• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 29, 2021

    Puzzle & Dragons Our current SGF is not the golden week. The rates are worse. Non featured 7* are not 1.5% like JP. You might want to wait a month for this 9 stone one. Sophie is nice if you don't have her. Also 2.5% for Naut at 9 stones is big.

    Puzzle & Dragons Our current SGF is not the golden week. The rates are worse. Non featured 7* are not 1.5% like JP. You might want to wait a month for this 9 stone one. Sophie is nice if you don't have her. Also 2.5% for Naut at 9 stones is big.

    Our current SGF is not the golden week. The rates are worse. Non featured 7* are not 1.5% like JP. You might want to wait a month for this 9 stone one. Sophie is nice if you don't have her. Also 2.5% for Naut at 9 stones is big.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 08:47 AM PDT

    Ok I previously posted about the golden week gf nerfed rates. Apparently the translation to NAs end a couple months ago was wrong. This week was never going to be 40% GFE rates. GH didn't do this to deliberately spite us. It was just an honest mistake on the translation.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 11:23 AM PDT

    No hate to the people who translate JP news. They do enough for the community. Think of all the anniversary streams and Collab reruns with 20+ units. They are doing the lord's work.

    submitted by /u/RevoBonerchamp69
    [link] [comments]

    Watching Ads

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 03:26 PM PDT

    Anyone else having issues with ads loading today? I usually don't have issues with ads, but today, two different devices can't seem to play any.

    submitted by /u/tangtang2020
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    Finally cleared Shura 3 clear w/ Royal Oak :)

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    Pulled selica today from the godfest which finally let me beat this godforsaken challenge

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 05:48 PM PDT

    [Question] What about those new Yugioh multipliers?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 11:24 AM PDT

    I've seen a few videos out of JP with some very nice numbers on Pegasus/Exodia/Summoned Skull teams and their type-based multipliers, but I haven't seen any additional translated information. The good news is that the multipliers appear to be factoring in every instance of a type across the team, which is very cool. Has there been any news about the specific numbers and I just missed it?

    submitted by /u/jcapp1231
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    PSA: Diamond REMdra (10 Pulls) is available in the Dark Attribute Monsters 1 skill-up dungeon

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 07:38 AM PDT

    This REMdra is infrequently included in the Godfest skill-up dungeons, so use this chance to save some Pys!

    submitted by /u/NumberOneMom
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    Anyone able to build a successful team around Revo Kurama? Seems like a really fun card but there's a lack of dark/green makers, right?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 11:07 AM PDT

    Rank 1400 NA

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 09:31 PM PDT

    Anyone else with this issue? Restarted and everything, still dosent load.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 05:15 PM PDT

    [JP][NEWS] New GFE - Cecilia

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 03:20 AM PDT

    Giving up on the subs for good

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 11:18 AM PDT

    Hey Ya'll, I'm looking for a team that can clear regular shura 2, if you have any ideas, please comment, I'd love to hear ya'll's ideas. LF: 308,211,354

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 02:02 PM PDT

    Got the 10 roll

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 01:28 AM PDT

    LF Oak Friends: 319 502 360

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 03:08 PM PDT

    Hehe now I got both submarines! First pull in the godfest!! Good luck everyone

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 08:19 AM PDT

    Team Building Help for StarDra/Shura3 with Royal Oak. Would Love Any Help, Especially Chun Li Replacements! My ID for Royal Oak Friends: 314,610,375

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 02:40 PM PDT

    [JP][NEWS] Illustrator Birthday Buffs - Indra & Vritra

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 03:21 AM PDT

    Team building recommendation request

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 01:04 PM PDT

    Loving the new assist evos ��

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    This has got to be the most impressive Menoa fail ever?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    Steam Wallet Money to Magic Stones?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 12:38 PM PDT

    I was just wondering if it was possible to convert money in a steam wallet account to something that could be used to buy magic stones in pad?

    submitted by /u/Milounicorn05
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    Yolo my last 20 gems. Guess Im not quitting today XD

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 03:57 PM PDT

    Wondering if I should change up the assists on freyja and Alynna for shura 3. Any help appreciated

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 01:35 PM PDT

    LF Kopapi trade [362,849,204]

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 03:33 PM PDT

    as title

    submitted by /u/nayfaan
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