• Breaking News

    Friday, September 4, 2020

    Puzzle & Dragons The future of Mirubot - say hi to Tsubaki Bot!

    Puzzle & Dragons The future of Mirubot - say hi to Tsubaki Bot!

    The future of Mirubot - say hi to Tsubaki Bot!

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    Mirubot Update!

    Today we're happy to announce a new card, Super Mega Reincarnated Equip Miru Bot aka Tsubaki Bot! Tsubaki Bot is a super OP fire row farming card featuring 12 Dragon killers, ^id lookups, autofua, a full fire board on one cooldown after transform, and thirteen time extends!

    In all seriousness, we're taking over the Mirubot project from /u/tactical_retreat:

    • River#4828 - hi, I'm writing this post, you might know me as the mod who writes tips on the community server, I'm basically project managing this, also it's rumored I diagnosed an issue with ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and know one thing about Linux. I also know how to click merge on Aradia's pull requests, the only important qualification for this job.
    • maximumjank#3394 - actually a software developer and actually knows wtf he's doing thank god. He set up the data pipeline (which is the hard part and also the important part and also the basically-impossible-to-replace part) & will make sure it actually stays alive (barring anything catastrophically unexpected happening obviously). He will also babysit me and Aradia so if everything burns down blame us but actually blame him :))))))
    • Aradia Megido#2552 - he's been developing miru/Tsubaki actively for almost a year already and so is super familiar with the framework she runs on and puts up with my feature requests which is honestly amazing. He did the setup for the Tsubaki part of the server (as opposed to the pipeline part) and will keep maintaining any needed changes to the bot.

    Also thanks to Violebot#1462 for her ADORABLE Tsubaki fanart that we're using as profile picture! :)

    How to add Tsubaki to your server

    Here's the invite link! We're not doing separate public and private bots this time; t_r advised against that, since in the end it was just extra memory intensive and confusing for everyone involved, with very low benefit. We made Aradia write some additional code to handle a couple cases where the separation is needed but we think everything should be fine to be combined now.

    Data Migration

    It's possible to migrate some data from Public Miru to Tsubaki Bot as long as Public Miru is still online, see #info in the Tsubaki support Discord server for more info on how to do this.

    About the pipeline/bot:

    We've moved stuff to a new Github account that currently has two repos, one for the pipeline and one for the bot cogs. We also decided to rename the repos so they aren't stuck with currently-familiar but ultimately-confusing-in-the-long-term names. And we un-forked so the most recent version of the code is searchable. So if you'd previously contributed, please re-fork our repos so you can open PR to us. Sorry for making you rename local paths if that's an issue for you.

    How can you help?


    The easiest way to help us if you have disposable income is, hosting is not free, and the costs really add up over time. We started a Patreon that you can contribute to, and if you want to make a one-time donation, you can sign up and then immediately cancel.

    We're not starving - if you're super tightly budgeted please don't donate to us, but if you have money to spare, please consider helping us out! Both me and max are basically just doing our IRL jobs for free for a bunch of hours to make this happen.

    If you can read this, we are not even breaking even on hosting costs - I will delete this message if that changes.

    Padglobal Admin / Development

    You can also contribute your time!! Actually, this is preferred, but it's obviously a lot more effort.

    If you are a veteran player, please consider helping out the padglobal admin team! We are always looking for help writing ^which commands. The "application" process for this is to submit some update ^which commands in #server_feedback on the community Discord server. If we get a high volume of people doing this, the application process might change, we'll make an announcement if that happens.

    If you are developer or CS student or have any experience coding, please consider trying to get a development instance of Tsubaki running and contributing some code to Tsubaki! I tried to update the readme to make it a bit easier to follow by which I mean now it just redirects you to the official Red docs which are actually pretty good. There's also a good first issue! We would like very much for there to be more people involved in development of Tsubaki.

    Join the support server & answer questions

    The Tsubaki support server has a help channel, if you join the server and help people with questions about using the bot or just idle there to learn about the bot and then answer questions later you can help out the admin team!

    Tell people about your favorite Miru/Tsubaki Bot features!

    The reason we're doing this is because we want the community to be able to use the features that we have, so when you learn about a cool new feature that the bot has, tell your friends! We're also going to start posting changelog updates on reddit when we release new commands (try typing ^links Tsubaki in a botspam channel)

    Don't gift us reddit-anything with real money

    This is a shared reddit account, no one's going to browse reddit from it so yeah don't gift us anything haha

    submitted by /u/TsubakiBot
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    My declining interest in PaD

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    It's pretty straightforward. Veteran players often go through pad fatigue or burnout, either doing the bare minimum daily sign in or taking a break from the game entirely. I'm not sure what I feel right now is that. I lost a lot of respect for GungHo and their move with Dadguide and it has heavily affected my excitement for the game. I haven't actually signed in and played for weeks now, just barely bare minimuming for the daily stones. I used Dadguide daily as I did Padguide before to observe current dungeons, research more monsters, and find hype over upcoming content. Of course Dadguide still works for everything up until recently, but as the game develops it'll become more and more out-of-date, leaving us with less flesh-out and mobile-friendly alternatives. And I know there are third-party websites that offer something comparable, but the mobile part is important here imo; I shouldn't have to crack open my laptop to play a phone game. Just sucks.

    Edit: goddamn, I didn't need the app for the dungeons and, honestly, it's a principle issue here.

    submitted by /u/OmarsDamnSpoon
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    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    Anyone else max out on remdra and not get a single AvaTAMA drop?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    I'm still a 100k short of max but I'm not really holding out hope at this point. I even started doing quick, low-scoring kills for additional drops but there's only so much of this thing I can take.

    submitted by /u/cloudkiller
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    I was hoping I could finally clear Shura w my two Neros but with Persona incoming....

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    Shura Realm Cheese (Never again) Due to Not having Shelling Ford had to eat 999 Abs shield

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    LF Shinji& Rei (ID 307,172,311)

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    Homie must of rolled 1,000 times

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    How to understand the Persona drop rate spreadsheet that was posted?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    I am looking at this great drop rate guide that was posted a year ago and I was trying to look at the images, but I have a feeling that since dad guide went down, the images might not load. I am trying to see why for persona, there are two drop data and one has 5 items but has none for 3P while the other side has 10 items. The drop rate per stamina is the lowest for 3P, but depending on the drops will help with determining where to farm since this time, we are farming subs, not medals. Anyone have any idea how the stamina per drop is weighed? Again, I really care more about the drops that can be used for exchanges for the two headphones so those drop rates are more important to me.


    submitted by /u/lazidude999
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    "Pro" player gets 600,000 in REMDra Fever W

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    [Help] Team for Illusory World of Carnage

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    [LF] Looking for Menoa/anything that pairs well with Aljae or Yusuke 333,297,287

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    Just got back into the game a few days ago, my friend list is mostly barren.

    Typically run Yusuke(light/blue), Blue Sonia and Aljae

    Any friends would be appreciated, I got 117 spots open at the moment!

    submitted by /u/Syhnz
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    [LF] Anyone have a Noah for trade? Also Orochi with Shelling Ford Equip Add Me 332,998,210

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    I'm trying to make Reeche's hat for cheese team but don't have Noah for Machine Noa. While I'm at it, I'm looking for any Super Evo Orochi with Shelling Ford Equip out there.

    submitted by /u/xvz436
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    PSA: Elizabeth(Persona) equip is amazing for Shura Realm

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 03:56 AM PDT

    Her 2 turns att+atk absorb void assist is great for all forms of Menoa in Shura realm. FUA and enhanced heart orbs awakenings are also very useful. It's great for the upcoming Feruru team. NY Reeche hat does the same void for 3 turns, but it takes way longer to charge.

    submitted by /u/Jigglechu
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    This PADW “Top” Pull Made Me Realize

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    GH really takes advantage of "it's free so we won't make it good" mindset. I know I sound greedy and in the wrong but I think it's just not a very nice move to pull. This ranking dungeon is time consuming and not very fun tbh. It's a grind and the least they can do is make the top tier one time pull at least have a respectable chance of giving us a GFE. Looking through the results thread was just depressing I counted a total of two from the entire section.

    This also highlights a problem with "Memorial Pulls" where it's just a horribly nerfed free pull which is honestly at that point an entirely different machine. Memorial eggs just feels like hey thanks for playing but we also don't feel like giving you a single fair pull for free. Bad for new players and old players alike. New players will think "wait that's it? I've never gotten a single good thing out of this "trial" pull why should I use stones?" And for older players it's just a bit of an insult at worst and a 4* or 5* niche equip card at best.

    Take a look at other mobile games they keep their players happy yet enticing. FEH for example gives fair free pulls ones that actually have a chance to be good and is not only good at enticing but also is a nice gesture that makes me excited for any new banner. I've gotten 5* features pulls once in a while compared to PAD which in my seven years of playing only got ONE top rarity card for DMC (their orb pricing on the other hand... but I digress).

    I feel PAD can loosen up on free pulls and not take the "it's free so it doesn't matter and let's make it shit on purpose" approach. Especially considering how stones trickle out slowly and 10 stones for most machines is hella expensive with super expensive stone pricing. Especially older players who most likely get dupes even with stones/money spent and rates are not good enough for you not to get screwed over if you're unlucky. (Also note that we have absolutely no pity system for pulling itself though we do have trading which is a godsend).

    I love the game and there's a reason why I stuck with it for seven years but this is something I feel that needs to be addressed.

    submitted by /u/TreasureDragon
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    [Event][NA] Persona Collab 2nd Run 9/7-9/20

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 09:45 PM PDT

    20 magic stone tier added. Keep running that REMdra.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 09:07 PM PDT

    5,800,000,000 points so definitely doable.

    submitted by /u/thegeekwriters
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    [JP][NEWS] Attribute Absorb Latent Changes

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 01:57 AM PDT

    LF Reinc Orochi w/Shelling Ford Equip for Shura realm cheese, 373,597,297

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    Hoping to cheese it so I can roll more in the current godfest!

    submitted by /u/MemeOverMeta
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    [News][NA] SREvo Isis live

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    Second set of MH buffs announced: more bonus stats and extra latent slots

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 01:06 AM PDT

    Helpful REMDra Tip - Expired Time is Not Instant Defeat

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    Everyone may already know about this, but I just discovered it and it's helping me a lot. If your time runs out while you are still moving, your turn ends, but you get the benefits of the matches you've already made (it's not instant game over).

    I usually let the time pressure get to me and leave more time on the clock than I need before releasing my combo. But now I know if I'm within 10 or so orbs of the next level, I can start matching, take my time a little, maybe unmatch a few dark orbs, etc. without worrying about losing. When my time expires, I get my combos, move to the next level, and get my timer back. This seems especially useful on the last burst to get the full benefit of all available time when you're ready to kill. Hope this can help someone else!

    submitted by /u/phobia42
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    I know this crown is easy to get, but I'm finally going to get my first one :)

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    5.8b Remdra challenge cleared. 20 magic stones for all.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    Great work everyone! Is it possible there will be another stretch goal?

    submitted by /u/TackyBrad
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    [NA][Brag] Good job fam getting the 20 magic stones REMDra reward!

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 02:02 PM PDT

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