• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 1, 2022

    Puzzle & Dragons [News] 10 Magic Stones! Super Godfest, 3/1 - 3/3

    Puzzle & Dragons [News] 10 Magic Stones! Super Godfest, 3/1 - 3/3

    [News] 10 Magic Stones! Super Godfest, 3/1 - 3/3

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 08:29 PM PST

    I spent an hour and 12 stones limping through Sanctuary of the Gods for Red Valk's Evo Mat only to learn it's not a guaranteed drop... RIP

    Posted: 01 Mar 2022 12:20 AM PST

    For some reason, since it didn't have the "rare tag" I thought it would be a drop like the normal descended dungeons. I use a sad excuse for a sea wolf team and I could really use red valk to beef it up. I went in blind and used 3 or 4 stones to get to floor 8 and got my butt kicked. I couldn't help myself and burned a few more stones to push to the end. Red Valk appears and I thought, no turning back now. Defeated her and saw no drop.

    My head was saying 10 stones is worth it for Red Valk and it's better than many of the crappy egg machine pulls. Sadly, she didn't drop. My fault for not being more informed but this game is also very ruthless with it's lack of supplemental information. Regardless, I'll show myself out now... Facepalm.

    submitted by /u/GMEgotmehere
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    [JP] DQ Adventure of Dai return teaser

    Posted: 01 Mar 2022 12:34 AM PST

    [JP] PAD Pass members get DMille + 10 Black Medals from 3/3 dungeon

    Posted: 01 Mar 2022 01:16 AM PST

    Thank you everyone! Thanks for teaching me about team building, resistance & assists. It’s not a huge dungeon to pass like everyone else passing md3 but for me as 1 month old player it was a good achievement!

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 01:02 PM PST

    [NA][Event] 8-Player Mode (PvP) Event Dungeon Kanna Cup Arrives! [Duration]: 3/1 (Tue), 18:00 - 3/31 (Thu), 23:59 (PST)

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 08:58 PM PST

    [News] March Quest Dungeons

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 08:33 PM PST

    These end game dungeons are brutal

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 07:29 AM PST

    What happened to the dungeons that had 3 types of difficulty with a lower % of drops to get evo gems? A great challenge for the elite puzzlers , but such a huge wall for a long time player lacking the skills. Eventually, they'll make them available for exchange , but it would be more fun to actually play a dungeon to get evo gems. Turn change , rage hit are my favorite. PAD definitely have tweaked dungeons for failing depending on what monsters show up. Oh well.

    submitted by /u/Chukklealot
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    March Quest Challenge Lv9 - solo

    Posted: 01 Mar 2022 01:04 AM PST

    Best side-devices for running PAD?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2022 12:37 AM PST

    Hi all

    So I can't currently play PAD on my new device (S22, non-snap dragon) and I was wondering who here uses a seperate device to play?

    I have invested too much time and money to just ditch the game at this stage, so its worth my time getting another device just for the game.


    submitted by /u/kelleheruk
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    [LF] Saphiras w/ skillboost assist 332,030,332

    Posted: 01 Mar 2022 01:28 AM PST

    With Alt. Shura 1 being half off I've realized something

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 01:12 PM PST

    I can't run my usual teams because they're all running damage latents for current end game content instead of the SDRs we used to run and they're way too expensive to overwrite. I wish there was a way to save latent setups for situations like this. Oh well, time to bust out the old nadeko system

    submitted by /u/KickzNGigglez
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    NA 10th Anni Timeline

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 12:52 PM PST

    So…as we all hoard stones for the Anniversary Machine, it occurred to me that N/A has an issue. While NA has done an admirable job of catching us up to JPs schedule, it really looks odd for timing an anniversary when they are so far apart.

    We are currently only a couple months at worst behind JP (and sometimes only several weeks), yet our anniversary isn't for 9 more months. That's more than enough time for a major meta shift. While we've seen NA make minor adjustments to SGFs in the past, I wonder how outdated the 20 stone machine will be by then. We've also seen NA copy JP events to keep things fresh but our "JP 10th anniversary" event closes this week, so I doubt they are going that way either.

    Thoughts? Are we going to get a wild 9.5 year anniversary to keep things fresh? A massive lineup change to the 20 stone machine? Quietly sweeping this all under the rug and running oddly timed machines and stone giveaways not tied to anything.

    NA has a conundrum to deal with…

    submitted by /u/Protodad
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    Robocco gachis were destroying me this morning. I think I placed 3 and lower every round.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 08:40 AM PST

    Praise Ameno

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 07:37 AM PST

    March Quest Challenge Lv9 - coop gravity.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2022 12:21 AM PST

    I've been gone for 4 years and need help or tips ��

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 07:54 PM PST

    Question about stoning MD3…

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 08:29 AM PST

    If I don't have a Yurisha in my team, is the gem drop for the boss a guarantee or it's like Valk dungeon where you don't even necessarily get a gem drop?

    submitted by /u/Qu4ffle
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    Old player returning and desperately in need of help

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 10:41 AM PST

    I am an old player returning after a pretty long hiatus and I've gotta say I am confused as all get out. The entire meta seems to have changed and I pretty much have no clue what's good and what's not anymore and pretty much every monster I have seems to have a new super revo or something of the like. So needless to say I am just pretty stumped right now. Are any of the monsters I have still good or could be used to structure a new team perhaps? Any help and advice would greatly be appreciated such as events or things to look forward to roll in. Also in the Imgur the last pic I have no idea who to trade for out of Priscilla/Klaus etc with the 9th anniversary medal so any advice on that would also be greatly appreciated . ALSO IM JUST NOTICING WHAT HAPPENED THERE ARE SO MANY NEW LATENTS WHAT IS GOOD AND WHATS NOT. Again sorry for asking so much but I greatly appreciate the advice a lot, thank you. My monster box and another pic

    submitted by /u/Jurassic_Jack
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    [Question] what's the best place to farm Brahma dragon's gem(6878)?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 06:27 PM PST

    looking for blackbird friends with amaj equip. ID is 347888245

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 10:39 AM PST

    [Discuss] How hard is it to switch an account from Android to Apple?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 12:04 PM PST

    I am thinking about buying an iphone but wondering what that process would be like to get my pad account switched over. Has anyone gone through this?

    submitted by /u/BlackIce967
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    LF Blackbird friends w/ Amakozumi for title challenge 365,127,497

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 06:01 PM PST

    LF Xmas menoa friends 389.356.438

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 05:46 PM PST

    Run nautilus royal oak among others.

    submitted by /u/Superkeest
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