• Breaking News

    Monday, August 30, 2021

    Puzzle & Dragons Yu-Gi-Oh Collab In Ten Minutes (Or Less)

    Puzzle & Dragons Yu-Gi-Oh Collab In Ten Minutes (Or Less)

    Yu-Gi-Oh Collab In Ten Minutes (Or Less)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 09:49 AM PDT

    After the advice from last post, I finally managed to clear ASR2.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 08:53 AM PDT

    Monday Arena Farm Team (build/floor guide in comments)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 04:51 AM PDT

    Got one for now… just in case. Dont want to be caught in that circumstance where i need one, but need to wait till a Monday

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 11:10 AM PDT

    Monday Showdown with Naga x Norza (super fast and flexible)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 01:51 PM PDT

    Can someone please explain why he's 5 million monster points?!

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 08:57 AM PDT

    Help with recovering Account

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    Help with recovering Account

    I though i'd try here, but long story short is I got a new phone and forgot to save my account info (ID) from my old phone to transfer to my new one before trading it in and the old phone got factory reset. There's a small chance I can get my old account back so I want to ask on reddit/here/etc. So if anyone has me on their friend list and can maybe get my number, I'd like that a lot. I just don't want to restart 3+ years of progress. The name I used is Ryno I'm sure.

    (old screenshot maybe to help)

    TLDR - you got a friend called Ryno? COOL! Can I have the ID number or whatever please to get my 3+ years of time back?


    submitted by /u/UberTaicho
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    Exodia can be your only VDP active on Phyllis for Shura 3

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 07:44 PM PDT

    Returning player, new box. What's my best team option?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 10:55 AM PDT

    link to box

    I played several years ago and had a Yomidragon team. Since restarting, I've enjoyed using Jiraiya so far. Not sure how viable he is. Any other things you see that are better are plowing through content? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/onestepfarther
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    How do you get Pegasus 2nd form

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 10:23 AM PDT

    because i look and it only have evolution into town world

    submitted by /u/DamageApprehensive64
    [link] [comments]

    I'm on the edge with this one, I can get it and pair it with Orochi or Ideal for a hell of a power house, what you guys thin?...

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    What are some of the best assists in the game right now?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 08:11 PM PDT

    Think this is my new fav orb skin. None of the colors seem weak. High amount of contrast. Awesome designs

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    First clear of Shura �� really love Deena on this team!

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 06:57 PM PDT

    Apophis Descended - Full Light Swipe w/ Variation in description

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 06:57 PM PDT

    [LF] D/D GH Belial for TA3 farm. 324,862,236

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 01:10 AM PDT

    Rosalyn, Nadeko, NY Artemis, Arararagi, Nautilus and Tanjiro are my main leads.

    submitted by /u/tamtong
    [link] [comments]

    Help! 90 Million Download Dungeon Confusion!

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 06:50 PM PDT

    Good evening,

    My partner and I play PaD together, we both went into the daily event dungeon for the 90 Million download event. I got some fat gold dragon and he got a tamadra, he went from level 20 to over level 100 while I'm stuck here at level 20. Why did he have a different boss than I did? We did the same dungeon...

    submitted by /u/ProfessorMangotree
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 04:19 PM PDT

    How is that new red/blue submarine fairing in comparison to naut oak ros and whoever else is top tier right now?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    It seems kind of much worse in a way. Does not make heart orbs along, and takes two diff colors to active. All the other subs seem to have some stacking element to their damage. Oak with the L's, naut with the rows, ros with Takio/grape awokes.

    But then again the 35%, 2.8 to all stats seem kind of beast pretty good. But im also seeing it's fua is only 3 million, isen't that low for todays gameplay?

    submitted by /u/juked1s
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    TA3 Farming Question

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 07:01 PM PDT

    If everyone is looking for TA3 farming then how come the original TA2 don't work. Having Amen and 3 Chinese God with a bicolor equip on the Amen. I would think with enough 2x cap it should be possible to clear no?

    submitted by /u/Khoifishy100
    [link] [comments]

    So my question is where do you get the gems to Evo these things to weapons... Please tell me you don't have to exchange your godfest card for a gem lol. Any jp players know? I deleted the other post cuz I wasn't specific enough

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 12:38 AM PDT

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