• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 13, 2021

    Puzzle & Dragons [JP] [Accidents happen] Official YouTube channel accidentally leaked video: 109 Magic Stones soon

    Puzzle & Dragons [JP] [Accidents happen] Official YouTube channel accidentally leaked video: 109 Magic Stones soon

    [JP] [Accidents happen] Official YouTube channel accidentally leaked video: 109 Magic Stones soon

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 06:52 AM PST


    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 10:52 AM PST

    Seasonal word of warning. Please be very careful with the V-day machine and your stones and your expectations.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 08:35 AM PST

    Here we are arriving at the good ol v-day machine and I just want to crunch some fast numbers. Theres only 2 9*cards here and 2 8 star cards. The 9 star each have the usual 1% and the 8s have the 1.5. A grand total of 2% for 9 star rolls, and 3% for 8 star rolls.


    This current Super godfest (and I do believe our players godfest had even better rates) had 16.5% chance for a 6 star gfe and a 19.5% for a 7 star (wow that seems high to me lol) and an additional 3% for the samurai series.

    The valentines day machine is old. So olllllllld. Chances are you do not want the bottom rariety. Chances are you only want a 8 star or a 9 star. In this perticular case you guys will mainly be gunning for videal and akine. My mathamatical advice it to roll in the godfest for fodder and trade in the events with that fodder. Even if the cost of rolling is 2x, the rates are way beyond that. The vday machine is literally PADs worse rated machine to pull any 8 or 9 star cards from in the game. If you want one of the two vday gals, roll in god fest and trade for them. Why chase that tiny 1 or 2 % to not get it in the end, and wind up with crap instead.

    And my last peice of advice is if you really really want vday sonia or vday ney, plz plz plz do not use other vday fodder to trade for them. It just makes 0 sense to trade 4 vday fodders for a vday 8 star when you can save that for next year and just toss one more trade in there and you can get a sweet new 9 star card they didnt make yet, instead of an 8 star now. The only reason to not do this is if you plan on quitting the game withen this year or if you do not agree with the math data, or if you have almost 0 stones, no way of rolling in the sgf, really want a 8 star from vday, and you have v day fodder on hand. Even so they giving you enough stones per day to start rolling in the sfg and to start saving some of that vday fodder for future 9 star vday cards that havent come out yet ( and honestly akine isent that nice and ideals been out a whole year, but hey to each their own)

    They dont even let you trade in the orb skins as fodder which has been a recent trend for gungho. These seasonsal are painful as f to roll in. please heed advice ;). I know its great to shoot for that tiny1% chance and get it, you go nuts getting your chase card while saving fodder. But you can really just get it safety here with probably less then you were going to invest anyway.

    submitted by /u/juked1s
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    Pretty happy with this just wanted to post my team as a guide for anyone who might be struggling in this ranked dungeon

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 12:16 AM PST

    Reward ?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 11:02 AM PST

    Happy Year of the Ox!!!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 08:22 PM PST

    [Tip][Android] If you're not able to watch ads for free stamina refresh/box space, try resetting your Google advertising ID

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 12:30 PM PST

    Recently ran into the issue of not being able to load any ads on my phone for the free stamina refresh or box space. Originally I was able to get to the ads after mashing "Try Again" a couple of times, but suddenly couldn't get it working anymore. Tried everything ranging from restarting PAD/my phone, switching between wifi/4G, waiting a minute in between tries, but none of those worked.

    However, when I reset my Google advertising ID, the ads starting loading first try.

    To do this, go to Settings > scroll down to Google (Google Settings) > click on "Ads" under Services > click "Reset advertising ID"

    This will open a pop up asking for confirmation that you want to replace your advertising ID with a new random number - click OK. Afterwards, load up PAD and try again.

    Figured this might be worth sharing in case it helps anyone else playing on Android. Tested this on my Galaxy S8 (non-root and not connected to any VPN).

    submitted by /u/cal-yl
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    Artimis Friends? ID:331 899 350

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 02:34 PM PST

    What is a level 1 Super Reincarnated Hino Kagutsuchi used for?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 05:33 AM PST

    I have 2 normal Reincarnated Hinos that I want to SRevo for farming, but want to know if I should wait.

    submitted by /u/NumberOneMom
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    [NA] LF friends with these leaders, just cleaned my friends list yesterday | ID: 349 929 359

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 01:38 PM PST

    [NEWS] [NA] Maintenance 2/18 Starting at 5:30 PST - Update for Valentine's Event and Misc Fixes / Adjustments

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 07:18 PM PST

    [Research] How important is no-skyfall badge for Vampire Tournament?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 07:26 PM PST

    I am not a very good player.

    Most ranking dungeons, I'm only skilled enough to get to the top 20%, usually with a fair amount of effort. Being NIAP, I'm also usually making do with a couple of suboptimal pieces. So, ranking dungeons where I might be able to crown are pretty rare -- they need to be relatively low-skill and line up with my box. Vampire Tournament looked like it might be one of these.

    Or so I thought. Even my best runs were consistently 10s behind reference runs. Which got me thinking: how could I be so far off in a dungeon that required so little comboing?


    I recorded a decent run (apologies for the hobo setup; I don't have a rooted phone so had to use a second device to record). Then I went through frame by frame and compared my run to a reference run. I noted every place where I took more time, whether it was because of skyfall, slow comboing, bad decision-making, or skill use.

    I then separated improvements into "skill- or box-based", or controllable by the player, and "no-skyfall", meaning if I had had the no-skyfall badge, and compared how my score would have improved under each.

    Here are the results.


    In this build, 7 of the floors are 1c or swipe. Only 3 floors -- Carat, Haku, Vampire -- require any kind of comboing. On this run, I took 4.55, 3.7, and 1.63 seconds on those floors (I told you I wasn't very good).

    As you can see from the comparison at the bottom, having no-skyfall would be the equivalent, points-wise, of clearing those floors in 1.6 seconds each.

    Put another way, no-skyfall would have been worth 9,923 points. If I had done those three floors in 0.5 seconds each, that'd be worth 12,182 points. That is, no-skyfall badge on this tournament is worth more than 80% of the difference between a top 20% player and the greatest player in the world (someone who combos as fast as most people swipe).

    Another thing I discovered that I did not see in the excellent Ranking Strategy guide: if you make exactly 1 combo, the attack numbers on your character portraits bounce once. If you make more than 1 combo, the numbers bounce twice, which costs 0.6s. This is why skyfall hurts a 1c strat so much: your first skyfall combo hurts you both with the extra combo resolve time and the extra bounce time.


    Thanks to:

    • u/fether for writing and maintaining the general strategy guide, from which I pulled most of the numbers that made this analysis possible
    • D Pandas for posting your run and sharing your build.
    • fluff#2368 for the tournament strategy guide

    Hope this helps someone and good luck to those trying to crown!

    submitted by /u/mischiefmaker8
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    Shura 2 Seina team building help

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 10:23 AM PST

    [NA] [Team] Norza teambuilding help?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 09:40 AM PST

    I was lucky enough to pull two Norzas from the witches godfest and was trying to cobble together a team for her to pair with GH yomi as an alternative to my Raijin/Fasca team. This is my current attempt (I'll revo Blodin if he's good) and here is my box.

    I put srevo gabriel in because his active seems alright and he can be my VDP solution (is he enough?). I read somewhere that Blodin was supposed to be pretty good, but to me it seems like he only exists to provide SB and blind resist (do Norza teams make rows?). Usui is there for her active and VDP + jammer resist. To me it seems as if the biggest problem with this team is the lack of SB to transform Norza turn 1, but with only 3 sub slots (since Norza is her own best sub I hear) that seems like a difficult proposition.

    I have a couple questions about Norza teams that I was hoping someone with more knowledge could help answer:

    • Do Norza teams always need to transform turn 1 and if so, do I have the cards needed to do it without sacrificing too much dmg/utility?
    • What's her playstyle? Does the dmg come from combos, rows, VDP, or something else?
    • Are there any key subs I'm missing? Should I just go back to Raijin/Fasca?


    submitted by /u/toodles9
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    Any Help is appreciated! Need help building a team/assists!

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 09:23 AM PST

    Game keeps crashing

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 12:06 AM PST

    My game keeps crashing as soon as I enter any dungeon and the stamina is lost as well. Then, dungeons like the New Year's gift dungeons don't give out the reward but still disappear. I reinstalled the app and I still have this problem, and I don't know what information would be relevant to provide. I'd appreciate any help, thank you.

    submitted by /u/TurboPenguin201
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    For those that traded for Artemis how are you feeling right now? Any regrets?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 08:32 AM PST

    I’m still shaking

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 02:34 PM PST

    Either of these guys worth it

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 07:50 AM PST

    LF Menoa friends! 351,531,354

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 01:46 AM PST

    Invades rates in AA2/3 with and without SR Five Elements?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 09:53 PM PST

    Hey everyone!!

    Does anyone know what the invade rates are roughly in AA2/AA3 for Qilin dragon and Scheznarde dragon??

    Im just wondering if adding a SR of the Five Elements would be worth doing to increase the invades rates. Also if you know the base rate (I heard 40%?) then thats great too!!

    submitted by /u/DSchein
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