• Breaking News

    Monday, November 30, 2020

    Puzzle & Dragons RIP main acct...until I get a new battery and screen...or a new phone😞😞😞

    Puzzle & Dragons RIP main acct...until I get a new battery and screen...or a new phone������

    RIP main acct...until I get a new battery and screen...or a new phone������

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 08:28 AM PST

    It finally happened

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 01:30 AM PST

    GungHo Chibi Urd / Nidhogg Swipe System: Some Initial Comments and Tips for Supercharged Exploitation

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 10:19 AM PST

    When I rolled my second GungHo Chibi Urd, I thought, "Now I can run Chibi Urd x Chibi Urd leaders, if no friends put her up for use. I wonder whether she has any potential." [As I write this, none of my best friends have Chibi Urd available to use, and only one of the 225 people on my friends list does.]

    Looking at her, Chibi Urd seemed to have pretty good potential, at least for a farming team. She's a 4/400/4 lead with a high attack and decent HP, with 20% added HP through awakenings, with 3 >50% awakenings and a VDP awakening for high damage, and with the ability to fully activate the leader skill every turn.

    I've been using Halloween Madoo for fast farming, so (since both Chibi Urd and Halloween Madoo have 4x HP and 20x ATK, and since they can both be fully activated with a row of fire orbs) I put Madoo in the leader position and put Urd in the helper position, and made a video recording of a run through endless corridors, to see how much damage they do in comparison to each other. The results are that Chibi Urd does higher damage on an ordinary turn when simply matching a row.

    Halloween Madoo's advantage is that she has a shield, but Chibi Urd's higher maximum HP (for the team, overall), better RCV multiplier, auto-FUA, and massive increase in damage (along with an on-color activatable board each turn) convinced me that I'd be better off with an Urd x Urd team than with a Madoo x Madoo team or Madoo x Urd team, for fast farming that doesn't require a shield.

    Once I decided to make a Chibi Urd x Chibi Urd team, putting 4 Nidhogg subs on the team was the obvious choice. With nothing but swiping with this team each turn, with no assists on the team, the team already has 12 row awakenings and automatically makes rows every turn and has a 400x multiplier—so damage was already quite decent, a huge improvement over my previous swipe farming team. By putting some assists (Kotone, Red Sonia, Madoo, Remu, Rathalos) on the team, I added 11 more rows, along with 9 orb enhances. The damage was excellent for a swipe team, and when I bothered with quick, easy board-solving, I was hitting several hundred million damage with each leader, and a few dozen million damage with each sub, every turn.

    After that, it took me a little while fooling around with the team for me to realize how it can be exploited. Because the Nidhogg subs charge skills when activated, they can cycle their skills, making a row and charging skills every turn. Meanwhile, each Chibi Urd also has a 1 turn cool down, and can make 3 fire orbs each time it's activated. This has a few implications:

    1. You can activate both Urds, in addition to a Nidhogg, each turn. This way, you can make two rows, instead of just one row, every turn—allowing for much higher damage. But it gets better...
    2. You can first activate both Urds each turn, then activate Nidhogg each turn, *then activate both Urds a second time in the same turn* since the skill charge from Nidhogg brings Urd's one turn active up again. By doing this, you can flood the board with yet more fire orbs every turn. You can't predict how many additional fire orbs you'll get, because any from Urd that randomly appear on the bottom row, before you activate Nidhogg, will be lost by activating Nidhogg—but you can make up to 18 fire orbs per turn. Depending upon whether there are already any fire orbs on the board, you will typically end up with about 15-20 fire orbs on the board per turn, allowing you to make 3 rows, a row and VDP, or two rows and a match. Any of which will lead to huge damage—with a few other matches, it's typically over a billion per Chibi Urd, and not hard to often hit the damage cap.
    3. Alternatively, any skills you assist onto the leader Chibi Urds only have one extra turn of cool down from being inherited on a card with a 1 turn cool down, *but can be charged twice as fast as usual, through Nidhogg's skill charge each turn*. Fast skills become available once every few turns. But it gets better...
    4. You can use skills inherited onto Chibi Urds, such as a damage boost, then use Nidhogg's active skill to make a row, *then use Chibi Urd's skills again in the same turn, due to Nidhogg's skill charge*.

    The ability to do these supercharged exploitation tricks, using only farmable subs, makes GungHo Chibi Urd much more than she seems at first glance. She can pump out huge damage turn after turn, with very little effort. Likewise, she operates a little bit differently (i.e., more safely) than some other low-HP conditional cards. The combination of 4x RCV and a 1 turn active that cuts HP in half means that every turn you can heal up far above the halfway point before taking a hit, then cut your HP before doing your next attack,

    I'm still figuring out how to best use her, but Chibi Urd appears to have a lot of potential use.

    submitted by /u/HippasusOfMetapontum
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    Finally clear alt. Shura(guardians of the demons gate)! I want clear with Horus sometime��

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 01:29 PM PST

    First time clear AA4!

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 05:45 AM PST

    Hit an untraditional rank 1000 of my own!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 11:25 PM PST

    It would be sick if we could check out our friend's monster box

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 01:54 PM PST

    And to be able to make teams from their box and send it to them would be super helpful and welcoming to new players (I'm imaging this integrated to the chat/mail system).

    And having a "trophy case" of your favorite monsters and favorite teams that your friends could check out, making this game more social. I feel like connecting people like this could help with the multiplayer issue.

    And having an optional pop-up notification for when one of your friends is queueing for multiplayer. Sending requests to friends to join a multiplayer room. Being able to put a single player game on hold to play multiplayer, or better yet, design single player and multiplayer under two separate game sessions. Being able to see friends' stamina bar for efficient join requests would be the icing on this cake.

    Also, an addition of an alternative to the super awakening feature, we could have the option to pay monster points to switch to a specific awakening (500,000 MP). This doesn't mean they can switch to this awakening whenever they want in the future, this is a one-time thing, which I feel is a reasonable compromise we can make with gungho for the pad economy.

    Why do so many veteran players have an excessive amount of coins? I've been around long enough to remember coin dungeons and that feature being taken down for some reason, but the amount of gold I hoard makes me feel like there's a hole in the game for coins. Yea we could spend 1mil for assists, but why not make it more interesting and raise the cost of equiping assist monsters with higher rarity, or higher # of awakenings, or more if it has an equip awakening, or if it gets the stat boost, some incentive that makes the game interesting, makes players have to think and weight their options, like how a game is supposed to feel like?

    The possibilities are endless, I'm high as fuck, I'm just spitting out ideas I feel like would be a win-win for all types of players and gungho. These are my πŸ›πŸ›.

    submitted by /u/pad-throwaway
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    How many of this guy are you farming and for which evos?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 08:31 AM PST

    Rank 1100 Yukari Swap

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:11 PM PST

    C9 Don't Need No Gendoh (Use Guard Break and Another Strong God Killer Card)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 02:18 AM PST

    Finally beat this ! Feels nice

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:03 PM PST

    Is the godfest worth rolling in and what form of Sophie is the best?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 03:42 AM PST

    Recording screen in ranking dungeons on Android

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 02:10 PM PST

    Hey guys, I've found a way of recording your screen in ranking dungeons on Android. However, it requires that you connect via USB to a Windows computer.

    1. On your phone, go to Settings > System > About phone > Software information
    2. Tap Build number seven times
    3. Go back to in the Settings menu where you will now find Developer options added at the very bottom
    4. Go into Developer options, scroll down to USB debugging and turn it on
    5. Plug your phone into your computer
    6. On your computer, download the following file https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/releases/download/v1.16/scrcpy-win64-v1.16.zip
    7. Extract the contents and run scrcpy-noconsole.exe
    8. On your phone, accept the permission
    9. Your phone screen should now be casting to your computer. To record your screen, press Alt+Shift+R to start a capture on Windows 10

    P.S. USB debugging allows Android Studio and other SDK tools to recognize your device when connected via USB, and can therefore be misused by other applications. If you are extremely paranoid about the security of your device, I suggest you turn this option off when you are done screencasting.

    submitted by /u/Tetra55
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    [LF] Base Loki Friends, Friend Code: 381,653,427

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 01:55 PM PST

    Anybody else noticed...

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 01:50 PM PST

    ... that they haven't announced the monthly dungeons in advance the last 2 months? Or am i imagining this used to happen?

    submitted by /u/kelleheruk
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    Does anyone know how L-unlock works with (base) Sophie? It looks like it's just water that works, but can anyone confirm that?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 01:09 PM PST

    I was wondering how Sophie's no-main-attribute works with the L-unlock superawakening. Does it only proc with an L of water orbs, or does it work with anything? I've been trying to experiment and it kind of looks like just water, but I wanted to check and see if anyone knew for sure.

    I was hoping it'd be for any color, but if that's not the case I'd think it's probably better just to reroll for something else.

    submitted by /u/illirica
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    [LF] NA Fasca friends! 344 710 311 also run a ton of other leads.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 01:33 AM PST

    I’ve been thinking that it would be cool if Gungho made a card that voids Bomb damage and creates bombs with its active skill and uses jammers and bombs for its leader skill

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 10:48 AM PST

    It could be similar to Yami Bakura and have a special Bomb/Jammer of Blessing awakening that increases attack when matching Bombs.

    I had been thinking it would be diabolical if Gungho actually made a Bomb skyfall dungeon mechanic.

    It could be an improvement for Katsura (Gintama)

    submitted by /u/RegulusTheHeartOfLeo
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    New Player Introductions! [Discussion] Megathread

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 03:00 AM PST

    New to Puzzle & Dragons or new to Reddit? Welcome! Drop in to say Hi.

    Don't have a reddit account? Sign up and then Subscribe to our subreddit.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    is reginleif still useful? i remember her being on yugi teams pretty often, but dont fully remember why

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 03:37 AM PST

    i rolled 2 of her this GH collab and was curious

    submitted by /u/muttzone
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    [question] where can I go to see a list of all a teams total stats and awakenings. Isn’t there a way to see it all in one view, like total poison resists, etc.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 12:43 AM PST

    Not sure if it's in the game or a separate site.

    submitted by /u/keebler980
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    [JP] [LF] Tanjiro friends with R.Ney’s equip — 382,474,377. Need as many friends as possible!

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 01:55 AM PST

    an exhilarating 40 minutes for those 85 stones ��

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:03 PM PST

    Shura Realm Help

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 01:08 AM PST

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