• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 11, 2020

    Puzzle & Dragons Tip: Floor two of Shura is only two skill boosts, not three.

    Puzzle & Dragons Tip: Floor two of Shura is only two skill boosts, not three.

    Tip: Floor two of Shura is only two skill boosts, not three.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    I've seen a lot of people state that you get three boosts from Lucifer's challenge. However you don't get a boost from his second challenge as you never get a boost from not matching orbs.

    submitted by /u/PsychoKuros
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    [PSA] Weekly Reminders (10/11 - 10/17)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    Here are your weekly reminders for events ending soon, or special events throughout the week.


    Ending today:

    📷 Monster Hunter Collab ends today!

    - Make sure you've cleared both dungeons, S-ranked them, and cleared 3p and Skill Leveling for full rewards.

    - Today is the last day to farm materials for making Hunters (and tomorrow is the last day to trade hunters for Athena Non Gear, Valkyrie Ciel Gear, Zeus Giga Gear or trade 5 7* GFE for a top rarity MH card) and the Egg Machine.

    - Remember, if you do not have the time but have the MP, it may make sense to buy the Hunters to evolve them into the forms you want after via trading for materials - especially Nergigante Alpha Gear. Be aware that Sin Dragons & Key Heroes are starting tomorrow, and that may be a better use of your MP if you're low.

    📷 Ice Palace of Latent Power ends today! Make sure you've at least cleared this for the stone if not for SDR farming.

    📷 Zelenbus Descended ends today! Make sure you've cleared both the 2p and 3p versions for full rewards (p.s. hope you can survive 350k nukes).

    📷 Experience of a Lifetime ends today! Grab your free stone, fatty Tama and rank exp!

    📷 General S-ranks! Wood Companion Dragon, Green Earth's Dimension Dragon and Green Bowl Dragon all end today.

    📷 6x rank exp + half stamina Normal dungeons end today (the half-stam ends today)! Be aware that we have 50x Monster EXP Legendary Earth coming soon.

    📷 8x Rank EXP descends and Training Arena 1/2 end today!

    📷 Be aware that we have a TON of farming coming up for the next month, so remember to do as many of the monthly quests as you can to ensure you get all the rewards! The non-challenge Intermediate dungeons give 10k MP on clear, which may help you in getting another Key from the coming event!

    *Helpful SDKH Links:

    📷 Repost of excellent Sin Dragon what-to-do list by u/ShadyFigure

    📷 [Walkthrough] Sin Dragon and the Keys Heroes by u/fether

    📷 A Guide to the Sacred and Cursed Keys on PDX Academy by u/lumonpad

    📷 Analysis of the Value of Golchaos by u/TurtleArbiter

    - Credit to "Aelita#7313" (u/Nainil) on the Puzzle and Dragons Community Discord server. Please reach out to him or myself with corrections or suggestions.

    *Denotes additions by me

    submitted by /u/phobia42
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    TIL There's an easily obtainable 1.3x coin and XP lead from the always active Takaoka collab for those of us lacking a Ganesha

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 04:02 AM PDT

    The only collab that I want...

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 03:52 AM PDT

    Is this a good starting team?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:50 AM PDT


    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    This month is AWESOME in terms of content, and it makes me wonder what will make the anniversary so special lol

    submitted by /u/kelleheruk
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    Finally hit rank 900 to be rewarded with my 4th Zela. Gotta get all that bad luck out of the way so I have a shot at Feruru dupes in SDKH.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    Key Heroes - Key subs

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    Very excited about the upcoming event but a little confused about which key hero I should be striving for.
    What are the standard teams/key subs for each? Is there a guide somewhere?

    submitted by /u/russiamed
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    I’m late, it’s co-op, and I think the leads are OP but I finally cleared A4 and A5

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:18 AM PDT


    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 03:30 AM PDT

    This was originally going to be a reply to a post by u/phobia42, but it ended up being so long that I decided to just make it a post. I will link the original thread.


    This is a collection of points that people had already put plus my own thoughts.

    Ill start with the cons since it is asking more than previous farmable cards.skill up 77-->7 turns, though the dungeon should have a 100% skill up rate. That is still 70 runs just for skill up more than any other farmable to date.To get him to spawn you need all sin key equips, which will cripple your stats. On top of that you had to farm the dungeon already to get the materials to evolve the sin key to the different forms. Needless to say, you will be running this dungeon A LOT throughout the entirety of the month.

    -No Leader skill viability, unless you are just messing around.

    - No sub attribute

    -Devil typing only (not quite a con, but he does only bolster one type)

    - 200 cost (???? I guess, though most people even looking at this card probably will never have a cost issue and the "infinite cost" badge now exists so...)

    This con list may seem short, but 70 levels to max skill is a huge turn off.

    So, what actually makes Golchaos good?

    Starting with stats, I am evaluating him at max 297+ and Limit broken LV.110.

    HP: 9,134 (pretty good when compared to other REM cards)

    Attack: 4161(Solid)

    RCV: 433 (meh)

    Weight: 1889.93

    in terms of weighted stats, he is 34th highest. really only beaten by 10 stone REM card, most of them being monster hunter 7 stars, the kings of weighted stats. Still 34th is really good considering there is only a handful of farmable cards that make it in the top 100 and most of which are unusable. (ex: 3000 day tamdara with 3000 in each stat.)

    Active Skill: A better Eir active. Cleric + orb changer-full recovery from bind and awoken bind

    -Full recovery form unmatchable orb status (which we see quite often now)

    - Create 7 dark orbs at random

    To compare to another farmable that in terms of active skill that fills the same niche, Eir, he does a better job when comparing just actives. Eir though is meant to be a full healer while Golchaos serves more as DPS so he does not replace Eir by any means.

    There is one card that does come to mind when I think of golchaos, but I will mention that one later after I go over the awakenings.

    Lets look at his max potential. You can have this active up in 7 turns and that is still low enough to maybe have an inherit, though I'd rather have his base active.

    Awoken and Super Awoken:

    • super unbindable (always a good thing to see)
    • Skill bind resist (mandatory to have. Good again)
    • 2 VDP (damage won't go to waste on void spawns)
    • 2 HP <50% (3 with Super awakening)
    • 4 Skill boosts (6 with Super awakening)
    • (super poison resist Super awakening)

    Golchaos can do a sizable amount of damage with up to 25x (50x with SA) personal damage.

    Alternatively, you can go with 6 SB+, and I would say this would be the more common one. With transform being the current meta and introduction of 30 turn transform, 6 SB+ or even 6 "effective" SB+ is invaluable. As someone already mentioned ( u/Ch1 ), there are only 3 other cards that have 6 or more SB+ awakenings (Valeria, Academy Valeria, Revo Red Odin)

    Super poison resist is cool and all, but his other awakenings beat it in my opinion since this can be mitigated with equips or if you own Revo. Allatu. Can be an option if you can farm more of them ( u/timgodfang mentioned a vergil farming team) or you just REALLY need it.

    The ONE CARD that comes close to Golchaos

    Sin Dragon, Wrath. With up to 5 SB+, mostly the same awakenings, but wrath comes with an 'L' making wrath have a higher damage output and a different cleric active.

    his active does the same full bind clears and he also does awoken, but does not get rid of unmatch orb status. Instead giving a attack mutiplier. On a 12 turn cooldown

    compared to golchaos, you swap out utility. Golchaos, does have the advantage of making more dark orbs and can deal with unmatchable orb status and can be on a lower cooldown, but Wrath instead offers a way to deal with attack debuff and has an 'L' awakening. Considering you are pulling in sin dragons a fair amount, you may wanna keep this card in mind.

    This card is a FARMABLE

    There is no card in the farmable category that comes close to what this card is. Perhaps the previously mentioned Eir, but that is only in active and her role is not replaced by this card, nor does she replace Golchaos. Take away the 77 turn non-skill up cool down for a second. This card realistically could have been an REM card. Hell, if I saw this card and didnt see the cool down at base skill up, I would have bet money that it was an REM. Maybe not top rarity REM, but he could belong there if you change his base cooldown.

    Is it worth farming?

    I mean, this is gonna sound like a cop-out answer, but it is really up to you:

    • Do you have a team that can realistically farm the dungeon with crippled stats (Vergil farming team)?
    • Are you or are you not a whale? (what cards do you own and do you wanna rely on probability to get you something that can do what Golchaos does?)
    • Are you willing to to spend the MASSIVE amount of time, and I mean MASSIVE, playing a single dungeon?
    • Where are you in the game? If you are fairly new, then maybe get the card (if you can), but not spend resources on it as you most likely will not be able to. Just hold on to it. If you are close to end game/ are at end game it has more value to have it rather than not have it.
    • Do you own Euchs (Owl Key Hero)? If so, how many? Going back to the whale question, or you have been blessed by RNGesus. If you only have 1, then he may solve a ton of problems.

    My personal value on Golchaos.

    Personally, I will be trying to farm him (2-3 copies), I have a developed monster box to probably make some kind of farming team. I will also be rolling a lot in this event as I have months worth of stones as I originally was saving up for MHA (RIP) + the 150 stones on monday will all go to the event. Though not like that will guarantee me pulling a Euchs. Still, Golchaos is not something I see many cards being able to cover. to the same degree. a full cleric ability on a DPS card that also can give you a better orb distribution. Most of the time I either have a sole cleric or a dedicated assist. I also cannot ignore the 6SB+, most of my teams nowadays have some kind of transform on them so anything with skill boost will catch my eye.

    While I did mention Sin dragon, Wrath, they do still cover different mechanics and it comes down to team building and what is available to you, I would like to have both options available to me. Of course, if I wanted to be lazy, wrath can still be more than enough, (and will be enough for a good amount of players) as long as other areas can be covered, but I like having options when team building. Passing up on a F2P card that can be compared to Wrath would be a lost opportunity for my box.

    Edit: Thanks, to u/Lefty_Leftfield for pointing out the mistake I made on Golchaos's active.

    submitted by /u/TurtleArbiter
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    Foolproof, no-stall* Velkhana / Norza Shura team ( With complete floor guide! )

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    Alt. Shura Co-op Clear + Messy Box Tour - Celebrating Rank 1000

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    Android 11 compatibility

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Is the game still not android 11 compatible? Its been over a month and still no update. This is taking longer than the android 10 update previously.

    submitted by /u/Osnapitsjonxd
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    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    What exactly is an Assist Evo??

    submitted by /u/acounttwo
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    Possible Kimetsu No Yaiba (Demon Slayer) Collab??

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:11 PM PDT


    Sponsorship slide (during rewatch marathon) which noted Gungho

    Monster strike had a demon slayer collab so it's a possibility.


    EDIT: JP HAS MUGEN TRAIN MOVIE RELEASING IN LESS THAN A WEEK, it might be closer than anticipated if true

    submitted by /u/SakuraHanabe
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    How many more hours until I burn all my stones?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    Is it.. Midnight PST? so about 12 hours from this post?

    submitted by /u/alohabrohah
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    Is this a good team I need feedback idk what I’m doing

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    What applications does athena non gear have again? Whats she good at farming?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    Looking for Brahma gem can trade senri gem id: 378247450

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    King Badtan vs Badpy

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    Hello guys, can you tell me what's the difference between the two. It seems that both of them lv up dark monster skill..

    submitted by /u/FarradoN
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    LF Safi’jiiva friends time cheese Shura’s 359150318

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    I have a reeche and a diablos, what should my team members be?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:26 AM PDT


    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 05:25 PM PDT

    I'm a new player and i keep on seeing this hype around SDKH and i don't get it can someone tell me why it's so hype?

    submitted by /u/Pugboiboiboi
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    Fastest way to reroll?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:00 PM PDT

    What is currently the fastest way to reroll? When I first started playing I could use ifunbox to delete the game data and skip downloading the game every time but I don't think ifunbox works anymore. Am I stuck just deleting the game and redownloading nearly a gigabyte every time?

    Thanks for the help and sorry if this question has been answered, google and reddit searches didn't give me much info.

    submitted by /u/GraylySquare224
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    Does anyone have a spare Gin Ichimaru (Bleach Colab)?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    He was the farmable that had the +13 seconds of move time in his LS. I can give +297 for one of him. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Ori_Pad
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