restricted to attackers. This is particularly bad in NA where some subs like Tsukishima (5SB red attacker) are not available
    • Weak RCV - the majority of attackers have poor RCV, some even have zero. Need to balance this with team building
    • Reliance on SAs - be prepared to reroll your SAs for additional SB: Kio, DKarin, Gourry, Ariel, etc

    Alternative Leader Pairings

    Fasca is best paired with another leader like Tifa and Minaka. Due to her neutral LS, she can be paired with almost anyone - even non-attackers. Who you pair with will depend on your box and playstyle preference:

    • Alice
      • she's great because she essentially adds 7 SB (including equip) and tape res to a team making team building much easier
      • Note that even with a single 3 light match, her multiplier is 180x which is more than most Tifa teams (really shows how much powercreep there is)
      • Just be cautious of the autoFUA clause as you'll find yourself not having enough orbs and needing to FUA normally. Personally I need to FUA about 30-40% of the time.
      • Particularly note her lack of RCV
    • DKarin
      • Probably the most newbie friendly pairing with additional movement time, 4SB and amazing RCV
      • Great way to jump into Fasca and transition to other leaders as your box grows (and make DKarin a sub)
    • Haomaru
      • Easiest transition if you're coming from Tifa as you row and combo
      • I don't see much reason to run him when Alice is available
    • Yuna (thanks u/gethixit)
      • 3 second movement time along with high multiplier. Note to make sure you have color coverage for LS activation
    • Yugi
      • The top rated team by every JP site but please remember this is with regards to the perfect team: 2-3 Bakura subs with Genjuro and/or HBastet (DM equip)
      • It's rated so highly because it deals with every mechanic in the game: tape, cloud, full res, time debuff, RCV debuff, jammer/blind/poison, unmatchable orb, binds AND it deals massive damage
      • My personal advice: look at my Yugi guide and build a Nelle pairing instead if you don't have a perfect team
    • Bakura
      • Another great way to make use of your Bakuras without the restrictions imposed by pairing with Yugi
      • The 50% HP clause is less of an issue when you pair with Fasca as you get double shield so you rarely ever hit below 50%
      • Can consider if you have 2 or more Bakura
    • Super-1
      • Probably the safest pairing for Fasca, especially in NA as you get both 3x HP and 43% shield
      • His final form active basically allows you to one-shot any boss in the game - particularly good for Col2
      • Note that red attacker subs are particularly low RCV - make use of RCV+ latents and look out for Yuuki assist
      • Double transform means you need a lot of high SB subs
    • Rampaid
      • 5* from upcoming Artifact REM (another GH collab like DBDC)
      • Great combination with easy autoFUA, shield and full poison resist
      • Playstyle can either be row and combo or column and combo
      • One of the best to clear Col2 - transform subs don't have SA
      • Very fast playstyle but not as forgiving due to generally lower effective HP
    • Dina
      • Another transform leader from Artifact REM (this one is 7* and extremely high tier Waifu)
      • Similar to Super-1, she's one of the safest pairing but she packs an even bigger punch
      • Having access to Dina also makes spinners a complete non-issue
    • BFujin
      • Good pair if you lack your own Fujin and have PSI
      • Her SBs and triple 7c give you more flexibility in subs as well
    • Velkhana
      • I personally haven't tried but seen it on some youtube videos
    • DLilia
      • Wood's best pairing with amazing damage but seriously lacks movement time. Can consider subbing an off-color finger stick
      • If you don't play the team all the time you'll end up forgetting the autoFUA clause and throw your phone when you die - not as bad as Alice since you'll probably VDP anyways
      • Lilia packing tons of damage helps a lot with team building as she covers both normal and VDP damage
    • Jiraiya (base)
      • Upcoming GFE that's part of the same transformation series as Fasca
      • Tons of fun as each transformation gives you access to a different but always useful active
      • Plays similarly to DLilia but fixes the movement time issue
      • Similar to Alice, keep in mind the FUA clause as it's very orb hungry

    AA3 Video

    https://youtu.be/bLHunvz1k1s - Fasca/Super-1 - light focused subs

    https://youtu.be/aiQz8veMF5s - Fasca/DKarin - leverage off-type Diaochan for utility and SB

    https://youtu.be/tq4wqRQm6kM - Fasca/Jiraiya - leverage off-type Valeria for SB

    https://youtu.be/edHNyww1bFY - Fasca/Rampaid - Dina is too OP as a sub

    https://youtu.be/gubQu0u9va8 - Fasca/Alice - low rarity team

    https://youtu.be/MlsE8GMXBVU - Fasca/Alice - reco clear, hopefully NA gets Zazel via power rangers update

    Col2 Video

    https://youtu.be/8ONhbuaX8cc - Fasca/Blujin - can replace Donald with Kaiba in NA

    https://youtu.be/33RKHvS2x3c - Fasca/DLilia - use haste to help transform (Lina+Freyja)

    https://youtu.be/0KGr7WJwXM0 - Fasca/Rampaid - another what looks to be a weird team


    https://youtu.be/ya2RHReTWtw - Gintoki pairing (JP collab exclusive) Just to show how flexible team building can be

    https://youtu.be/Cu9yiyWVOd0 - Fasca/Velkhana - I haven't tried it myself so I didn't include in the pairing list but this just shows how versatile Fasca is

    Playstyle Notes

    Fasca generally plays like a combo leader but keep in mind the change based off each of the leader pairings. It's very useful to know at a glance when you get 8c for stalling. A easy way to remember is to combo half the screen.

    Team Building

    Fasca team building is going to be very straight forward unless you have a deep box, basically for most people you won't have a choice of subs. For every Fasca team I build, I will look for the following:

    • 18SB equivalent - this can be actual SBs or it can be a combination of haste skills and delay.
    • 1 source of VDP damage and 1 source of non-VDP damage (triple 7c) - I don't count Fasca
    • 1 high RCV sub (1000 or more RCV)

    This basically leaves a lot of subs for pure utility. Don't be afraid to have 1 person on the team that's not an attacker or have a team that's not mono color.

    SB subs (note that I count haste and delays as part of SB count):

    • Dolq (base) - 7SB with 2 turn delay
    • Reincarnated MP Dragons - 6SB, not out yet but great way to fill out your SB - all have a slightly different purpose
    • Athena Another - 6SB with bonus blind resists
    • Alice - 6SB with tape resist, note her horrid RCV
    • MAKanna - 6SB, not out yet but excellent sub which includes full blind res as well
    • Pixel Saria - 6SB, not out yet but she's one of the few board changers on this list
    • Duval - 6SB including delay, not out yet, covers blind res and a relatively short CD orb maker. Note his burst doesn't apply to attackers
    • Elsha - 6SB including haste, not out yet, adds tons of RCV but be warned her active doesn't make hearts if you plan to run Dina or Donald
    • SIndra - 5SB, not out yet but a good way to add full poison resist (thanks u/Maeldan)
    • SFreyja - 5SB, excellent RCV
    • Raziel - 5SB, the only real farmable sub
    • Tea - 4SB with excellent RCV
    • Gourry - 4 or 2 SB with full poison res, can be VDP/damage stick as well
    • Kio - 4SB with a very useful active and low CD for inherit (particularly good Fujin base)
    • DKarin - 4 or 3 SB that can also be VDP stick, particularly good for AA3 to deal with Kunpo and other PADR dragons
    • Ariel - 4SB short CD orb maker and resist. Amazing pantheon sub
    • Yuuki - 4SB with awoken bind clear or 3SB with full blind res
    • Nakoruru (evo) - 4SB but her active is not very useful
    • Red Ilmina - 4SB with a good board change for Alice
    • Kaiba (evo) - 4SB with full poison resist and flexibility to be VDP and damage stick
    • Base Minaka - 4SB, making hearts is very useful as very few attackers do that
    • Ruel - 4SB short CD orb maker and resist. Amazing pantheon sub
    • Yoh (base)- 4SB
    • RVajra - 3SB decent damage dealer
    • Genjuro - 4SB with full jammer resist, only particle for Yugi pairing IMO
    • MROdin - 3SB can also act as VDP stick
    • RHorus - 3SB with low CD for Dark Magician inherit or other useful skill
    • Tokogawa (evo) - 3SB orb maker
    • Kenshiro (uevo) - 3SB, you are already dead! Mega damage stick
    • Pixel Guan Yu - 3SB, not out yet but extremely high value with VDP damage, hazard removal and attribute absorb bypass
    • Grandis (evo) - 3SB, not out yet but provides not only VDP damage but one of the few orb changers
    • Luluna - 3SB can also act as VDP stick
    • Odindra - 3 SB bind/awoken clear
    • Chunli (evo) - 3SB, great active particularly for Rampaid
    • Y'shtola - 3SB, great for col due to low EXP for tape/cloud resist (thanks u/Siveran)
    • Valeria - 7SB, low cd for inherit
    • Diaochan – 4SB, low CD, awoken bind clear and time debuff removal

    Damage subs (sort by attribute):

    • Gourry - AA3 killer with crazy devil damage
    • Bradamante - 7x6 board allows consistent 10c from her. The active deletes spinners, one of the top damage dealers
    • BZela - Surprise surprise?
    • Claio - Another personal favourite as she not only provides orbs but also removes time debuffs and RCV debuffs
    • RVajra - Decent damage sub with a good burst component
    • Bakura - Go to damage dealer for Yugi pairing
    • Dina - the most OP sub for water, if you can swap 20SB she should be on your team. Crazy VDP damage, orb maker, spinner killer AND she's a cute bunny.. hot damn!
    • Kaiba - He may not outclass Coco as a leader but he can dish out damage like mad. Note he has great RCV as well
    • Velkhana - Top damage water sub is also top Fasca damage dealer for water, unfortunately we're moving towards favouring subs with short CD orb change actives
    • Chidori - Covers poison res, damage stick and helps boost RCV across the team. If she has more SB she'd have a more permanent spot on Rampaid/Dina teams.
    • Blue Eyes Dragon - massive VDP damage
    • Dark Gamayla - 7x6 makes hitting 10c much more consistent. The unlock component is useful as most other water board changers don't unlock
    • Zela - the default wood damage stick is fortunately still an attacker
    • DLilia - IMO the new damage stick queen of wood due to her shorter CD
    • Raoh - low SB but fire doesn't have many VDP damage options
    • Lina - same as Roah but provides jammer resists and higher devil damage
    • Kenshiro - you can't die if you're already dead

    Utility subs:

    • Yuna - 1 SB but those 3s movement time is sooo good
    • SVenus - Another great finger stick with low CD for your Fujin
    • Asuna (uevo) - 2 turn Fujin, 2SB and full blind resist and insane RCV. Amazing sub
    • Awoken Lugh - on type Fujin
    • Claioh (base) - full poison resist, L-unlock on top of that amazing active. I ran this before Zazel came out
    • RDiaochan - same as above
    • Nakoruru (base) - Full poison resist, blind cleric and orb maker
    • Naga - great way to remove poison skyfall
    • En - 1.5s movement time along with an amazing active to counter time and RCV debuffs - budget HBastet for attackers
    • Qilian - farmable on type Fujin - water has lots of good farmables
    • RHorus - base skill is so versatile but the low CD makes him a great inherit base as well
    • DRaizer - on type 2 turn Fujin


    Due to the huge jump in multiplier from Tifa teams, the usual 2 or 3 killers isn't required. In particular Fasca's active is extremely useful and is often used multiple times per dungeon (especially col2). I suggest running 4 SDR and either devil or god killer (balance it with your damage dealer).


    Beyond the usual resist equips, Fasca wants SB. I'm not going to list every equip but highlight ones that work particularly well.

    • DM – 4SB including 3 turn delay
    • BZela - SB and a useful board - particularly good if you run Bradamante as sometimes hitting 10c VDP can be stressful
    • Mariel Trumpet - The only SB equip that gives unbindable. The board is actually great for Alice teams as you don't need hearts
    • Shelling Ford - SB and helps with resists
    • Karin Card - SB, buff your damage dealer, a orb changer and burst. One of the best equips for Alice teams in particular
    • Lina – one of the top equips for any transform leader with 3SB (2 turn haste), tape resist as well as RCV debuff
    • Kaiba – SB and adds RCV, CD is long so it doesn't matter that the board change won't be useful
    • Yuuki – SB and RCV bonus – just keep in mind the skill as the CD is rather low (8CD). Even better now that is has blind resist.
    • Super-1 equip - SB and adds damage via orb enhances.
    • Fagan – SB and cloud resist
    • Shiki – SB and L-unlock
    • Rikku – "free" SBR and SB and a very good skill delay protection, what's not to like
    • Achilles Shield - very useful tape resist plus an insane 4K attacker buff
    • LMetatron equip - RCV is very useful, especially when you're running things like Alice and Areiel
    • Honoka equip - additional movement time is always useful and the active is a great emergency button

    Sample Teams

    Will update this in a few days.

    submitted by /u/zoopido
    [link] [comments]

    any team building suggestions? returning after a long break and lost

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    Wanting to return to puzzle and dragons

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    Hi so I have a few questions. I used to be really in love with this game 4 years ago I had gotten rank 300 something or so. And then I lost all my data lost all that. Every so often I really want to get back into the game but remembering all that really keeps me from playing again. My questions are though is the jp version still the best in to play? Is the US version still a lot different? Any new big changes? And should I still be rerolling for Sakuya? ( she was such a good character I'm so bummed I forget my whole main team /: ) Or are there better ones now? Thank you for help

    submitted by /u/Barkbeak
    [link] [comments]

    Azathoth the Guard Breaker (Pls bring TE buff or hope for Persephone to appear).

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 10:10 AM PDT


    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    Will NA get PadPass? I feel like if we were going to get PadPass it would have been rolled out at the start of this month. JP rolled it out in December and I don't think there is any official comment from the NA team about it. Do you think PadPass will not make it to NA?


    submitted by /u/TurtleArbiter
    [link] [comments]

    Just starting today. Should I keep this box or reroll?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    yeah, i’ve got time

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    [LF] Rehven friends with S+ SA for TA2 farming 369 256 233

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Phew.. that was close..

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    [LF] Best friend triangle 354 033 471

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    So I still have a best friend from the reset earlier and I just want a triangle to have some more best friends. I mainly run Yugi and Nelle (I own both) or dOmega. When sao comes to NA I am planning on trading her too! I also accept most invites from dOmega friends because I can't find enough of them.

    ID: 354 033 471

    submitted by /u/TehBlaze
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    VIdeal X NYRechee weekend challenge

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    Yugi's auto FUA can get past the Ninth dragon Caller's combo check.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    Dunno if any one brought this up beofre, but when the this enemy spawned, I was shitting myself and resigned to death thinking I couldnt combo 10 with yugi vpd.

    So I made my dark blob and yoloed, hoping skyfall gods would help out.

    Couldnt pass the combo shield check, BUT the 1 mil damage fua scratched her HP bar, and I think that meant I technically passed the combo check, cuz usaully she oneshots if I failed it.

    She did some weak ass move, and i proceeded wipe her out next turn and clear A4 with 7 secs to spare LOL.

    submitted by /u/noobcak
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    Who are your favorite Chidori subs?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    I've been using a Kaname Chidori team (both in coop with my alt and solo with main or alt) and have been able to clear of content with her team. I'm newish (almost a year of playing) so my sub knowledge is somewhat limited.

    Here are some of my favorite subs from the Chidori teams on my main and alt, in no particular order: Kamen Rider Fourze, Velkhana, Diaochan, Blue eyes white dragon, SVenus (FUA, 7c, great RCV), Toyotomi Hideoshi (triple 7c, locks board), Nene (3 turn bind / awoken bind clear plus water-light-heart board, hope she gets her revo soon). I also rolled Highren this week and plan to add her to the team.

    What are other good Chidori subs? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/blinkycosmocat
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    Should I evolve to this, or keep as an assist?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    New player, Hello guys I would like to know if I should reroll or keep this account.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    New player, should I reroll? If not, what would be a good comp? Thanks!

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 04:17 AM PDT

    Rolled 400 stones, no Fasca/Nelle, but thank goodness for friends

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    What should I actually save in my monster box vs what I should just sell immediately?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    Lost an Endurance Challenge playthrough because of an automatic game update

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 10:25 PM PDT

    Has this happened to anyone else? This sounds like an unintended consequence of the newest version update, but it's still extremely annoying.

    submitted by /u/ItchySandal
    [link] [comments]

    Ultra New Dragon, Toragon and Massacre Demon Diablos as Leads

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    How are they? Obviously the damage output I dont think any other leader can match toragon. Is there a better monster to pair with Toragon than diablos? He doesn't add any stat boosts, but gives a 7x6 board. minor damage reduction, and helps support toragon's immense damage output.

    submitted by /u/Nauvengamer
    [link] [comments]

    What's a memorable moment of bad luck you guys have experienced playing PAD?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    Was curious what you all have suffered in a game that is 50% luck. This isn't really RNG but just insanely unlucky, but I was running the timed weekend challenge earlier today and was on floor 17 when the app crashed. Had to start over. :(((

    submitted by /u/smolpotato67
    [link] [comments]

    Should I reroll? Does rolling double faska or nere matter without subs

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 08:31 PM PDT

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