• Breaking News

    Friday, July 2, 2021

    Puzzle & Dragons [NA][Event] Meimei Story Chapter arrives on 7/5

    Puzzle & Dragons [NA][Event] Meimei Story Chapter arrives on 7/5

    [NA][Event] Meimei Story Chapter arrives on 7/5

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 10:19 PM PDT

    Data Download with Angels Series 2 orbs, PAD Academy Assists Are Live

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 06:53 PM PDT

    [NA][Event] PAD Academy Returns 7/5-7/18

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 10:20 PM PDT

    [Discussion] With PAD Academy next, is Kio worth trading for in NA?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 07:23 PM PDT

    I briefly glanced over some teams in JP and what really makes Kio shine are Marvel cards and other JP exclusives iirc so i feel NA won't be able to use him to the fullest extent just like Hanekawa. Would he be a safe skip especially with fairies coming up?

    submitted by /u/TreasureDragon
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    I don't know why I traded for this card, it has a very haunting quality

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 01:09 PM PDT

    No Big Deal, Just 35 Trillion Gold and 7,890 Magic Stones for Dungeon Clear

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 12:27 AM PDT

    PAD Academy Buffs Are Live!

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 06:52 PM PDT

    Git yer Orochi equips and new & improved Valerias!

    submitted by /u/knomraski
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    Stardra Challenge : Incomplete

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 08:13 AM PDT

    That is all. Haven't tried this hard at PAD in a long time.

    Gonna take it easy for a few, definitely no more staying up too late just for a few more tries at the same dungeon.

    Congrats to all those who succeeded it was no small feat and I salute you.

    For those who fell short like me, let me offer a pint, good try friends. I hope we all sleep better tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/StateChemist
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    Horus gathers the noble ones, and with the help of Robin Hood, defeats the Faceless God, Nyarlathotep.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 11:04 PM PDT

    Now these are the buffs i could of used trying to beat ASR2 all that time ago. Great card.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 10:43 PM PDT

    Transform meta? VDP? Roulette orbs? It’s 2015 bro, look at my chase card pull!

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 01:36 AM PDT

    July Quest-Novice Challenge Lv3 reward: Elemental REM pantheon. I really wish Gungho would have rewards like this more often.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 07:15 AM PDT

    How do you build a good team?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    What are good team criteria, what kind of abilities are good, and is it better to use 1 or 2 colors or to use all 5?

    submitted by /u/TheRealAbro
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    Why can't we search by a card's Latent Awokens yet?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 01:01 AM PDT

    Title. It came up last night when I was helping my girlfriend with quest dungeons and couldn't find a Jammer Surge Resist card for our Seina build. :\ It didn't matter too much, thankfully, but it would have saved us a bit of trouble.

    I put Jammer Surge Resist and Poison Surge Resist on strange and unusual things for my teams!
    And if I don't use these things consistently, I quickly lose track of who has what, and it gets lost in my box. It doesn't help that I've been playing since 2013 and tend to hoard anything of worth, interest, or rare quality.... so I have to play the "guess which of these team-relevant cards have what latent" checking game when I could just be filtering for the latent instead. It'd also help for people who have piles of duplicates with different latent awoken kits.

    PAD's great about QOL but we can always use more, especially in this day and age where Latent Awokens can make or break a run.

    submitted by /u/azure-flute
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    July 2021 Quest - Challenge Level 10 #1

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 01:21 PM PDT

    Tried whaling for royal oak but game was like " yo dawg I heard you like nautilus..."

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 11:29 AM PDT


    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 06:18 AM PDT

    So is it just me or is puzzledragonx.com defunct now. I don't think it's been updated for several months and isn't up to date on cards or dungeons. Props to whoever kept it going all these years! I'm missing it!

    submitted by /u/oculus_next
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    Looking for friends and co-op partners after purging inactive players. 305964333. Have subs, 3 mystics, Tanjiro and others.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 07:08 PM PDT


    Also rip to my first best friend with 1200 inactive days.

    submitted by /u/Jiscold
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    Is Albrecht or Aljae a better sub for a Nadeko team?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    This would be for Jurond - I saw a Nadeko team clear that used Aljae but didn't know if she would be better than Albrecht. My second alt is trying this dungeon for the first time and has both. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/blinkycosmocat
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    [Tip] Android users, try disabling sfx to reduce lag

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 08:11 AM PDT

    [Discuss/YamakCross] The Karin Kanzuki guide 2.0 is 1 month old ! A few thoughts about this lead

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 05:03 AM PDT

    I feel like the guide has been "releasead" for a very long time already, yet it's only been 1 month ha ha.

    Just a quick post to tell you about the updates, and a few thoughts.

    First thought :

    I would like to apologize for something. I've been actively trying to reignite the Karin Kanzuki hype flame, and get people to know about her so that they don't miss the opportunity to get her if they're interested in running scaling crosses. Same with Kirei Kotomine at the beginning of Fate Collab. I did that because I saw that with her buff she would be back to pretty much the same kind of status as she was 2 years ago on her initial release in regards to the content back then, i.e, one of the best cross leads, and able to beat most stuff (for the record, 2 years ago she was able to beat everything). And I expected her to stay up there for a while ; in other words, I had a feeling that investing in her could be worth it, and for a long duration.

    To some extent, this is true. She's absolutely still one of the best scaling cross leads, no doubt about it, and she can still beat tons of stuff (pretty much everything up to -and including- ASR1). However, the recent reveal of Dark Albrecht has me thinking that they're not done yet with improving the scaling color crosses playstyle. Don't get me wrong, this is GREAT and I'm thrilled at the idea we might continue to see exciting new cross leads (scaling or non scaling). But this also potentially implies Karin Kanzuki will be obsolete faster as a scaling cross lead.

    It might not happen anytime soon, or it might be sooner than I think. But I can picture it, and while that would be a good thing for sure (if Karin Kanzuki is obsolete that means we have good scaling cross leads), that would also mean you invested resources (magic stones or trade fodder) in getting a lead which stays relevant (in scaling crosses standard) only for a short while. And that would be my fault.

    So if that happens, I would like to apologize. Such devastation this was definitely not my intention, and while I personally don't mind using my resources even for bad cross leads (since I'm collecting color cross leads anyways), I fear my advice might have been misleading, sadly.

    I don't regret hyping people up for Karin Kanzuki, especially after so many of you told me that you appreciated it in some ways. But I can understand if you fear that your resources were miss used. And if that is case (now or in a few weeks/months), I would like to apologize.

    With that out of the way, back to the guide. Quickly just to keep y'all up to date, the guide has received multiple updates since I first "released" it.

    • A new part was added to the guide -as per feedback- to quickly glance over ways to cover a specific essential role (yes, water attribute is a role), like RCV stick, VDP active or cleric. The sub list could use some improvements, and might not be the best way to cover these essential roles, so hopefully this new part should be useful. If you want me to add more roles to this new part, let me know about it. I might do it (this part is harder to maintain and update than the sub list lul) if I think it's worth it!
    • A new part was added to the guide -as per very popular demand- with a few team examples. These are very bland and not tied to specific dungeons (since I have yet to beat the specific dungeons in question first) ; see them more as examples to give you ideas, rather than actual templates. Will do more as I clear stuff.
    • A lot of new subs and equips have been added, as per the new collabs and special REM. June Bride in particular is filled with useful equips, and a couple subs have received notable buffs. Ok no it's just wedding Scheat. I also did some reordering of the sub list, and will keep reordering it.
    • A few changes in the sub list regarding what is key/good/option : several options got promoted to good subs as I re-evaluated them.

    Writing this has me notice that I didn't add any new leader pairings.... I might look into this. I think this is less important, and the essential pairings are already there. I also need to start with the dungeon guides. Sadly my free time has plummeted shortly after I "released" the guide and I haven't had a lot of time to try hard with descends, Arenas and Shuras. So that'll have to wait a bit more.

    As for my general feelings after playing her for a month or so, well, it's no surprise that I LOVE playing her, and I genuinely love the very place where's she's at. She clears the vast majority of stuff (including AA4, to some extent) with relative ease thanks to her newly acquired bulk and damage, but for the most recent descends and (A)Shura 1 you still need to put in the effort to make her work. And that is exactly what I loved about her original self 2 years ago ; she could do everything, but you needed to put in the work still to run her properly in modern stuff (back then). Now she runs more stuff with less effort, but you need more effort to run the more challenging stuff. It's like Karin 1.0 but better in regards to modern content. Except the part about beating everything, I'm positive she doesn't xD

    I also believe the cross awakening is a blessing. I was one of the first to rise an eyebrow to the fact that scaling crosses don't need one thing and that is damage, but it turns out damage tied to crosses is extremely welcome as it is as consistent as you can possibly make it. That, and it's also substantial enough that it enables rainbow VDP ; this was one of the biggest change that I tried to highlight and cover in the guide, but I wasn't 100% sure about performance. Well I'm glad to say I can confirm rainbow VDP actually works with Karin Kanzuki (need a cross awake equip though), especially since she can be herself the rainbow VDP card (she used to need a dedicated sub for that, not anymore), and that is relief.

    Let me get this straight though : rainbow vdp is amazing, and especially since it helps so much with consistency and resource management... But triple cross rainbow FUA is about as hard as triple cross VDP box FUA. A bit easier actually I think, but not by a large margin. It remains however great for managing resources, as triple cross VDP box FUA cannot be performed without an AS, while triple cross rainbow FUA can be done in a natural natural board. Rainbow vdp also deals more than vdp box since you can deal higher sub attribute vdp damage more easily. As for less complicated solves like double cross VDP FUA or triple cross VDP, I think it's straight up easier with rainbow than vdp box, which is great. I really encourage you to try rainbow vdp with Karin Kanzuki. Building rainbow is definitely complicated, but I find it very rewarding!

    Of course bicolor builds are still hella valid, and with the release of many awesome subs you can handle VDP and many other hazards much more easily (teambuilding used to be very difficult, now it's just difficult). But yeah, rainbow Karin Kanzuki works very well now (that is also thanks to the fact we now have great water subs, while it was super not the case 2 years ago lul) and I love it.

    And that's without Narsus. This bad boy is without a doubt Karin's best sub, and will enable the team a ton after release. This might be pretty obvious, but anyone interested in color cross must get him -as well as Phyllis- when Star Weaving Fairies will hit NA. I would like to also highlight SRevo Sakuya who finally received her birthday buff, including her water sub attribute, which is fantastic for rainbow builds.

    What else to say... I think that's most stuff. Of course I could talk about this lead for a lot longer, but I think that's the essential points I wanted to mention.

    So that is all™️. I think I'll keep the guide up to date until I see a cross lead which is a strictly superior Karin Kanzuki (i.e. scaling crosses, x2+ eHP, bicolor+, 7x6). That might take a while :> Or that could be very soon, since devs are still working on this playstyle it seems ~ Don't worry I won't make a reddit post for every update of the guide. I felt like 1 month is a good milestone. Will probably do another one when the guide has received a few more major updates, like a few dungeon guides or other things.

    In the meantime, happy puzzling. See ya later ~

    submitted by /u/Yamakyu
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    [PSA] Jurond 3p is up today

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    And it's 28stam so go wild

    submitted by /u/RadiationHazard
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    [July Quest-Novice challenge Lv3] If you want to skill-up your Elemental pantheon cards…The Mug cards 1766-1770 are the skill-up materials for the Elemental pantheon

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    Stuck behind a wall after only two weeks?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 08:51 AM PDT

    So I've cleared Normal to Training Area, Technical to the Arenas open, and cleared Story mode. At 50+ stamina per attempt, I am only able to try the arenas battles a 10ish times per day with video stam refills. Otherwise, the game is largely unplayable. With those 25 phase arena battles, if RNG fails me at any point and I do not see the tiles I need for my team, I get one-shot/buried with unusable options with skills suppressed and eventually killed off.

    Am I missing something, or is the stamina system in this game unusually limiting? I am able to match 7-8 consistently with a 10 second timer, for what it is worth.

    EDIT: I am sure there are Special dungeons I could concentrate on, but there are so many that it is overwhelming for a new player.

    submitted by /u/Debaucherizer
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    Now that the Stardra title craze is over, does anyone know good Naut team comps for Shura/AS2 ?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 10:23 AM PDT

    Thanks guys for any links or videos to resources?

    submitted by /u/DemonKingBuster
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