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    Monday, August 31, 2020

    Puzzle & Dragons [Megathread]Rolls thread

    Puzzle & Dragons [Megathread]Rolls thread

    [Megathread]Rolls thread

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    Puzzles and Recreation: RemDra Fever Day

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    Anyone have a link to this background image without the pad logo?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    I tanked Azathoth in TA2 w/o a damage void AMA

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    [JP][NEWS] Chrono Magia is Dead

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    [JP][NEWS] MH Survey Results

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:48 AM PDT

    I’m lactose intolerant but used cheese anyway

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    Is there a strategy for this remdra dungeon?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    I'm having trouble getting to and past level 5. Normally it'd be save up the orbs it's looking for the first few levels, then clear then with a skill. But this dungeon is always dark orbs, and all the tamas make dark orbs. Is there a better method?

    submitted by /u/Ttimerr
    [link] [comments]

    Took some stalling but this is the first multi floor dungeon like it I've ever completely finished!

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    sinon clears alt illusory

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    131 minutes of “Let’s just wing it” for cap. Also I got Yomi and DMeta Avatama in B2B runs!

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    Finally hit my goal of getting over 100k pluses...

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    RemDra Fever Skillfall

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    I got aljae what do I do with her and what pairs well with her?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    Help Building LMenoa Team

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    Hello, returning player here looking to clear end game content but dont know what subs to use for LMenoa. I researched some of the better subs of my box . I notice i dont have a void piercer should i trade for dryer while i can? Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Articul8
    [link] [comments]

    [team help] I’m somebody who didn’t keep up with the meta and (unfortunately) didn’t roll in the last limited. Any suggestions for a team for the Remu I Just rolled?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    [Achievement] Never again

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    Uses for 2 fenrir?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    Rolled two got lucky just wondering

    submitted by /u/MyAssSlapWhenIcrap
    [link] [comments]

    Stellar hall level 3?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 01:24 AM PDT

    How high is her defense? I've attempted it twice and could not break it. Can't use guard break since awoken invalid and can't use any skills. I'd attempt more but I don't want to just throw stamina away

    submitted by /u/W3rodst
    [link] [comments]

    Safi'jiiva Shura Relm Translation

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 04:04 PM PDT


    In the video above, the user stalls around 13:45 mark. Anyone able to translate why? Seems he could use Grandis at any point and take her down.

    submitted by /u/Fatalis_Fafnir
    [link] [comments]

    Is there any way for me to cheese floor 3 of the seven stellar halls? I’ve died to her like 4 times. The no awakenings and no light orbs gimps all my comps that I normally run

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    [LF] Pairings for these leads, mainly Dyer, Fasca, Grigory, & VIdeal, but I'll accept friend requests from pretty much anyone as long as I've got the room! ID: 382, 945, 438

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    I said I'd quit once I have Polowne. 22 pulls later ...

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    Anyone have team suggestions for my box? Touya and light Rei&eva have been my go to so far. Eyeing potential vajra teams or kushinadahime teams. Also trying to figure out whether or not to un-evo my ney and go for a different evo. Thanks in advance for any input :)

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    [LF] VDP Latent. Offering a Poison Surge 315,559,421

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    Looking for a VDP latent. Offering a poison surge. Also I've never seen VDP latent before so you are going to have to make the trade.

    submitted by /u/taken754
    [link] [comments]

    So I just got Krishna, but I don’t know which of his evolutions is better

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 05:39 AM PDT

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