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    Monday, May 11, 2020

    Puzzle & Dragons [megathread] rolls thread

    Puzzle & Dragons [megathread] rolls thread

    [megathread] rolls thread

    Posted: 10 May 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    Screaming bankai increases your chances of rolling what you want.

    submitted by /u/ChoppedChef33
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    Cleanest splash screen? no 4 chase card characters fighting for frontpage?Hmm I like it. Including the JP looking silhouette thing

    Posted: 11 May 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    Note to newer players and alike to hold onto on of these cards. Leader skill extends time for a very long time. Good to practice with as well as being useful to clear mechanics in the game as well.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    [Achievement] Sub-10 minute A5 with Hiyori x Grigory

    Posted: 11 May 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    I hope I’m not the only one who thinks these should be stacked

    Posted: 11 May 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    [Misc] Are we still doing phrasing?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:04 AM PDT

    [Achievement] Anna propaganda! Cleared AA3 with Anna, still trying to do colo 2 and A6 with her ><

    Posted: 11 May 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    I miss these free roll challenges. I cant remember the last one I saw that I didnt already complete. Would be awesome if they refreshed every time the event/collab came along. Plus this one was double awesome, gave two rainbow bleach gatcha medals too.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    I too am an old man

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    [Achievement] Slow day at work today, so I took the time to finish Complete Annihilation Endless Corridors

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    i challenge you to beat me

    Posted: 11 May 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    Wil you be using all your stones on this Bleach collab? Is it worth it?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    Stop hurting my karma :(

    submitted by /u/Valecilo
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    Re-entering pad

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    i was an old PaD player, i've decided to come back to this game, for wich character should i reroll/wait for?

    submitted by /u/ErMorco
    [link] [comments]

    [LF] Ina friends! 376 853 454

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    How much in advance does Gungho announce Godfests?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:51 PM PDT

    Looking to start an alt, when will the next one be and how many days before do we find out?

    submitted by /u/itismejy
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    Which Aizen Evo?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    As the title implies, which Aizen evo are you going for and for what reason are you picking? For me, I'm considering going for the evo route since I have strong water VDP subs like Deena and BVeroah...

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/HispanicZuoh
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    [LF][NA] Sougo Okita Friends [ID] 392,308,477

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    [LF][NA] Gronia, Alice, Edward, Yog, Baldin, NY Reeche, friends in general. 331,727,490

    Posted: 11 May 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    [LF] Looking for DKarin friends or any leads that work well with her (313,024,454)

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    Any leads that work well w/ DKarin would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/kingronsan
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    Worth trading for Shinji?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    I pulled the bleach REM a couple times looking for shinji and got ichigo, aizen, and genryusai. I have an extra skuld as trade fodder that I can use but want to know if shinji is worth trading them all for. I also have a raijin, paimon, and a dantalion that I can trade in if necessary. I would use shinji either in my yugi/nelle team for awoken skill bind recovery or pair him with reincarnated ra dragon or rikku & distel

    submitted by /u/Hiya4210
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    Looking for someone to best friend who has minaka and/or faska. ID: 399,852,404

    Posted: 11 May 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    Returning Player

    Posted: 11 May 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    I think I installed on Thursday ? I haven't played for way over 6 years and that seems to be fine since in just 3 days I'm absurdly more powerful than my previous accounts. I believe I have what's shaping up to be a decent wood team. My first pull upon my account's creation I pulled shigeshige, freyja, two balboa, & kushinadahime. I also pulled Double Edged Blade Brave, Claymore. Her leader skill seems insane, now she evolves into an "assist evolution" and I need things explained to me like I'm a five year old, shigeshige has an assist evolve too. It doesn't seem to be remotely worth since he is my leader . If I evolve Claymore can I assign her leader skill to another leader and that leader not only has their respective leader skill but they also gain hers, but I also lose the ability to equip her to a team? Another one of my many questions regards my Kushinadahime who I have at No .804 but to evolve to the desired No. 2983 she requires an evolution item that according to puzzledragonx.com is unobtainable. Same if I wanted to get reincarnated freyja. One other thing, what should I do with my extra Balboa? Dude's insanely cool looking with a decent skill, would I be able to evolve two different paths and have two on a team? Or not worth because the team I've assembled doesn't have enough orb changers? One more regards awakenings is there a super good method to obtain tamadra?I have many more questions but I'll end the pestering here. Tyvm. Edit* : what's the point of the dungeons like the Water Companion Dragon and also the Indigo Ocean's Dimension Dragon ? I am currently unable to clear past master floor . Do you end up getting the cards in the end?

    submitted by /u/wmxxre
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    How do you make a Jp pad account on updated NA iOS?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    Been wanting to make a jp account to play on but I'm not sure how to go about it. Don't want to download any "sketchy" apps either.

    submitted by /u/Xaudit
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    [LF] Yashamaru Kurama friends ID: 373 620 463

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    Been using Kurama to grind out mp dungeons with Volkan and Dortin to see how high I can get my max hp. Much appreciated

    submitted by /u/mmmmddddddd
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    [LF][NA] Looking for hermei/dyer friends 315,686,310

    Posted: 11 May 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    [News] Shaman King roll buffs

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:18 AM PDT

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