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    Monday, February 24, 2020

    Puzzle & Dragons [Megathread]Team Help/Trade/LF

    Puzzle & Dragons [Megathread]Team Help/Trade/LF

    [Megathread]Team Help/Trade/LF

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 06:24 AM PST

    [Megathread]Roll Thread, PEM and REM.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 06:23 AM PST

    I missed a single event gift dungeon and now I'm mad

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 07:13 AM PST

    The collab isnt running anymore still cool

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 10:05 AM PST

    Hell yea!

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 08:54 AM PST

    RIP Box Space

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:24 AM PST

    [Video] Giveaway!

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 11:12 AM PST

    [Tip] Un-evo your heart breaker and zaerog equips and turn them into gems!

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 01:02 AM PST

    I would suggest buying more box space before rolling in Gungho PEM

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 07:18 AM PST

    I was over limit by at least 15-20 half way though rolling in the PEM

    submitted by /u/RegulusTheHeartOfLeo
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    What are some teams people are running for him as a lead?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 10:14 AM PST

    DLilia 7x6 team ideas

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 01:40 PM PST

    So after some trading I got my hands on DLilia who I feel I have a strong team for. Only issue is I am seeing that most people recommend having her on a 7x6 leader swap team. But the the SB seems pretty steep? Anyone have any leader swap templates for her?

    submitted by /u/zcrazymonkys
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    Is it still worth it to buy two kuroyuris?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 06:03 AM PST

    I currently have 1.5 million mp, but I'm unsure if I should spent it on them.

    submitted by /u/lettucecelebrate
    [link] [comments]

    [Brag] [Shitpost] Had my SO roll for me in the 8 or 80 Magic Stones REM

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 03:10 PM PST

    Looking for base lilia friends! I also main base yugi, yami Marik and domega. 375 847 368

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 01:57 PM PST

    Fagan Rai - post 18.2

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 06:32 PM PST

    If i missed or wrong in any part of this content here, feel free to comment and point it out :)

    Rai is the pioneer for the henshin cards. Henshin cards are cards that have the capability to transform to another form inside the dungeon. Once transform, he will remain in that form for the duration of dungeon, with Super-1 and Jiraiya being the exception here. To date, all henshin cards are not limit breakable and dont have super awakenings. So dont bother asking that in here. Also to play Rai means you gonna need all the best dragon subs in your party and since his autoFUA relies on rainbow matching, you want to slot in all the colors into the team.

    The main key to playing Rai is to line up tons of skill boost from your subs in your party setup, to meet the now 20 cd (previously 22) requirement on first turn, at first floor of the dungeon. Several ways to do this.

    1. Stack enough S+ to allow Rai to transform on first turn. This requires special subs like Valeria, Rikkuu, Whaledor and other subs with loads of SB, along with alot SB equips on the party to get this done.
    2. If you're few S+ short from transforming, then consider using delay. There are few dragon subs like SR Orochi that allows you to do this. Works fine if the first floor of the dungeon doesn't put status shield on first turn.
    3. If you're few S+ short from transforming, then consider using haste too. There are few dragon subs like Radra that allows you to haste 2 cd turns. This technique is well popular on Yugi team, with his fortress dragon's 3 cd turns haste.
    4. If you're few S+ short from transforming, then consider stall using strong shield. But knowing how weak Rai is before transforming, im not sure if this even possible, especially on harder dungeons.
    5. Coop with your friends. Happy time playing with friends who share the same Rai passion as you.
    6. Coop with your own alt accounts. After transforming, your alt can kiss goodbye to the coop, and flee immediately.

    But lets talk about Rai soloing. This is certainly doable and made easy now.

    PAST THIS WILL TALK ABOUT RAI IN SOLO ONLY.. NO COOP TALK. I mean 18.2 opens up new possibilities for Fagan Rai in solo mode.

    Note here : Rai's active skill is a 2 turns damage void piercing at 10 cd after transform. Because this skill has no secondary effect, this skill can only be activated on floors where the enemy has damage void shield. You can not activate this skill on floors that don't have damage void shield. For this reason, it is good if you can equip Rai with either Shelling Ford equip or Akine equip if you don't plan to cycle Rai's cd throughout the dungeon. Since most endgame dungeons have floors with damage void shield somewhere at the end, make sure you time your skill usage nicely here.

    If you're going for stacking skill boost route, then you're in luck now post 18.2. Prior to 18.2, there are only selectable dragon type subs that could help you with this. Those subs are (not counting in skill boost from delay and haste)

    • Valeria (7 S+ in JP/6 S+ in NA)
    • Whaledor (5 S+)
    • Rikkuu (5 S+)
    • Dolq (5 S+)
    • Zaerog Core UVO (5 S+ including super awakening)
    • Marthis (5 S+ including super awakening)
    • Mega Yog-Sothoth (5 S+ including super awakening)
    • Distel (4 S+)
    • Ruddy (4 S+)
    • School Orochi (4 S+)
    • Suou (4 S+ in JP / 3 S+ in NA)
    • Enola (3 S+)
    • RSonia (3 S+)
    • SR Orochi (3 S+ including super awakening)

    .. and the list goes on for 3 skill boosts dragon type subs. Not a pretty list to say, and most importantly, none of these subs are that strong. Going in dungeons like AA3 with these subs on your Rai party will make any Yugi players out there laugh at you, and that's the truth.

    Sample of my Rai team prior to 18.2

    • Rai (Rai equip or any SB equip) - 1 S+
    • Rikkuu (Rikkuu equip) - 6 S+
    • Rikkuu (any equip will do) - 5 S+
    • SR Orochi (any equip will do) - 3 S+ (include super awakening)
    • Odindra (any equip will do) - 2 S+
    • Rai (any SB equip) - 1 S+

    With a total skill boosts of 18, add in with ROrochi's 4 turns delay, you can bring Rai up on first turn. But this party is horrible to say the least, in terms of damage. Rai is your only main damager and you will screw alot more on stronger and harder floors.

    Some other ppl with access to Valeria will find that getting Rai up on first turn is easy, with setup like this.

    • Rai (Rai equip or any SB equip) - 1 S+
    • Valeria (any SB equip) - 8 S+ JP / 7 S+ NA
    • Valeria (any equip will do) - 7 S+ JP / 6 S+ NA
    • SR Orochi (any equip will do) - 3 S+ (include super awakening)
    • Odindra (any equip will do) - 2 S+
    • Rai (any SB equip) - 1 S+

    Valeria is definitely better than Rikkuu as Rai subs, and you're good if you can have 2 of it.

    Prior to 18.2, team building for Rai is strict,and its likely that you don't have the key subs in your box (particularly Valeria and Rikkuu). But those days are over now, and Rai can finally ascend again as one of the better transform card.


    Post 18.2 Rai CD now is adjusted from 22 to 20 cd, with additions of tons of new dragon cards for you to mix and match into the party. These new dragon cards come from the evolutions of old cards, as well as the new Tales of Artifact Dragons collab, which starts in JP just now.

    Among the new dragon subs that you can consider now for your Rai party (not counting in skill boost from delay and haste)

    • Mega Kanna (4) - covers light and comes with blind immunity, also with 2cd haste.
    • SR Indra (4 including super awakening) - covers light and water and comes with poison immunity and a 1 turn cd haste.
    • Pixel Light ZGL (4 including super awakening) - covers light and water.
    • Pixel Sherias (4) - covers dark and water, also comes with double 7c.
    • R Odindra (4 including super awakening) - covers wood and dark.
    • SR Susano (3) - covers wood and comes with blind immunity.
    • R Radra (4 including super awakening) - covers light and fire, also comes with double 7c and 2 cd haste.
    • Elsha (3) - Covers water and light. Fortress dragon equivalent with 3 cd haste, also comes with double 7c and L on transform. From ToAD collab.
    • Alina (3) - Covers wood and light. Also comes with cloud resist, double 7c, vdp and heart prong on transform. From ToAD collab.

    Possible team setup with the addition of new dragons subs

    • Rai (any equip)
    • Elsha (any equip will do) - 3 S+
    • Elsha (any equip will do) - 3 S+
    • R Radra (any equip will do) - 4 S+ (include super awakening)
    • R Odindra (any equip will do) - 4 S+ (include super awakening)
    • Rai (any equip will do)

    Using Elsha skill which should be up on first turn (14 cd), you can bring Rai up on first turn easily this way. Since you don't need to use any SB equip anymore, you can slot in resists equip on any of the cards and steamroll the dungeons like you usually do. Damage is stronger in this team due to double 7c on at least 3 subs.

    Other alternative to this is to replace both Elsha with Mega Kanna and SR Indra, but this will require you to equip at least 2 SB equip on any of your card. In return, you'll get blind and poison immunities. Not a bad trade to say. To make Rai up on first turn, just pop either Kanna or RZeusdra +2 cd haste skill.

    • Rai (Rai equip or any SB equip)
    • Mega Kanna (any equip will do) - 4 S+
    • SR Indra (any equip with bind resist will do) - 4 S+
    • R Radra (any equip will do) - 4 S+ (include super awakening)
    • ROdindra (any equip will do) - 4 S+ (include super awakening)
    • Rai (Shelling equip or any SB equip)

    Don't want to pair Rai with another Rai?.. its totally fine. Its entirely possible to pair Rai with another dragon type leads. Doing so will make party composition becoming much easier (especially on skill boost part). Among the top choice for pairing leads with Rai includes

    • Valentine Ideal - currently the best pairing, 2x all stats for dragon type, shield + increase combo on rainbow match, and covers fire and water attribute. Whats not to like.
    • Diablos - 7x6 board with shield on 8c, and increase combo on rainbow match. However those shield aint gonna protect you from strong hit / preemps.
    • Uruka - The better 7x6 board with HP buff and shield on rainbow match than Diablos.
    • RDiaoChan - Useful for team that wants to play swapping lead. Also comes with useful active, blind immunity and possibly 4 S+ (including from super awakening).

    For Rai team's equip, can consider the following (if i missed any good equips, do let me know)

    • Rai equip - 1 S+ with cloud resist. Best S+ equip.
    • Shelling equip - 1 S+ with 2 jammer resist and 1 blind resist.
    • NY Reeche equip - Bind immunity, cloud resist and 3 turns void damage and attribute absorbs, along with the much needed Rai's board change.
    • Kamui equip - Bind immunity with 2 turns void damage absorb. Best for subs with no bind immunity like SR Indra (if you opt for double skill boosts from super awakening).
    • Faiz equip - 80% booster with 2 turns void damage absorb. Best for AA3.
    • Lightning equip - 80% booster with 20% resists for each hazard. Also comes with Rai's much needed board change.
    • Aeris equip - 40% blind and poison resists. Also comes with bind / awoken bind cures and Rai;s much needed board change.
    • Emiya Shirou equip - 40% blind and jammer resist. Also comes with 1-2 cd haste. The ultimate wooden stick.
    • Asakura Yoh - 20% resist to all hazard. Nice +combo skill but that heart blob fua awakening is a waste on Rai, unless if you're playing it good.
    • Fatalis equip - 40% jammer and poison resist with L unlock. Not so good skill on Rai team.
    • Light Cecil equip - 40% jammer resist, with triboard color change and 1 turn void damage absorb buff.
    • Halloween pumpkin equip - Lets face it.. poison skyfall is the only thing right now that sets Rai and Yugi apart.
    • Ryunosuke Umemiya equip - Same reasoning as Halloween pumpkin equip.
    • Lina Inverse equip - S+ with tape resist. Best equip for Yugi, and best equip for Rai too.
    • Anna Kyoyama equip - Tape resist with cleric skill. Best to be used on ROdindra.
    • Yuna equip - Tape resist with shield + finger buff.
    • And the usual 60% resist to specific hazards.. you know what i mean...

    [TODO - Will include some gameplay using new Rai setup]

    submitted by /u/acecorouna
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    Can someone explain a good rule of thumb on how much of each equip I should keep and what ones I should keep more of from this collab

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 06:41 AM PST

    What are some optimal pairings and subs for DLilia?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 10:23 AM PST

    I heard 7x6 leader swap would be very good for DLilia but i was wondering who i would pair with. Also I can probably inherit Blanka for that 99 turn wood sky fall

    submitted by /u/riptide7989
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    [Misc]PAX East?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:01 PM PST

    Anyone going to be at PAX East? I'm pretty local to the area, while I'm not going this year, I wouldn't mind meeting up.

    submitted by /u/ChoppedChef33
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    His own equip really suits him o:

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 11:29 AM PST

    Looking for Dark Zeta friends (also Yugi) ID 305280277

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 02:54 PM PST

    I'm looking for people who keep up dark zeta as a second or main lead. I also run yugi and new year reeche and Yoh (ID 305280277)

    submitted by /u/NFMonkey
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    So many Yugis with bakuras in 3p

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 06:44 AM PST

    The poison orbs have killed so many runs if im not also running a yugi :')

    submitted by /u/muttzone
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    Fastest way to level up?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 09:59 AM PST

    I am currently level 550. I can clear AA5 with ease. Actually I can probably clear pretty much all content. Got the typical Yugi team (Yugi, DM, Bakura, double dragon) Is there any faster way of leveling up, except for spamming AA5?

    submitted by /u/IlIIIIlllIlIlIIlIl
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    Need help with trades

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 09:54 AM PST

    I have a very developed box and from this collab i am missing just these 4 knight luluna lilia and aoi i can trade for 1 of them any stand out in particular thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/traktiion
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    [LF] Brave souls still using Shirou! 303,289,332

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 09:52 AM PST

    If you also want to BF me, I have Yugi in S1, Tifa in S2.

    Cheers and thanks :D

    submitted by /u/JackMeInScotty
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    Team ideas? Having trouble beating Feb Quest - Expert descended

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 09:39 AM PST

    DOmega or Base Rehven?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 01:20 PM PST

    My main has Ranger Slayer, and my alt is saving to either get DOmega from this event or Rehven from DBDC. Any thoughts on which would make a better pairing? I do love Rehven's active and multiplier, but lacking more diverse awakenings. Thoughts or suggestions?

    submitted by /u/phobia42
    [link] [comments]

    LF B. Veroah to BF 371.244.445

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 05:45 AM PST

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