• Breaking News

    Wednesday, June 30, 2021

    Puzzle & Dragons [JP][NEWS] Greco Roman 1 Pantheon Equips!

    Puzzle & Dragons [JP][NEWS] Greco Roman 1 Pantheon Equips!

    [JP][NEWS] Greco Roman 1 Pantheon Equips!

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 03:21 AM PDT

    Another Freyja x Nautilus S3 Title Clear!

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    Another Freyja x Nautilus S3 Title Clear!

    Wow. After way more tries than I care to admit to over the past week, I finally pulled it off on the last day for the title.

    If I can help anyone else cross that threshold I'd be glad to. In a comment below I'll post my team build, but here I want to give credit to the many resources I used to finally succeed:

    https://www.reddit.com/r/PuzzleAndDragons/comments/o0zz8i/complete_battle_info_for_shura_3_stellar_stage_of/ (From u/Felix-The-Ghost and myself - This is a translated floor breakdown of spawn stats, attacks, and mechanics)

    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SFbYRjAHsP1LAGRLA0Jhr0goDy0wpruVzIIzf5kZnj0/edit#heading=h.6ouvxcusjmrp (From u/r4lph4lone - This is a rough outline for how the Freyja x Nautilus team should approach the dungeon and most floors. This is especially helpful for getting a consistent rhythm on Floors 1-7, but also has helpful bullet point info for FLoors 8+)

    https://www.reddit.com/r/PuzzleAndDragons/comments/o5a1ai/shura_3iwoc3_resolve_execute_hp_range_visual/ (From u/Rylite - This is really helpful for avoiding execute zones. The #1 reason I died on a run was landing in an execute zone. Once I started using this and had figured out my typical damage I could better avoid execute zones and started getting consistently further in the dungeon before dying)

    One of the images attached with damage output for various boards on various spawns.(After realizing how often my runs were ending due to not predicting well how much damage I would do, I put this together to help me determine what kind of damage my particular team would do on a particular spawn so that I could more consistently chip down and then finish off spawns without landing in execute zone)

    Hit me with any questions you have. I know this is the last day for challenge, so I'll monitor closely and try to respond quickly.

    Freyja X Nautilus Clear

    Freyja X Nautilus Damage

    Freyja X Nautilus Team

    submitted by /u/Zwivix89
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    Didn't JP get 55 stones with the golden week godfest?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 12:55 PM PDT

    I seem to recall this being a thing, but I might be remembering wrong. Would we be expected to get those too, or no since we generally don't celebrate golden week?

    submitted by /u/UltimatePerry
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    One pull couldn’t hurt right?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 04:48 AM PDT

    [JP][NEWS] Day of the Week Arena Dungeons & Eris Dragon!

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 03:22 AM PDT

    Rolled Naut last minute after trying Freyja the past week. Huge thanks to Lumon for the guide!!

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 06:52 AM PDT

    Don’t forget dyers story mode. Over tomorrow!

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 10:21 AM PDT

    LF Oak and Nautilus friends for Stardra. Shivnia also appreciated. 366,278,242

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 10:40 AM PDT

    I have Oak with Mut equip, 2 SDR, 1 god killer, 1 physical killer; and Nautilus with Verdandi equip, 2 SDR, 2 god killers. No Zela hat, unfortunately, but the RCV is nice. Shivnia with <50% equip and 4 healer killers. I just got Selica so I'm hoping to clear the Stardra challenge with Nautilus.

    submitted by /u/Aryite
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    Have 30 Event Medal Rainbows. Am I OK to spend 25 of them to convert to 5 Event Medal Blacks and to take Guardian of the Water City, Athena?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 06:08 AM PDT

    Link to the Monster

    I am running an Algae/Shamash team and would want to swap out Shamash for Athena for two reasons. First, her leader skill is x5 ATK for god cards vs. x4 for Shamash. Second, she has two +2 turn reduction awoken abilities vs. 1 for Shamash and since I am using Algae's morph ability, this would allow it to trigger that much sooner (from Turn 5 to Turn 3).

    I think it's a good idea but just want to make sure I'm not missing something better with the medals.

    Edit - ok seems like the consensus is to not do this. What to do instead?

    Here is a link to my team and box.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/itsmelen
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    Advice For New Player

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 06:27 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! I'm looking to get into the game after I briefly picked it up a long time ago. I just finished the tutorial, and was looking for feedback on whether I should reroll? I know there are a lot of new player guides and stuff in the side bar here, but was curious as to how up to date any of that was. Is there a new player guide that's worth following for the game these days? Any help is deeply appreciated![new rolls](https://imgur.com/gallery/p7cdWd3)

    submitted by /u/BeefMasterFlexx
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    How to get past floor 20 Shura Realm?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    I’m sorry but I had to share this win. I’m a horrible puzzler and have been 7 years but I hit a milestone, even if its Naut, I’m still happy lol

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 06:18 PM PDT

    [Team]Can I scrounge up a cleric for a Stardra Royal Oak team?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 12:16 PM PDT

    My team and box so far: http://imgur.com/a/C1e2JxE

    Really do not have Chun-li or other relevant clerics. Posting box as a last ditch effort for today.


    submitted by /u/Thefruitloopdingus
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    Royal Oak is just as good as Nautilus. Finally done.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 09:12 PM PDT

    Help with Team Building for Stardra would be amazing!

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 12:46 AM PDT

    (Teambuilding) Can someone more experienced than me evaluate if this is a good mono-blue team for me? The 2nd picture has all of my blue att monsters in my box.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 11:07 AM PDT

    [NA][News] GungHo: Google Problem is preventing ads from playing

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 11:06 PM PDT

    Returning bad player starting over.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 12:44 AM PDT

    I'm a on and off player for 5 years and I'm returning, but I'm wondering if theres a beginner guide or something to start off well as well as tips for getting combos, ive always used a helper and I dont want to anymore, thats the reason I always quit. On a side note I'm wondering if there is PvP or a similar game that has pvp, I play pad gold on switch but the games dead. Thanks for all your help everyone.

    submitted by /u/TheRealAbro
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    I just pulled nautilus. Is there a team in box that can attempt stardra last minute?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 05:08 AM PDT

    Here's a link to my wood box: https://imgur.com/a/w2fcbpY

    Would someone be so kind to take a look? I really suck at team building sadly.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/MyMindsWeapon
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