• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 28, 2019

    Puzzle & Dragons [Event][NA] PAD Appreciation Celebration!

    Puzzle & Dragons [Event][NA] PAD Appreciation Celebration!

    [Event][NA] PAD Appreciation Celebration!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 04:01 AM PST

    Fagan RAI vs. Zaerog CORE - which should you get and why

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:42 AM PST

    Thank you so much to the NA Puzzle and Dragons team.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:22 PM PST

    I really love the effort I'm feeling from the streams all the way to the gifts they're bringing us. It is seriously such a big thing to see people who care about the player base and the game for me. Seriously I can't thank them enough. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    submitted by /u/pluxlet
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    Thanks to u/mantasticPAD I might actually win a crown

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 11:29 AM PST

    [Tip] Farm and skill up Naga, the Fujimi Fantasy boss drop, when the collab arrives in NA

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 03:49 AM PST

    With the Fujimi Fantasy collab about to hit on NA and Draconic Orchestra revealing a meta-defining blue row lead in Minaka, it's time to talk about the most overlooked card in the collab: the dungeon boss, Naga the Serpent!

    ...But why? Because despite being relegated to dungeon boss drop, Naga is actually good. Not "she might have a niche in a farming/ranking dungeon build one day" good, but actually, genuinely, on-par or better than most of the Fujimi REM 6-stars good.

    So, what exactly makes Naga good? Let's start with a quick overview of what she offers:

    Stats (at lv110 and +297)

    3695 hp
    3690 atk
    915 rcv

    1402.5 weighted total stats

    The first thing you notice is that she has a weighted stat total to match REM chase cards. Admittedly, the distribution of these stats isn't the greatest, with her monstrous attack hogging most of this total at the expense of her pitiful HP total, but still. Secondly, that's not just empty attack on a unit with no offensive awakenings. She actually has the awakenings to contribute real damage to the team with that attack of hers, so let's have a closer look at them.

    Skill Boost x1
    Time Extend x1
    Void Damage Pierce x2
    Attacker Killer x1
    Healer Killer x1
    Poison Resist x1
    Blind Resist x1
    Jammer "Blessing" x1 (I recommend leaving this one inactive on your first Naga)

    Her Super Awakenings are Bind Resist, Cloud Resist and Time Extend Plus. Take whichever one you need. If you're using her in any capacity, then you're probably going to be spamming her active skill quite a lot, so you can afford to run a dedicated bind resist assist as long as the cooldown is long enough.

    She also has Attacker/Healer typing, meaning she can take extra Attacker Killer latents, or you can go a different route and give her Dragon, Devil or Physical killer latents instead.

    As you can see her awakenings provide a good mix of VDP/killer-based (and Jammer, if you decide to activate Jammer Blessing on her) damage and utility in the form of her poison and blind resists, letting you reach 100% resist for both with exactly two Aerith Crystals. But we're not even at the best part yet! Behold! The almighty Ojousama laugh!

    Active Skill: ほーっほっほっほ!
    Increase skyfall chance of Jammer orbs by 15% for 1 turn. Change all orbs to Water, Dark & Jammer orbs.

    35 Turns ( 5 Turns at Lv.31 )

    This active skill is actually insanely good. Poison skyfall overwrite that also acts as an extremely spam-friendly tricolor board changer for your orb-hungry row-based leader? Yes Please, I will take one of those, even if I basically have to farm Fujimi dungeon enough to get a Teletha for enough dupes/spend a million pys to unleash its true power.

    So, now that we have deduced that Naga has all of the qualities needed to be a low-key power sub option on blue teams lacking the best options, why would we want to use any dungeon boss as a late-game lead in any capacity? Well then, let's have a look at her leader skill.

    4x ATK and 1.5x HP for Water Attribute; 4x ATK when matching 6 or more connected Water or Jammer orbs.

    So basically, she's a 2.25/256/1 water row lead when paired with herself, and that's pretty viable for a collab dungeon boss of all things. Don't let the jammer part mislead you, she can activate fully without a single jammer match ever. Though since the active skill is her biggest strength, you will probably be clearing quite a few jammers over your average A5 run.

    Now, let's sum up Naga's strengths and weaknesses.
    1. She's farmable. You don't need to spend a single stone in the Fujimi collab to acquire her.
    2. Active skill provides a fast full board change combined with poison skyfall overwrite.
    3. Awakenings provide a good mix of utility and VDP-based damage, especially vs attacker and healer types, bolstered by her naturally high attack stat.
    4. She has a leader skill that can be worked with for late-game content with the right subs and leader partner.

    1. Her HP and other defensive qualities (both as a unit as part of her leader skill multiplier) are quite low.
    2. Her board doesn't make any heart orbs, which could occasionally be an issue on NA server, where there is no blue-attribute AutoFUA leader. 3. She lacks Skill Bind Resist (unless you use base form, but base Naga is not worth it)
    4. She contributes no damage outside of her VDPs and killers, not even rows.

    Before I conclude, don't just take my word for it. Have a video of JP PAD Youtuber NAO clearing AA3 using a Naga in his party.. It's a Coco video, but you can use her the same way with Velkhana or any other lead you may want to pair with Minaka (including Naga herself, if you don't have anything better), just remember to respect the resolves.

    So in conclusion, farm Naga from Fujimi collab dungeon. She's worth it.

    submitted by /u/FOE-tan
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    Running Ina/Phenom? Consider Luo!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 11:16 AM PST

    Favorite non-meta leader?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:02 AM PST

    Mine would have to be Squall from the FF collab. Very easy LS with great subs. What do you guys use that is not meta?

    submitted by /u/tayosaurus_rex93
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    Looking for Karin Kanzuki friends 379,055,287

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 12:22 PM PST

    Hey all,

    I'm a pretty casual player but I still sign in every day and do the monthly quest dungeons. Eventually gonna work my way to doing the arena stuff. I main Karin Kanzuki and I'm looking for some Karin Kanzuki friends to pair with. I already have yamakyu on best friend and have another best friend ready to add for the days yamakyu doesn't have Karin up.

    I usually keep Yoh as my other lead, but I also have other leads like dmeta (no idea what's meta nowadays to mention).

    submitted by /u/piezombi3
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    [Event]Livestream Discussion thread

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:20 PM PST


    Discussion here


    • $10 Great witch bundle, 5 super snow globes, rainbow medals, great witch machine (saline/reeche/madoo/zela/veroah)

    • SRevo Venus, Eris gem needed (Light L lead); Revo Vajs (L and D); Ryune, MA Paimon, MA Gremory, and Akine buffs

    • 310 stones 5per day for 62 days

    • Zcore, Fagan Rai

    • 10 MS super godfest

    • PCGF Voting Incoming

    • 2 different "skill quests"

    • Rare gems are rotating into monster exchange for 2 rainbow medals (starting Dec 1)

    • EXP of a lifetime dungeon that's 2M Exp

    • Draconic Orchestra

    • FUJIMI!

    submitted by /u/ChoppedChef33
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    Cleared all quests this month

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 10:12 PM PST

    Who does nakoruru second evo pair good with?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:57 PM PST

    I've been wanting to make a team with her as leader I just don't know what helper works well.

    submitted by /u/Made-Gearless
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    [Achievement] 4 years later, I finally pulled my white whale, the 6-star I hope for every godfest. Now I can finally make that Ra Dragon team

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:55 PM PST

    [Question] Recent buffs - anything noteworthy?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:49 PM PST

    I saw Ryune's LS buff and 1 extra turn of cool down on the skill, and Akine got a big reduction on her skill... anything announced on stream meaningful? I think my Akine team will like the extra time, but not sure if Ryune's worth any further exploring.

    submitted by /u/Xirias
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    Help with filtering from padx

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:20 PM PST

    What do I click on specifically to see all only dragons types on pad x. http://www.puzzledragonx.com/en/monsterbook.asp?t1=1&t2=1&t3=1&o2=1&o3=2

    I always thought putting it on dragon or dragon or dragon made sense but clearly im not seeing all the dragon options here.

    submitted by /u/juked1s
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    2nd roll! How much use is there in a second Zore? Wondering who I should exchange for now.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:17 PM PST

    Ultimate Dragon Rush Question

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:21 AM PST

    I am trying to beat the ultimate dragon rush mythical plus but I keep getting to ilsix and its res ability keeps going off. I usually bring my orochi in to delay the res but the dragon has status effect immunity. How do I get pass his res?

    submitted by /u/RufflyBear
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    RIP all of us who hypered the newly Super Reincarnated cards...

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:05 PM PST

    Questions about a Zeus Team

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:18 AM PST

    Hey y'all, I've been working on building a team with Zeus as the leader. I'm a very casual newbie, but I had a couple questions on what I should do.

    1. Where do I get a Diamond Dragon Fruit to evolve my Zeus?

    2. Should I evolve my yog-sothoth into The Limitless or the Unbound?

    3. Is there anything else I should know, or opportunities i should look for?

    Thank you so much guys!

    submitted by /u/TheRainKing42
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    Which witch you get?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 04:05 AM PST

    Wanted my first Zela really bad for my Kasuma team, but I got my first Madoo instead. At least its trade fodder!

    submitted by /u/Gethixit
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    Join Me on my Quest!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 11:59 AM PST

    I plan to diligently save my stones AFTER the Fujimi collab (I really want Orphen 😭). Join me on this journey to save stones for the Player's Choice SGF. Let's keep each other in check from the temptation to roll. To those of you who will embark alongside me, I wish you the best of luck. To those who will not, I hope you roll what you desire. Happy Thanksgiving!

    submitted by /u/v-ngu
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    Need help building a team

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 11:09 AM PST

    Finally returned to pad after a decently long hiatus was looking for help building a team of anyone can help I'd love it

    Here's my box for reference thanks so much


    submitted by /u/Dyson08999
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    Does Fujimi being announced change valuations of current/upcoming REMs?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 10:20 PM PST

    As in, are there any cards I should be aiming for in FotNS, Heroine, and Draconic Orchestra, that have risen in stock now that we know we're getting Lina Inverse & co?
    Also, anything from MMPR that will jump in value?

    submitted by /u/alphafirestar
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    What do you guys think about my team?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:34 AM PST

    I just want everyone to know I have found my new PAD charecter Husbando and wanted to share the highlight of tonight's stream for anyone who missed it:

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:48 PM PST

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