• Breaking News

    Sunday, August 30, 2020

    Puzzle & Dragons It is the best time to reroll on a JP account. You get 255 magic stones from making an account. (not including the 100 from Sonia's Story mode) Also, you get 5500 + points.

    Puzzle & Dragons It is the best time to reroll on a JP account. You get 255 magic stones from making an account. (not including the 100 from Sonia's Story mode) Also, you get 5500 + points.

    It is the best time to reroll on a JP account. You get 255 magic stones from making an account. (not including the 100 from Sonia's Story mode) Also, you get 5500 + points.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    [ Guide ] Yorza VS Alt. Shura Realm (can still improve)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    [PSA] Weekly Reminders (8/30 - 9/5)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    Here are your weekly reminders for events ending soon, or special events throughout the week.


    Ending today:

    📷 Sacred Relic Dragon Saga ends today!

    - Make sure you've cleared the dungeon, S-rank, farmed tokens for Cherney / Brahma / Scheherazade gems and rolled in the egg machine if you planned on it.

    - Trading ends tomorrow as usual.

    📷 Milky Way's Star Treasure (with Amaterasu invades) ends today! Make sure you've at least cleared all difficulties for the stone.

    📷 General S-ranks: Water Guardian Dragon, Ancient Lightning and Ocean Dragons, and Water & Light Metallic Star Dragons all end today.

    📷 1/2 stam in certain Techs ends today.

    Ending Mid-week:

    📷 August Monthly Quests end tomorrow! Remember to clear as many as you can for the free rewards.

    📷 Ending in 4 days: Plus Pal Egg Machine - Hera and Zeus AvaTamas

    📷 Ending in 5 days: Star Challenge - Fixed Teammates

    - Credit to "Aelita#7313" (u/Nainil) on the Puzzle and Dragons Community Discord server. Please reach out to him or myself with corrections or suggestions.

    *Denotes additions by me

    submitted by /u/phobia42
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    Team Mikoto!

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    My man Hades got 2 wives now

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    [PSA] If You Have Issues Connecting...

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    There's currently an outage of a part of DNS and other internet services so some sites and servers might be inaccessible right now. I couldn't connect for a while this morning and a bunch of the websites I visit aren't reachable right now.

    submitted by /u/metaroxx
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    I did it!

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    3-player A5 1-move full swiped; 6min15 clear

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    Shura cheese. Credit goes out to u/sgt502 for the team build

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    JP-Rank 1000

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    Zombie Feruru alt shura team guide showcasing the power of avatamas: Consistent 30 minute low-stress clears and does not require dupe feruru

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    Sample Clear 1

    Sample Clear 2

    With the avatama PEM I decided to write this guide to show how element resist awakening can be quite useful even beyond gravity cheese comps that is too annoying for most people as a farming tool.

    tl;dr keep all your zeus and hera avatamas

    Credit to the Chinese player who came up with the build (Link to his post on baidu - You can also find some other variations some other players used in the responses.

    This build has several important benefits. One, it does not require dupe feruru. And with 3-4 zeus avatamas automatically means fewer gacha equipments you need to have. Two, it has nearly no restriction on what friend lead look like (although preferably some sort of light OE equip with sdr/machine killer latents). And three, it's quite consistent. Obviously bad rng can kill every run, but it's basically as reliable as a team without all-whale comps can be. Downside of course is that it's slower than your typical feruru speed runs. But at roughly 30~35 minutes per run it's still reasonable. Faster if you don't take forever on floor 2 like me

    What you need

    1. Cutlaseer (Lucia's equip form). If you don't have it then Christmas Grida is the only other equivalent. However, Grida lacks awaken bind clear which makes floor 13 Caladbolg harder to deal with as you'll need to stall a couple of turns for awaken binds

    2. 100% light resist on the team. Light resist awakenings give 7%. Big latents give 2.5%. Small by 1%. Mix and match however you wish as long as it's 100%. The team I run has 7 light resist+ latents. The rest sdrs and machine killers on damage dealers

    3. One Diao Chan is a must. 2x Diao Chan makes DMenoa totally safe and really help with totalling 100% light resist. If you run 1 Diao Chan the other can be someone like Claimoh or dupe Feruru (actually make the run faster but more whale and can't stall forever on dmenoa). BZela/Yog fit in one sub slot and are basically interchangeable. Eschamali is probably the best fujin available for this build since her active kills another crusader, but can be replaced with another fujin sub/inherit

    4. RCV badge is the best if you can handle not having the extra time. Otherwise put in finger. The extra rcv helps guard against bad rng when you may need to stall more than usual. The extra time obviously helps against PSI. Depends on your own skill level.

    Walkthrough - I wont bother with floors that don't need special attention. You can refer to one of many guides on whether you can stall (usually just one turn) safely on any floor without element change. You can always element change on any floor which you've fucked up and can't kill in time.

    Floor 1 - element change, stall for transform

    Floor 2 - don't suck

    Floor 13 - If you meet caladbolg, element change (mostly to clear awaken bind) . Then stall for cutlaseer to come back up

    Floor 14 - element change if you meet rainbow dragon. Then stall for cutlaseer

    Floor 18 - element change and stall for gravity on your feruru and diao chan to come up. If you get another justice you can also save up gravity on eschamali. You should keep bzela/yog at their own actives. Make sure friend lead doesn't have inherit up

    Floor 19 - Use friend feruru to get to 50%. Then 2 more match 6s will kill. Make sure to kill both together (possible to screw up if one changes to dark). You need to have friend feruru active up for floor 20. If you have bad rng and can't heal back up to 125kish hp, pop yog because otherwise you will probably die against Xiang Mei.

    Floor 20 - Feruru + vdp = kill for xiu min and xin hua. Need to tank a turn for xiang mei. Use your feruru gravity on you yu and if necessary 2nd gravity later if you can't kill in time

    Floor 21 - 2 gravity and bzela/yog will kill. If you only have 1 gravity you need to stall for a bit because bzela active only hits 50-60% depending on your board. If you are really short on actives, which can happen if you got crusader and you yu and some bad luck, gotta do this floor normally.

    Floor 22 - element change. You are home free unless you meet dmenoa, in which case just need to remember to press diao chan as needed

    submitted by /u/bauboish
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    Tengu Trade 365120317

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    I'm attempting to do the gravity cheese for Illusory World of Carnage, however I am missing a Tengu for the team. Does anyone have a spare Tengu that would be willing to trade to me?

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/In_surrection
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    [LF] Gaia Dragon Gem (332,511,347)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    Hello! I am looking for a Gaia Dragon Gem, I have Hephaestus Dragon Gem, Zeus Mercury Gem, Zeus Dragon Gem, Hera Dragon Gem, and possibly others (just ask if you're looking for something specific!).

    PS I haven't seen a Gaia Drag Gem so you'd need to list the trade.

    Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/Manhattan_Flapjack
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    I’m the luckiest bastard on the planet (no mariel tho)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    What it looks like cheesing World of Carnage when you don’t skill up anything. Worth it just for the stones.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    Teambuilding for Touya?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    What monsters and pairings would I want for a Touya team? What are the prime subs and possible partners?

    submitted by /u/WarwickIs4Noobs
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    Need some good suggestions for Shuras Yugi team.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 04:28 PM PDT

    What would be some ideal pairings and subs for yugi? Should i go two fortress drag, DM, and evo yugi? Regardless of my box i just wanna know what some top tier subs,parings, and patents would be for a yugi shura team.

    submitted by /u/riptide7989
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    Rolled Zeus and Hera avaTAMA in a single 10 roll. What are the odds haha

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    Star Challenge--Fixed Teammates

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    Figured we could use a thread if people want to post clears or ask questions!

    submitted by /u/myneighborpikachu
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    Star Challenge Question: How did I die?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    I popped a 5 turn dark damage void on Eschamali, triggered her resolve execute and died. The dark void works on any of her other hits; why is this different? I don't see a attribute change.

    submitted by /u/Jigae
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    Alt shura glitch??

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 05:49 PM PDT

    Hello all, so three times in the last 2 days I entered alt shura dungeon and sometimes I minimize the app because I play during work or at home between TV shows and when I reopen the app it completely kicks me out the dungeon wasting all my stamina and takes me to the privacy policy menu as if I was making a new account, Im on the note 10 plus, is there any way to resolve this issue??

    submitted by /u/aacortez89
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