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    Thursday, July 29, 2021

    Puzzle & Dragons Srevo baal's animated artwork is incredible!

    Puzzle & Dragons Srevo baal's animated artwork is incredible!

    Srevo baal's animated artwork is incredible!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 10:27 AM PDT

    NoRem - Finally went back and cleared aa4

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:15 PM PDT

    How to trade your sanity for 5 billion coins (Shura 3 single NY Ganesha swap)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 09:32 PM PDT

    |News| Star-Twined Fairies Arrives

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:40 AM PDT

    [NA][Event] August 2021 Quest Dungeons (bunch of Evo mat rewards for Star-Twined Fairy cards)

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 04:28 AM PDT

    Should I pull on the Fairies or Godfest?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 10:43 AM PDT

    I'm Rank 226 and I still feel recently new to the game. Also would Fairies be added to the general pool or are most new batch of monster limited?

    submitted by /u/Jangajinx
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    The best card art I have seen in a long time! Had me like whoa

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:21 AM PDT

    [Discussion] Which pantheons/GFE are you missing now?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 07:51 AM PDT

    Mostly targeted for long time players but anyone can answer. Do you still have that pantheon or GFE you're still missing after all these years? I've been playing eight years and am missing two pantheons in total whereas I got everyone else in one way or another: Vishnu and Astraea. As for GFEs, I have finished 6* a long time ago but 7 stars I am still missing Selica, Tuala, Priscilla, and Cecilia. The legacy orb skin GFEs were completed thanks to those medals and from PAD pass or I'd be missing more lol.

    submitted by /u/TreasureDragon
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    At last! I’m done with rank-chasing now…unless they add rank 1100 MEM or something…

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    New GFE, Gender-swapped Gojo for 7x6 board

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 04:12 AM PDT

    New Evolutions & Upgrades

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:13 AM PDT

    Any word on Albert Evos?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 11:00 AM PDT

    There's a lot to unpack from the recent announcements. Anyone know if we'll have to wait a few weeks to get the Albert Evos, or has there been mention of it happening with the release of the Fairy event?

    submitted by /u/KTO-Potato
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    Fast Fujin Active for Fire teams?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:32 PM PDT

    Hello everybody. I just started attempting Shura 1 for the first time and, as expected, it's a very difficult dungeon. I am able to make it to around Arondight/Claomh Solais every time and then die. However, I have heard that a quick Fujin skill is required for multiple enemies. I am running a Seina team, and currently the best one of these skills that I have is Academy Apollo's ID on my Gileon, which takes 15 turns to charge. I don't have Polowne but was wondering if there are any other similar skills with low cooldown that would work as a sub for Seina?

    For reference, my team is:

    Seina (6659) with Haku Equip (6183)

    Shiva (6353) with Orochi Equip (7149)

    Gileon (6394) with Apollo Equip (7157)

    Grandis (5954) with Fagan Equip (5632)

    Gremory (6819) with Ney Equip (6651)

    Usually paired with my friend's Seina (6659) with Leilan Equip (6179)

    submitted by /u/FeeshSlayer
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    9 Magic Stones! Super Summer Godfest

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:13 AM PDT

    Google play store not showing an update for the game so I can't play, is mine just late?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    How did everyone’s reset rolls go?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:30 AM PDT

    I know a lot of people were grinding like crazy to hit that rank 1k before the reset and from what I've seen on this subreddit, quite a few people managed to hit that goal in time. So I was curious how you all did.

    As for my rolls I got Odin who I rolled 4 of years ago when I first started and sold all of them for box space before even MP was a thing so I'm happy I got him back. Then I rolled 3rd Vajrayaksa, 5th Oda, 6th Cotton, 3rd Saline, 2nd Selica which I got for the rank 900 rem last time as well which was funny, and finally Tuala. I'm happy I got Tuala cuz she was one of the two I wanted from the rank 1k rem. I got Albrecht the first time around so I really only wanted Tuala or Priscilla tho I wouldn't have been mad at Miada cuz she got new evos. The only one I didn't want was Klaus cuz my dark and water boxes aren't that great so I don't get too excited for non fire, wood, or light cards. Also, now that i have Tuala i could go ahead and use my medal on Priscilla tho I'll hold off for a little while longer. Overall, I'm pretty happy about my rolls.

    submitted by /u/padluigi
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    Fairy talk

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    Are there any particular chase cards in this event? I've had a look on blogging mama but nothing is shouting out as a must have... i have mostly all the current meta cards so is this event gonna spice up my life?

    submitted by /u/kelleheruk
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    Very Consistent Shizumaru x Royal Oak Co-op Farm Team (build details, floor guide, & video)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 07:48 PM PDT

    Build & video

    Brief build explanation:

    P1 uses Shizumaru's active and has the option to create up to 9 blue orbs, debuff TE, buff RCV to 1.5-2x and buff ATK to 1.5x every turn. Plus locked orbs from Deena every turn to deal with spinners.

    P2 uses Oak every turn for ATK buff and orb generation. Also has the option to juggle Kyori and Norza for constant TE buff and RCV buff every second turn.

    Each player can create plenty of orbs and counter almost all debuffs every turn which sort of trivializes the dungeon and makes farming a lot more user friendly.

    The team has 3 "tiers" of damage output which really comes in handy in S3 for avoiding resolve triggers. Multiple L matches maximize teamwide damage (>10 billion total for 3 L's + full combo), VDP + regular water combos is second (useful for slightly chipping or damage controlling under VDP thresholds), and a regular link of 5 water orbs does next to no damage even when 10cing, so you can stall quite easily if needed.

    I definitely think there's a good amount of room for substitutes in this build, so don't be discouraged if you're missing some cards. I wouldn't say the current build is completely optimal either, the strategy below will be tailored to it so it may seem that way, but there were some workarounds due to my alt missing cards (like boar headgear, resulting in me wasting my pass each run on F6). Most of the really crucial cards are somewhat common or event tradeables, so hopefully lots of people can throw something workable together.

    Floor Guide (special thanks to Lumon & Reni for floor info on Pad Protic)

    Floor Ideal Strategy/Notes
    F1: Base Carbuncles P1 starts and uses all actives to get rid of binds, skill charge leads and delay. After the delay has worn off, L match + 1 other water combo and try to hit exactly 10c (skyfalls may overdamge and sweep the floor early, but then you just stall next floor). This should kill all the carbuncles except green and dark allowing you to stall quickly. When dark is at 1 turn, sweep. Don't use Hitagi or Shizu, their assist is used again later.
    F2: RBG Golems P2 debuffs with Norza, P1 then transforms Oak to last stage and moves on to F3.
    F3: LD Golems + Dryad P2 uses Chun-Li to clear unmatchable first turn, next turn P1 clears floor. If pixie absorbs water I stall it out and usually use Skuld delay to speed things up.
    F4: Knights P2 link 5 water and heal, P1 Skuld + Isis (use Hitagi & Shizu haste inherits to charge Skuld) then clear when knights no longer delayed.
    F5: RBG Carbuncles Nothing specific here, just kill as fast as you want. It's no longer a requirement to let Shizu's/Hitagi's haste inherits come up so from this point any orb gen active is free game (except Skuld). Usually need 2+ L matches to knock green carbuncle to super resolve.
    F6: LD Carbuncles + RB Slimes Either P1 or P2 must use a pass as P1 uses the 2 turn void damage absorb active, but must also clear the floor (Shizu has the leaderswap latent).
    F7: Egg Machines Very weak floor, just L and clear trash orbs.
    F8: Super Reincarnated Minerva First turn VDP to knock Minerva just above 50% HP, next player try to damage control with a non-L water match. Might take 1-2 tries, but once Minerva is at ~40% HP VDP kill. You'll do more damage w/o an L in the mix as the VDP subs are already capping and you want the other subs to do less than VDP threshold.
    F8: Super Reincarnated Parvati First turn P2 VDP + water matches to knock Parvati down ~25%. For the next few turns, VDP w/o any other water c's or L + regular water matches to damage control and keep her above 50%. Once Parvati is at ~65% HP, make sure you leave 5 of Deena's locked water orbs for P1 (or 2 locked water orbs if P1 knocks below ~50%) so that you can still 8c + link 5 water when the board is turned to heal. Make sure an RCV buff active is up or fully heal before knocking below 50%.
    F9: Super Reincarnated Tsukuyomi Either player can kill when there are enough water orbs for 3 L's. Just make sure you don't spawn in so many water orbs that you can't do 3 L's. Make sure Either Deena or Oak was one of the actives used so you have a burst.
    F9: Super Reincarnated Andromeda Same as above
    F10: Mega Awoken Amenominakanushi Same as above
    F10: Mega Awoken Baldin If P1, link 5 water + 1c. P2 use Chun-Li to clear awoken bind and maximize damage. Baldin should be ~50% and you should NOT be doing multiple L's at this point. Either VDP w/ 0-1 extra water matches & full combo, or do 1 L and 1-2 water matches. You run a greater risk with the L to overshoot into execute range than VDP. Once HP is at ~35%, go for the kill with 2+ L's, 2+ water combos and full comboing the 7x6 board.
    F11: Mega Awoken Gremory Maximize damage first turn to knock down to ~35%, or if your board isn't great, just above 50% is good too (so attr. stays dark). You should then be ATK debuffed and are good to clear the floor if you can make 3 L's, otherwise, it's pretty safe to stall.
    F11: Mega Awoken Ilm 2-3 L's first turn to knock below 50%, next turn kill doing the same. This can sometimes get tricky for P2 who doesn't have a spinner solution. If you hit Ilm into an awkward HP range, just link 5 orbs to slightly chip down into a good range.
    F11: Grandis Really doesn't matter what you do here, just match 5 and heal using RCV actives/combos. Autofua will kill, or you can full combo w/ L's to make things a little quicker.
    F12: Mega Awoken Fenrir Viz For two turns maximize damage. Fenrir should be at ~35%, if not, chip using 5 linked water. VDP Kill at ~35%.
    F12: Mega Awoken Dark Metatron Both sides deal as much damage as possible in order to 2 shot. On P1's turn, use Isis' inherit to clear unmatchable status.
    F12: Senri Senri is very tanky so you usually kill in 3-4 turns. Use 5 linked water instead of an L if HP is in a weird spot, otherwise, maximize damage with L's. Keep in mind her execute occurs at 7% due to her high HP. You should not be going for the kill at ~40%.
    F12: Albrecht Albrecht isn't hard to deal with, but takes forever due to wood typing and constant 1 turn awoken binds. No need to clear the binds, but you can if you have the option. Just be sure a full unmatchable is available for F14. Sweep w/ 3 L's once at ~40% HP.
    F13: Super Reincarnated Raphael You can one shot with a couple enhanced waters, 3 L's and 3+ combos, but there's no reason not to use Suruga for safety. I usually use my P1 pass here if needed.
    F13: Gorkaos Easy floor, just L and continue
    F13: Gorfeis Stall until Gorfeis uses the 1 turn awoken bind then use Skuld (or Skuld the next turn if P2's turn). When the water absorb wears off, kill within 2 turns.
    F14: Ryuunsai Use VDP + 1 L or VDP + 2 water combo to ensure as much damage as possible clears the damage void shield.
    F14: Kyozansai Use VDP + 0-1 water combo to ensure as much damage as possible clears the damage void shield.. Make sure a full unmatchable is up before knocking below 50%, usually it'll be Chun-Li.
    F15: Augites Nothing specific, just the waiting game until the augite revivals are done. It's best to have P2 next w/ Kyori up before killing the purple augite, (Hexa fully locks the board) but you can also 8c and activate Shizu's shield to survive Hexa's next move w/o matching 5 water. Obviously there is the chance that the board is only 7c, so do this at your own risk.
    F15: Dark Hexazeon Use Suruga before knocking to 50% and be 100% SURE the "Six Skies" priority move is not next otherwise it's game over as Hexa will skip the 50% move that you need the shield for. I usually kill just after Six Skies is used so I don't have to track things (really Gungho?). The team counters all the other mechanics so it's just matching the boards you have until that point.
    F15: Light Hexazeon Same as Dark Hexa except you don't have to time Suruga given that you have over 255,843 HP. You do need a full unmatchable sometime soon after hitting below 50% because the darks will jam up your board, but I've yet to reach this point without Chun-Li being up effortlessly.

    You may also find this post useful for Shura 3 HP thresholds. Good luck!

    submitted by /u/Rylite
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    Came across this ad on the sub today. I think some one's *JEALOUS*. lol.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 07:04 PM PDT

    [Team] Nautilus Optimization + Latents

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 08:44 AM PDT

    I'm feeling a bit more comfortable with my nautilus team, but I'm still unsure of some more minor things about it. The team is here, as well as some subs and possible equipment. I don't have a few of the 'normal' subs, but the team is still performing decently in the early arenas. However, I've simply had a few questions that I couldn't find an answer to .

    • Would Freya be better on here, and if so over who?

    • Would replacing Valeria's skill boosts with banner resist be fine? I don't see the need for it, unless there are larger skill delays that SDR can't handle.

    • Latent awakenings: SDR on everyone? Or the damage break on Selica after I get them uncapped.

    • Not sure what to equip on Kali, because her natural ability is already so good, other than a d.kali ability.

    Any help or advice would be appreciated, thank you!

    submitted by /u/Fallid
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    [LF][NA] Looking for Belial friends for TA3! 358,395,209

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 07:57 AM PDT

    Preferably with the damage limit break but any friends are good.

    submitted by /u/MaD36
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    LF Perfect Victor, Karin Kanzuki to BF, posting a few of my common leads. ID 350,678,289.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    Ver.19.3 Update

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:12 AM PDT

    Royal oak teams for shura 2???

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 12:17 PM PDT

    I've been beating my head against the wall trying to beat this with a Royal Oak team but so far no luck. Can anyone post their royal oak teams so I can see if there's a better version?

    submitted by /u/PAD_Rowken
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    Star Fairies Co-op Farming Team?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 08:24 AM PDT

    Does anyone have video or team composition for a co-op farming team?

    submitted by /u/lazidude999
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    1 comment:

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