• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 31, 2019

    Puzzle & Dragons The new boss (Vidarr) changes your board to 7x6

    Puzzle & Dragons The new boss (Vidarr) changes your board to 7x6

    The new boss (Vidarr) changes your board to 7x6

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:42 AM PST

    [Review?] PAD Rewind 2019 - A Recap and Review

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 08:11 AM PST

    2000 day Appreciation

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:23 AM PST


    So I recently received a 2000 day Tamadra gift. Looking back I didn't realize how long I've been playing this game for. I would like to thank the developers and the community for making this one really fun.

    I found out about this game because I like games bejeweled but I really hate the timing aspect of it. It was around 2013 and I was in Japan and I saw this guy playing puzzles and dragons on this phone. I said to myself "shit, the game looks nice it's like bejeweled.... Oh wait... You can move the orb anywhere you want?!! I need to find this game".

    Thankfully because of this game is named I only remembered that there were puzzles and dragons manage to find the NA version. I was playing the game on and off and it was fun. I was pretty casual so I had no real idea of what I was doing and how the evolution worked. The daily dungeons we're actually daily, stamina took like 10 minutes to regen 1pt, and I only start out with 20 box space.

    I think it wasn't until I learned that the mystic soldiers have evolutions which caught my attention. I love to draw and I didn't realize how epic the artwork was for the mystic soldiers after a few evolutions. ever since then I wanted to level up all my monsters and evolve them to the most coolest looking evolutions. That's how I continue to play for so long.

    I never really went on the subreddit until maybe a couple years ago. I was figuring out stuff myself and joining the puzzles and dragons Facebook group.

    I remember when I first got my decent lead. Who was red Sonia and she helped me pull through most of the beginning and mid dungeons. After this out of big slump and was trying to figure out a good team. I have done the liu bei tpa team, sakuya rainbow team, verdandi team and more. It wasn't until my cousin start to play the game and he got Ryune, I had I&I. This was the time where tank meta was pretty popular. Having a team with over 45 khp was pretty amazing. That helped me cleared up a lot of dungeons. I was switching between the team and my Ana-Typhon team. It was great and dungeons were so pretty challenging.

    It wasn't until they release the MP store which got me really excited. At this point I was a dolphin and spent some money on the game and had a lot of duplicates. I bought Yomi-dra and that really helped out my team.

    Fast forward a couple years and they released dark Athena. This is when I found out the game became really easy which was not an issue for me because I play this game to relax.

    Dark Athena basically help me cleared many of the harder dungeons.

    Since then I have slowly collected a good team for all occasions.

    Although I don't know how much money I put into this game or how much time I put into it, I have to say that this game has been the most of the most enjoyable games that I ever played.

    So this is just a thank you.

    submitted by /u/WagyuMuffin
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    Finally got Gaslowe! Used my "new" Tifa team as I just recently got key light subs to make it work. Happy New Year!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 08:55 AM PST

    Decline of the Pantheons

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 10:00 PM PST

    So, I know it's kind of who cares? There's collabs and GFE's that cost more stones that really want your money that SHOULD be much better. But pantheons used to have at least a few top tier chase cards. Yea... I guess dio chan and sun quan right now.. I have them both I haven't bothered to evo. Although they have great utility, they are pretty much offensiveless-ness. But I just rolled a Shasmash or w.e the girls name is in the PC GF machine... and its just like ohh my god what is the point of this card. Its just god awful and not really good at neither ultilty or offense. The point that I'm trying to arrive at is right before I think it was mesopotamia family, panethons seemed do be doing ok as a whole. Not so much one or two cards but as awhole I thought it was way more comparative. The last family before mesopotamia had a buncha triple 7c like uranus and chronos (I think that was his name, the 3 7c wood) and after that it's just been pretty abysmal. I chose to roll in this because the rates seemed way more scewed to the top with actual GFE at the top, and not that BS pantheon family that they try to sprinkle in there.

    submitted by /u/juked1s
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    [Achievement] Pseudo-NoREM Alt Arena 1 Cleared!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 04:58 AM PST

    [JP] Poison meta is upon us

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 04:37 PM PST

    [LF] BF with Ina, Orphen and Rheven up regularly: 384,002,366

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 12:45 PM PST

    I do have some other leads i use less often such as Hao, Tifa, DKarin,and Roah.

    submitted by /u/riptide7989
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    It's overdue, but Three Hands of Fate is finally complete! Now onto A5.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:13 AM PST


    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 11:22 AM PST

    LF Dark Omega friends. I also haven't used any BF reset or gifts, would love to have a D.Omega always ready. 319,739,285

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 09:09 AM PST

    FINALLY beat the dungeon I’ve been afraid of for way too long

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 10:25 PM PST

    Damn, was looking through my old pad messages and turns out i talked to the legend himself, brazzers

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:04 PM PST

    Seriously? This took a sudden turn for the awesome.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:02 PM PST

    Downloading PAD in Europe

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 12:30 PM PST

    Heys guys, so I played PaD a long time ago but the European servers are now closed.

    Do you guys know how to change the region on the google play store or how to download PaD with the apk file safely ?


    submitted by /u/Isio7
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    [LF] Looking For Claiomh friends. I also run with Kuro Loop ZCore, BVeroah with Raizer equipped, B&J. And working on Ina and Fagan teams. ID: 331468376

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 11:02 AM PST

    [Achievement] 700 Ranks in 50 Days

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:46 PM PST

    LF Haohmaru friends 374854251

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 10:12 AM PST

    Always have Tifa up and I'm getting tired of not having Haohmaru friends lol ID: 374854251

    submitted by /u/JBiggs24
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    [shitpost] Rolling for a 7 star in YGO is a shadow game in and of itself.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 02:05 PM PST

    Finally AA3 cleared

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 12:36 AM PST

    Personal Ads Tuesdays! [Looking For] Megathread Dec 31 - Jan 06

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 02:05 AM PST

    Looking For that special someone to fill out your friend list? Post your information here.


    • Only put ONE leader per post. If you are looking for more than 1 leader, you can make multiple posts.

    • To keep things organized, if the Leader+Region you are looking for has already been posted in this thread, make your post a REPLY to that post. If you do not follow this rule, your post will be removed.

    • To make your post, copy the following code and fill it out: (if you're on a mobile app or cannot copy/paste, provide the same information in your post)

    [Monster icon] (optional, look up from http://kawaii.xn--q9jyb4c/iconify/) #Monster name | Region | ID | Leader Lvl | +Eggs | Skill Lvl | |:----------:|:-----------:|:----------:|:--------:|:---------:| | NA/JP/EU | 333,333,333 | optional | optional | optional | Additional comments: Optional, can list your other leaders here 
    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    So I just rolled Ina which is obviously super meta right now with easy 15x multiplier plu 50000 damage fua. Can someone help me build a team around it? obviously I have a lot of good monsters since I’ve played for quite a while but I’m not sure do I have good enough pieces for this, thanks in advnce

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 12:13 PM PST

    M. Bison clears A5

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:56 PM PST

    Standard “beat alt. Arena” post, I am so proud of myself. (Thousands of stamina later)

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 09:53 PM PST

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