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    Puzzle & Dragons [Guide] Late/Endgame Team Building Methodology

    Puzzle & Dragons [Guide] Late/Endgame Team Building Methodology

    [Guide] Late/Endgame Team Building Methodology

    Posted: 10 May 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    This is my guide to team building for the late/end game for pad. This will walk through my methodology for looking through a box and determining which team to play to tackle the hardest dungeons in the game. I also try to explain end-game dungeon mechanics as the game basically lets you figure that out on your own. As usual this is based off my experience playing in JP along with watching various you tubers. I do not play multiplayer at all, so I can't commend on any of those aspects. First some general comments:

    Before we start, here's a set of common mistakes I see:

    • OP leader with sub pair subs, in many cases can't even take advantage of the leader's strengths
    • The team only has damage dealers and no utility
    • Not maximising team potential by restricting subs to on-color/type only

    Step 1: Identify potential attributes

    PAD is in such a good state now that we have plenty of leaders that can clear most end-game content consistently. It's all about putting together a well rounded team with a good set of subs - an OP leader will not carry you by himself at this stage in the game. This is even more important in the current state of game where transform leaders require specific selection of subs to be successful.

    Your main goal is to identify which attributes you can build around regardless of leaders. As the end-game is filled with damage void bosses, you'll want to find strong void damage penetration (VDP) subs. This is usually defined as someone with 3 VDP awakenings or or 2x 7c + 2x VDP or 3x 7c + 1x VDP awakenings. Look for 1, preferably 2 VDP subs. Don't worry if you don't have access to any, as you can borrow a friend's and just go to step 2.

    By the end of step 1, you should know which attributes are viable.

    Step 2: Pick your leader

    Now that know which colours are viable, you need to choose a leader that can take advantage of those VDP subs. If you aren't familiar with the meta you can reference these two links (turn on google translate if you can't read Japanese):

    For both lists make sure you scroll/click on monsters to see alternative leader pairings. In many cases you may not have a tiered leader yourself but you can use a compatible leader to take advantage. Due to overlap in leaderskill abilities, its now better to use an alternative leader. If you did not identify a VDP damage card in step 2, then look for a compatible leader can you can pair with who is also a VDP damage leader such as Velkhana or Fasca but make sure its your primary attribute.

    For end-game content you'll want a leader pair that provides 3x+ effective HP along with 144x+ damage (ATK). I suck at math but if your leader has a shield, you can translate a 50% shield to a 2x effective HP multiplier or a 25% one to 1.333% multiplier. For example, Yugi with Nelle would provide an effective HP of 5.32x with 360x ATK. You'll also want a leader with 7x6 board or have native +combo clause to help deal with combo shields

    After you've identified a number of potential leader candidates you'll want to verify which leaders are compatible with your VDP damage subs. You'll want to focus mainly on the damage multiplier as you need the VDP damage subs to be as effective as possible. Leaderskills can be tied to attribute or type - make sure to account for both leaders. For example, Academy Valeria only provides ATK multiplier to Light attribute cards while Mega Awoken Metatron only provides ATK multiplier to God typing cards.

    By the end of step 2, you should have at least 1 leader/sub pairing. You should take note of any additional team building requirements such as skill boosts (SB) to transform your leaders as well as typing restrictions of each leader.

    Step 3: Pick your subs

    Time to assemble the rest of your team! If you have more than 1 leader/sub pairing combination identified from step 2 then start with the one you prefer or the one with more compatible VDP damage subs. You're stuck with your leader pairing so this leaves you with 4 slots:

    1. VDP damage sub
    2. VDP damage sub or if one of your leaders is also an on-color VDP damage then this slot can be your normal damage sub - typically this would be 3x 7c or similar
    3. Utility
    4. Utility

    Now let's pick out the remaining slots. Utility should cover one or more of the following:

    1. Fast orb changer (6CD or less) - you'll want 2+ in your team if your leaderskill requires 6 or more orbs to activate
    2. Extra finger awakenings to enable you to be consistent - if you can't clear the board regularly then you need more time
    3. Deal with specific dungeon mechanics
    4. Criteria to meet leader pairing requirements such as color coverage or skill boosts
    5. Full color coverage if you're running rainbow

    In terms of dungeon mechanics, these are the main ones to deal with:

    Hazards (in order of priority)

    • Blind - all orbs hidden until they're moved. Each blind resist awakening provides 20% resist (full resist with 5 or just 1 blind+ awakening)
    • Poison - X orbs are changed to poison, matching these will deal damage to you. If you have high RCV you can just out-heal these. Each poison resist awakening provides 20% resist (full resist with 5 or just 1 poison+ awakening). You can also counter this by running a leader like Grigory who takes no damage from poison.
    • Cloud - cloud is applied to a portion of the board, removes visibility of orbs in the affected area. You can stall these out but may reduce your ability to combo+heal as you can see orbs. Cloud resist awakening will fully block this hazard.
    • Tape - tape is applied to a portion of the board, restricts movement in that area but orbs are still visible. Note you can still match orbs in the tape. Particularly easy to stall out if you run 7x6. Tape resist awakening will fully block this hazard.
    • Jammer/Bombs - X jammer or bombs are spawned, not matching bombs will deal damage to you and delete the orbs in the same row+column. Jammers are just another attribute to match. Each jammer resist awakening provides 20% resist (full resist with 5 or just 1 jammer+ awakening)

    Skill Bind

    • Restricts you from using affected monster's skill for X turns.
    • Each Skill Bind Resist (SBR) awakening provides 20% resist (5 for full).

    Resolve - enemy cannot be 1shot, will heal back a certain amount. In most cases you will die or have a heavy debuff applied. You can counter it in a number of ways:

    • Delay active if monster is not immune
    • Damage control until resolve disappears
    • Have access to follow-up attack (FUA) awakening and match a column of hearts while killing the monster
    • Poison active if the monster is not immune
    • Have a leader skill that deals additional damage after attack (aka AutoFUA) such as Haohmaru. This saves you from needing the awakening and hearts, hence why it's so desirable

    Pre-emptive Attack - monster hits you before you get a chance to attack.

    • This generally defines the HP requirement for the dungeon as you can't avoid it by one-shorting every floor.
    • AA2 has the largest pre-empt at 164K with multiple hits.
    • Remember that if your shield is tied to HP levels such as Ina then you'll need more effective HP for multi-hits.

    Bind (AA2) - the affected monsters are inactive: their leader skill won't apply, they deal no damage and their skills won't charge. Binds last for X turns. You can deal with it in a number of ways:

    • Stall it out, not recommended if it's your leaders
    • Each bind resist provides 50% (2 for full or 1 bind+). This only applies if you are not awoken bound
    • Match a row of hearts if you have recover bind awakening. This clears 3 turns for each awakening
    • Bind clear active such as Green Odin

    Awoken Bind

    • Team loses all awakenings for X turns.
    • This can either be stalled or cleared with an awoken bind active such as Gintoki

    Combo Shield (AA2 and beyond)

    • Monster absorbs all damage if you do not do more combos then the shield.
    • This can either be countered with 7x6 board, a +combo leader skill or a +combo active like Planar

    Damage Void Shield (A4 and beyond)

    • Monster will received 0 damage above X.
    • This can be countered with stalling out the shield, your VDP damage sub, damage void bypass active such as Akine or damage void latent

    Damage Absorb Shield (A3 and beyond)

    • Monster will absorb all damage received above X.
    • This can be countered by stalling out the shield or with a damage absorb bypass active such as Evo Asuna (this is more commonly referred to as a Fujin active as she was the first card to receive this active).

    Attribute Absorb Shield

    • Monster absorbs all damage from the attribute shown.
    • This can be countered by stalling out the shield, not matching the attribute or by using an attribute absorb bypass active such as VAndro.
    • Note that damage is dealt left to right by your team by main attribute then sub - this allows you to overwrite the absorbed damage if the absorbed attribute is not the last damage dealt.

    Spinners (AA2 and beyond)

    • X orbs will change color in order from Fire, Water, Wood, Light, Dark, Heal at a predetermined interval for Y turns. Note that this is a hazard but can also help give you more orbs of a certain attribute.
    • Trick: you can hold onto any spinner orbs to stop them from changing - do this one orb time to manipulate them however you want.
    • You can counter this by locking the board with an active like NYBaal

    Time Debuff

    • Reduces movement time by X for Y turns.
    • Can be cleared by any time buff/debuff active such as Claio or En

    RCV Debuff (AA3 and beyond)

    • Reduces your recovery by X for Y turns.
    • Can be removed with a RCV buff/debuff active such as Veroah or Mizutsune

    Poison Skyfall (AA2 and beyond)

    • X% of orbs will fall as poison orbs for Y turns.
    • This can be countered with a poison skyfall block latent or overwritten with another poison/jammer skyfall active such as MFenrir.

    Jammer Skyfall

    • X% of orbs will fall as hammers for Y turns.
    • Stall it or just play as normal.

    Damage Debuff (A6/AA4)

    • Reduces your team's damage by X for Y turns.
    • Can be removed with any damage buff/debuff such as Kuuga Rideror RNeph

    High Defense (A6/AA4 in particular)

    • Monster takes no damage below X.
    • Most high defense mobs can just be bursted but some have over 1B defense in which can you'll want to counter with either: AutoFUA damage, guardbreak or poison active.

    Locked Orbs/Locked Orb Skyfall

    • X orbs are locked and these cannot be converted. For skyfall, X% of orbs are locked for Y turns.
    • Orbs can be unlocked and Locked Skyfall cleared by matching the same attribute L set of orbs as a card with L-awakening such as matching red L with Anna on the team.

    Here's my top tips during this step:

    • As a general rule of thumb I always try to have my teams at least cover the following: blind, poison, cloud, tape, resolve, awoken bind, damage void and damage absorb.
    • You'll want to counter as many dungeon mechanics as possible with your subs so you have more flexibility with inherits. Most smaller/newer boxes won't have access to as many equips so this is important.
    • Blind+, poison+, jammer+ are better on subs then equips as it takes two equips to cover a single hazard+ awakening.
    • Click on the stat area under your team members and verify your resist/SB counts. Remember 5 for full resist.
    • For actives you want to use more than once a dungeon, it is generally better to have it as a sub than inherit. For example, my Fujin active is almost always covered in step 4 when building for AA3
    • Prioritize subs that can deal with many mechanics at once. This is why RDiaochan is so good - she counters awoken bind, blind, partial skillbind, ocked orbs and time debuff along with providing 4SB.
    • It's ok to run "off-type" subs (subs that don't match your leaderskill, either fully or one of the pair)
      • If your leader is type restricted, utility subs don't need to be your main attribute. For example, you may want to run Mega Kanna on a Lampeid/Fasca team
      • Utility subs don't need to do damage - it's ok if they don't get the ATK multiplier. For example you may want to run Eir on your Academy Apollo team
      • Running 1 completely off sub is fine as long as you make the dungeon HP thresholds. For example Valeria can help Yugi teams transform in Col2 where you cannot rely on SAs for SB.

    By end of step 4, you should have a full team together. Take note of dungeon mechanics you haven't countered for step 5 as well as missing SB.

    Step 4: Inherits/Equips

    You'll want to focus on four things with inherits:

    • Counter the remaining dungeon mechanics
    • Boost your team
      • Add movement time with finger awakenings for example with Honoka equip
      • Boost the overall team's damage with on color rows/enhanced orbs. Adding enhanced orbs with any free slots is great.
      • Damage boost to your VDP damage subs. Options include relevant killers such as Kyori for AA3, <50% equip or >80% equip. This is particularly important if you only have 1 - having it be an on-color equip would be even better
      • Make up for team weaknesses such as HP or RCV. This can be done with team awakenings such as Amatsu equip or just putting on-color equips for those additional stats
    • Add skill boosts
      • Equips with SB awakening
      • Haste active such as Leonis
      • Delay active such as Dark Magician
    • Skill delay
      • Both inherits and equips also act as skill delay counters. Skill delay will be applied to inherit CD then to base skill CD.

    By end of step 4, you'll have a fully functioning team. Congrats! Now is the time to take it for a spin in endless corridors making sure you'll have enough HP, can transform your leaders and have enough movement time. Rinse and repeat step 3 and 4 for your other leader pairings to see how each stack up.

    Step 5: Latents

    For the most part, you'll want to apply latents other than skill delay resist (SDR) based on the dungeon bosses and mechanics.

    • You'll want 6SDR on everyone who doesn't do damage as a general rule of thumb
    • Put HP+ latents on your highest HP sub for maximum benefit if you need more bulk
    • Put RCV+ latents on your highest RCV sub for maximum benefit if you feel healing is lacking
    • Killer latents should go on your damage dealers based off the dungeon you want to clear/farm

    This ended up way too long so I decided not to add an examples section. Feel free to post your post along with what dungeon you want to clear and I can use them as examples. I prefer to help those with smaller boxes as it better illustrates the methodology.

    submitted by /u/zoopido
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    Aboslutely Necessary Ideal/No.6 Mother's Day repost

    Posted: 10 May 2020 05:43 AM PDT


    Yeah, been about a year since I put this here. And I'll do it again and again, every Valentines and Mother's Day.

    Happy Mother's Day, PAD!

    submitted by /u/PuzzarianIdeal
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    I’m trying to get the golden booted god of war vidars gem for an evolution but i’m not reallly good enough for mythical dungeons. could anyone help me out? (for some context on how good I am, I can do legend pretty easily and legend plus if I get a good enough helper monster)

    Posted: 10 May 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    Still one of the hottest looking cards in PAD, not even animated. Anyone else have some old standing favorites? 2746 zuoh is probably my other fav

    Posted: 10 May 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    Bombs away, or more like...Justaway (haha kill me.)

    Posted: 10 May 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    Happy mothers day

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    What do you think about the ongoing trend in the video industry to implement more and more Microtransactions in Video Games����?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    Help me graduate by filling out my survey.🎓

    I conduct my research for the purpose of my Master Thesis in Business Administration at the University of Freiberg. It will take you approximately 10 min to fill out this survey. Your data is treated confidentially and anonymously, only in the scope of this research. Your participation is completely voluntary, thus you can withdraw at any time. Please take this survey seriously since your honest opinion matters.

    If you have further questions related to my study, feel free to send me a message. 😊

    Thank you in advance! I appreciate your participation.

    Link to the survey: https://limesurvey.hrz.tu-freiberg.de/index.php/42937?lang=en

    submitted by /u/AmaliaLisa
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    Sorry to do this for the millionth time, but I need Dyer friends! Unbindable with void damage absorb assist. Will switch to 7c SA as soon as I get 2 more SB on my team. 324-345-398

    Posted: 10 May 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    Today eris is in 3p, for all those people who still need apples

    Posted: 10 May 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    Yugi,Asian,Kaname,Alynna, Rec Horus leads 331848426

    Posted: 10 May 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    [Shitpost] Im ready for Briefs Meta Farming BLEACH

    Posted: 10 May 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    Why are all the awakening descriptions so ambiguous??

    Posted: 09 May 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    Like I know what all the multipliers are like 7c is 2x etc etc. but all it says is increases attack. It doesn't say how much. I mean 2x attack is less text than saying increases attack. In the beginning I had no clue of the significance of the impact of any of the awakenings.

    submitted by /u/W3rodst
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    Should I trade for Sougo Okita

    Posted: 10 May 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    I was thinking that Sougo would go good on my Yugi team since he has 4 skill boost, resist bind, and has an amazing skill that quadruples dark and light ATT attack for 2 turns in a 12 turn cooldown. I currently have 5 unit that I can trade for him being Gintoki Sakata, Skuld, Gremory, Aten, and Yog-Sothoth all of which I do not use in any regard. Currently on my Yugi team I have Nergigante, Bakura, Dark Magician, and Fortress dragon with all my inherits being equipment with skill boost and gimmick resist. I was thinking of either replacing Fortress dragon or putting him as an inherit on Bakura. Please tell me if I should trade for him and where I should put him on my team.

    submitted by /u/Senlui
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    Just made more room on freinds list anyone who needs a nelle/fesks up all the time in slot 1 and 2 respectively. ID 313 319 328. Kaiba equip assist on both

    Posted: 10 May 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    Kaiba assist brings a skillboost, 2 time extends, a team hp plus, a team rcv plus and a regular hp plus

    submitted by /u/juked1s
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    [q] Is a scroll (movement lock) resist awakening applicable to both teams in co-op?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:20 PM PDT


    Team 1 has a scroll resist awakening (normal, not a super awakening). Team 2 does not.

    Team 2 is up when an enemy uses a scroll lock.

    Does the scroll lock get removed?


    submitted by /u/scarlet_lovah
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    How much money have you guys dropped on this game?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    i gotta be honest, probably around 500.. too much. its just too satisfying to see that animated diamond egg.

    submitted by /u/jacobiscool09
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    Suggestion for Monster Evolution Page

    Posted: 10 May 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    We are already able to filter monsters by "Evolvable". It would be nice to have the ability to filter out Assist Evolutions. When I go through my box seeing what new evolutions there are, I find myself having to click each one just to find that there is an Assist evolution, when I have already chosen not to evolve that monster down that path.

    submitted by /u/ZGorlock
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    [LF] dyer friends, i have mega aten. 310950202

    Posted: 09 May 2020 08:56 PM PDT

    Alice friends [301,355,452]

    Posted: 09 May 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    Nimue team building...

    Posted: 09 May 2020 10:51 PM PDT


    Would anyone mind helping me build a team for Nimue Annihilation please?

    PAD Box https://imgur.com/gallery/qyVlHkA

    submitted by /u/DeusExDeusUnus
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    Question about EVOing cards

    Posted: 09 May 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    Is there ever an instance where I wouldn't want to evo my equip cards to their equip forms, or Evo a card in general to it's next form. ( this is solely speaking from a perspective where I DO NOT have dupes of these cards)

    A little Background... I evod the light 6* card from the gintama collaboration into his Baal costume form but notice people are running his base form. Thx for any help.

    submitted by /u/BABBDINGO
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