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    Sunday, October 4, 2020

    Puzzle & Dragons My Shura Realm notes - Every gimmick broken down

    Puzzle & Dragons My Shura Realm notes - Every gimmick broken down

    My Shura Realm notes - Every gimmick broken down

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    Hi! These are my notes for what is needed (or not needed) for Shura Realm. I use these as a checklist of sorts when team building, theory crafting, and actives planning. This sort of breakdown is much easier for me to use compared to Padx. I figured I would post them as it may help others.

    Remember these are just my notes and opinions. If you find something glaringly wrong, feel free to let me know in the comments below and I will fix it.

    Unmatch - Not necessary for most teams. Most teams that are affected by floor 8 can stall, and most teams can spike through floor 20.

    • Floor 8: water or fire unmatch (5 turns) - 63k per turn to tank through it
    • Floor 20: 25% of Xiang Mei: All but heal unmatchable 1st turn, heal unmatchable 2nd turn, rotates through each color for the remainder. Xiang Mei can be killed by most teams on the second turn. (Norza teams can 7combo +VDP without hearts to kill, otherwise they need a spike)

    Awoken Bind - Not necessary if your team can tank 102k per turn

    • Floor 13: 50% of Caladbolg - 5 turn awoken bind. 81k per turn to tank through it.
    • Floor 20: 25% of Plum - 2 turn awoken bind on turn 2 then every 3 turns. 102k per turn to tank through it.

    Damage Absorb (Fujin) - ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY!

    • Floor 12: MUST HAVE FOR SOPDET. Preemptive 5 turn skill delay. Make sure your Fujin is on a card with at least 2SDR or die.
    • Floor 18: MUST HAVE FOR GREEN CRUSADER. Can easily stall here if your Fujin active is down.
    • Floor 22: Green Menoa under 50%. The need for Fujin depends on your ability to do enough damage to kill G.Menoa before she reaches under 50%.

    Color absorb - Need depends on team. For most teams it's necessary in order to achieve 100% clear rate, otherwise it's 80%. My opinion is that it's a 'soft' necessary. Meaning I'll bring the active on my team, but if it's down and I need to stall 30 turns for it to be back up, I'll skip the stalling and take my chance with Menoa.

    • Floor 1: Water absorb. Water teams use a delay for this floor.
    • Floor 6: 50% chance for Denabola. Fire and wood absorb, 10 turns. Can stall for 10 turns or use a color absorb active.
    • Floor 22 Menoa: Each of the 5 menoa absorb a diff element.

    Poison - NECESSARY. You COULD deal with all the poison mechanics, but having poison resist will save many headaches.

    • Floor 9: Preemptive spawns 5 lethal poison orbs. Clear them before Spica on floor 11 preferably.
    • Floor 11: 50% chance for Spica - makes 5 poison per turn. Must clear them or else she does 231,200.
    • Floor 13: 50% chance for Caladbolg - makes a new board that includes poison + mega poison, and locks everything. If matching them is too problematic, you can wait until you unlock orbs then use his spinners to clear the poison.
    • Floor 18: Another Justice begins to make a single row into a mix of water/poison. Not a big deal.
    • Floor 19: ??% chance of Qilin Dragon gem. Makes 19 poison orbs at 50% super resolve.
    • Floor 22: 20% chance of Light Menoa. Makes a new board that includes poison+mortal and locks them. *Considerably more dangerous than Caladbolg due to Menoa's damage and no spinners to clear poison.

    Jammer - Not necessary, but good. The jammer mechanics are mostly just minor annoyances. Except for floor 9, there should be very little risk of dying to bombs or jammers. Considering 9/22 floors have a jammer mechanic, if you can get anywhere between 20%-100% coverage it'll save you that many annoyances.

    • Floor 3: 50% chance for Leonis. Preemptive spawns 5 bombs. Not a big deal considering most teams will have an answer to the full board of dark orbs from the previous Luci floor.
    • Floor 6: 50% chance for Denebola. Makes upwards of 4 jammer a turn, not a big deal.
    • Floor 7: Preemptive makes 1 jammer orb, not a big deal.
    • Floor 9: Kappa makes 15 jammer orbs.
    • Floor 10: Perseus starts making bombs if you can't 1 shot him. Most teams 1 shot him.
    • Floor 13: 50% chance for Caladbolg. Makes a new board that includes jammers, and locks everything. Not a big deal.
    • Floor 18: 50% chance for Another Jutice. Preemptive makes 2 rows of bombs.
    • Floor 18: 50% chance for Another Crusader. Makes upwards of 4 jammer a turn. Not a big deal.
    • Floor 22: 20% chance for Light Menoa. Makes a new board that includes poisons and jammers. The jammer part is not a big deal.

    Blind - Depends mostly if you can kill Xin Hua(floor 20) on the first turn and if your team has a difficult time with the Gear floor.

    • Floor 4: Flame gear darkens the whole board for 4 turns. Most teams with machine killers can kill Red and/or Blue fairly easily while surviving until the blind + spinners are gone.
    • Floor 20: 25% chance for Xin Hua. She darkens 10 orbs for 3 turns. Can be 1 shot with VDP before she takes her first turn.

    >=100% Gravity - Depends on team. Teams with 45%+ shields don't need help. Teams with 34%+ need help on Green Menoa. Teams with 20%+ Need help on Denebola, Raphael, and Green Menoa.

    • Floor 5: 50% chance for Ruka. 120% Gravity on the 5th turn
    • Floor 6: 50% chance for Denebola. 150% Gravity on turn 1. Kill on first turn or else Must have 35% Shield / 30% Shield + 1 fire reduction latent / 25% + 2 fire reduction latent
    • Floor 7: The 2nd Chibidra 100% Gravity Must have any% shield or 1 dark reduction latent
    • Floor 8: 50% chance for Claimoh Solias. 120% Gravity on turn 3 (Water unmatchable for 3 turns) Must have 20% Shield
    • Floor 13: 50% chance for Rich Gold Dragon. 99% Gravity followed by 60k damage.
    • Floor 16: 100% chance for Raphael. Preemptive 150% Gravity. Must have 35% Shield / 30% Shield + 1 light reduction latent+ / 25% + 2 light reduction latent
    • Floor 22: 20% chance for Green Menoa. 180% Gravity every 3 turns. Must have 45% Shield / 43% Shield(2x 25% leads) + wood light reduction latent+

    VDP - Necessary for floors 11,18,20

    • Floor 11: Both spawns require VDP
    • Floor 18: 50% chance Another Justice
    • Floor 20: 25% chance Xin Hua

    Combo Shield - Required on Floor 3. Required for YouYou unless the team can kill YouYou before they reach 50% and/or turn 5

    • Floor 3: 50% chance of Phact. 7 or more combos required
    • Floor 9: Centaur, 7 or more combos required. Can easily stall.
    • Floor 13: 50% chance of Caladbolg. 8 or more combos required ONLY if resolve is triggered.
    • Floor 17: 50% chance of Pollux. 7 or more combo shield that alternates every other turn.
    • Floor 20: 25% chance of YouYou. 8 or more combo shield when under 50% or the turn YouYou's shield runs out.

    Resolve - Fixed damage leaders unnecessary. FUA only required on 2 floors.

    • Floor 3: Requires FUA or die.
    • Floor 13: 50% chance of Caladbolg. Requires FUA. No chance of triggering resolve while awoken bound. Resolve does not execute.

    ATK debuff answer - Only required for Gold Dragon if the team can't delay 3+ turns or tank 99% gravity +60k damage each turn.

    • Floor 6: 50% Alcyone. Triggers 99% ATK debuff at super resolve. One big hit should defeat them.
    • Floor 7: Latent Tamadra lowers ATK by 90% for 1 turn. Either do 300m damage to it, 50 fixed, or tank 240k for a turn.
    • Floor 14: 50% Rich Gold Dragon. Lowers ATK by 99% for 3 turns. Must use a burst or tank 99% gravity + 60k damage each turn.
    • Floor 20: Base Menoa. Lowers ATK by 25% every 4 turns for 1 turn.

    Spike/Burst damage Requirement - Requirement depends on the ability to kill the devils, floor 20, and Menoa.

    • Floor 15: 4 devils, 4 colors. Devils have 500mil defense and 1.7billion HP. Water and Wood damage dealers may find it impossible to kill the Green or Fire devils. A Water or Wood sub would have to do more than 1 billion dmg to get past the shield, or 4.4billion to 1 shot it.
    • Floor 20: 25% chance of Xiang Mei. For teams that have difficulty beating Xiang Mei on turn 2 (Yomi/Norza), a spike can be enough to defeat them.
    • Floor 20: 25% chance of You You. You You has a 5 turn 90% shield. After the shield wears off you get 1 turn to kill before executed.
    • Floor 22 Menoa: Usually required if you can't kill Menoa during a color absorb active.

    Spinner - Not required

    • Floor 17: 50% chance for Castor. Highly advised to stall out his spinners for 10 turns. Hit's for 76k.
    • Floor 20: 20% chance for Xiu Min. Stall 1 turn and they will remove the crazy X shaped board of spinners.

    Time buff - Not required at all

    • Floor 20: 20% chance of Light Menoa. Triggers a 50% time debuff if you trigger her resolve.

    RCV Buff - Not required at all

    • No RCV debuffs

    Tape Resist - Not required at all

    • No Tape debuffs

    Cloud Resist - Not required at all

    • No Cloud debuffs
    submitted by /u/KTO-Potato
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    5 Consecutive REM-Dragon clears Illusory World of Carnage/Shura's Realm. Video by: Tokoyami

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    [PSA] Weekly Reminders (10/4 - 10/10)

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    Here are your weekly reminders for events ending soon, or special events throughout the week.


    Ending today:

    📷 PAD Island Event ends today!

    - Make sure you've cleared the dungeon, S-ranked it, and cleared Skill Leveling for full rewards.

    - Make sure you've farmed the dungeon to your heart's content for shells to get Shaved Ice/Swimming Ring/Vidar gem/Nidhogg gem.

    - The egg machine ends today as well! Trading ends tomorrow as usual.

    - The PAD Island one-shot challenge ends today as well! Make sure you've cleared it if you can for the free rewards.

    📷 6x rank EXP and Beach Veroah invades for Training Arenas 1 & 2 end today.

    📷 Experience of a Lifetime ends today! Make sure to get the free rank exp, fatty Tama and stone!

    📷 6x Rank Exp in Multiplayer Descended Rush ends today.

    📷 General S-ranks! Water Companion Dragon, Blue Bowl Dragon and Indigo Ocean's Dimension Dragon end today.

    - Credit to "Aelita#7313" (u/Nainil) on the Puzzle and Dragons Community Discord server. Please reach out to him or myself with corrections or suggestions.

    *Denotes additions by me

    submitted by /u/phobia42
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    Which one should I exchange with?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    I recently got Safi’jiiva and have no clue how to use him

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    I've watched the videos with the kuro cycle and I sorta understand how it works, but how you get kuro? Is this from a collab I missed a while back? Is Safi'jiiva useless if I can't use kuro?

    I have grandis and polowne, but is there any way I can get value out of him being a leader?

    submitted by /u/1ERKL0
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    [rant] at pad

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    Color Absorb latent is best on last last sub (friend leader)

    which means in solo play, its ideal for the helper slot, but then I'm unable to share that helper with friends where it would benefit them the most

    Leader Swap Latent is the same thing but inversed here; better on YOUR lead (#1 slot), but kinda useless to helper leader (#6).

    I shouldn't need to use waste more than 3 x 297+ for a SA. I feel like this is a punishment for end game players since if you are really relying on SAs to clear a dungeon, then you're probably trying to clear late-game content. And generally early-mid game players wouldn't have a stack of +'s to spend anyways.

    I feel kinda dumb when that a monster has 6 latent slots but I have to feed it (5), (1) times. Like I had to do the same action twice to achieve what I originally wanted.

    I wish when fusing with the awakening tab that it would auto select King Tama if the monster has 9 unawoken abilities.

    Can I set my phone to vibrate when a 3P room is filled?

    Can I set my phone to vibrate when its my turn on 2P or 3P?

    Pls remove the code where FaceBook is using half my screen asking me to login when I click the news (not the one on the top, but when you start scrolling down).

    Pls use my real phone time in the limited time dungeon schedule coding

    Pls put an achievement for "X amount of monsters traded" to promote trading

    Horizontal/reverse skyfalls as debuff? It's not game changing but does bring a challenge for those who DO want to learn how to cascade.

    Gungho JP u kno what 2 do 8)

    submitted by /u/byeroller
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    [Fan Art] Menoa, when you cannot beat Shura Realm

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    How is your progress?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    Does BMyr's active skill have value on farming teams?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    Today is the last day to purchase BMyr from the MP shop and I'm considering picking her up both as a potential pairing for Menuit (more to increase variety in play style than to clear new content) and for her active ("Randomly spawn 7 Heart orbs from non Water & Heart orbs, give 12 seconds to move orbs without triggering matches").

    I vaguely remember that some older farm builds included her active as an assist. Is this still the case?

    Perhaps more importantly, does BMyr have value as a sub and as an assist?

    For context, I still have 5.7M MP after spending 400K MP on hunters so I could trade for Giga Gear. (I already had Non Gear and Ciel Gear from previous Monster Hunter collab reruns.) I'll have plenty of MP left for SDKH even if I purchase BMyr and 5 more male hunters to build a Nerg hunter button team.

    submitted by /u/Tek70x7
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    Finally getting to the point where I can make a dark team I think, anyone have advice on which lead to use and which subs. I'm thinking either pandora lead or hades lead, with pandora and haku sub and last slot akechi? Main problem is I only have 3 trigod masks at the moment. 324 102 304

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    Are we due another GFE exchange medal for Grandis & Friends?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    I thought I saw something about that in the latest stream, but I didn't ever see a translation for it.

    Asking because, like a complete idiot, I traded both of my medals for Jiraiya. Don't ask. I've been playing this game for years and that is the dumbest decision I've made by a long shot. Being able to run the ideal Dante/Remu team, and to use the Safi'jiva I just pulled off a yolo pull would be really nice.

    submitted by /u/ambiguous57
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    A question about latent awakenings

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    I have an assist card that has slots for latent awakenings. If I attach it to a monster, do I still get the benefits of the awakings?

    submitted by /u/ImDatGaminGuy1
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    Kanna clears all Alt Arenas (and sundry other Anni level dungeons)

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    Built my Zelenbus team, focused on awoken bind clears, rcv debuff clear, roulette clear, damage reduction clear, SDR’s. Anyone else excited to try this new dungeon?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    SR Orochi w/Ford Shelling (VDP) assist up for Shura cheese

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    If anyone wants to cheese their way to 85 stones from Illusory World of Carnage, I'll have SR Orochi with the VDP assist (Shelling Ford) up for the next couple of weeks.

    My id is 317,289,364


    Thanks to sgt502 for pulling that strategy together!

    submitted by /u/jrolette
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    [PSA] [NA] 1/2 Stam + 6x Rank Exp on Normal Dungeons - KotG 152k Exp on Single Saline / Shige

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    The 6x rank exp for normals was posted a couple of days ago, but it overlaps with the 1/2 stam for normal dungeons up to stage 3-14 until 10/11. On King of the Gods, a single Saline / Shige will bring 152k exp for 9 stam.

    submitted by /u/blinkycosmocat
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    [LF] Norza friends! Run Yomi with Shinji and Rei equip for damage absorb. [353,951,428]

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    how do you beat challenge lv 7

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    (edit) I meant challenge lv 8 lmao the one w fixed team

    I'm getting 10x-12x combos each time and I still can't pass the first monster, do I just need higher combos?

    submitted by /u/Nice_Direction_7202
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    [Brag] Was trying to roll a few times for rathalos, but got blessed with a bunch of 7 stars

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 04:46 PM PDT

    Any reliable way of farming MP?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    Like the title says, I'm trying to get an Amen for TA2 farming, but I'm ~300k MP short. Anyone know any strategies or methods to farming MP?

    Also if you have an Amen lead + Chinese goddess AC assist my ID is 360450411 :P

    submitted by /u/SocksInCrocers
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    Looking for as many gh yomi friends as possible - 324 102 304

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:40 PM PDT

    I run norza with 4 SDR and a god killer. I'm constantly out of yomi friends and don't have a best friend slot left 😭

    submitted by /u/jacobbc2
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    What's the limit to the multiplier on Quest Challenge 8?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    The highest I've been able to get is 6561 but I want to know the max number (I guess it's how many crosses you can fit on the board)

    submitted by /u/tarotaurus
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    Best SuRe Raphael Subs? Best Monster Hunter Card for Rainbow Team?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    I have a revo Raphael in my box and I was planning on eventually doing the super revo evolution when I get the materials.

    I currently have a Male Hunter, Nergigante Alpha Gear Hunter (4172), and I see that he changes the whole board to only four colours. The way I see it, that is a guarantee to trigger Raphael's leader ability, because it is very likely that only four colour will result in odd numbers of orbs so I'll be able to clear it to five or less. It means I need to super awaken him to get bind resistance or find a bind immune assist though.

    I don't have a toragon (5316) and I think the monster exchange price is too high for me (3 black medals is 15 rainbow medals).

    Are these board changers that make only four colours good subs for Raphael's team? I like to run rainbow teams, SuRevo Horus right now...

    I haven't run the Monster Hunter collaboration previously, so I only have one male hunter and two female hunters. Is it worthwhile to get the Ciel trade in for all three? Or the Athena Non? I can get either one or keep the basic hunters I have. Any advice is appreciated.

    I'll update with a post of my box once I get home.

    submitted by /u/AdBoring3476
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    Looking for Remu friends for a really late BF triangle! ID: 342,422,323

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    Looking for Remu friends for a really late BF triangle! ID: 342,422,323

    A recent post reminded me that I still have my BF ><

    Are there any Remu mains that need a Dante and would like to make a BF triangle? My ID is 342,422,323... and if there are any Remu mains that need a Dante friend, feel free to add me! I have so many spaces :3


    submitted by /u/OreoNoms
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