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    Thursday, January 30, 2020

    Puzzle & Dragons [Megathread] Yugioh Roll Thread

    Puzzle & Dragons [Megathread] Yugioh Roll Thread

    [Megathread] Yugioh Roll Thread

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:36 AM PST

    [Megathread] Yugioh related team help, trade help etc

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:37 AM PST

    [Art] Out of boredom, I have created a new design for the Friend List

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 09:57 AM PST

    The return of god: Jerry

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 08:30 PM PST

    Anyone know what this disc in Myr's art says?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 09:26 AM PST

    Can't believe I just spent 50 stones on box space :/

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 10:45 AM PST

    My Yugi story

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 04:37 AM PST

    Here is a small anecdote of a bad player's Yugi story. I ended up rolling about 20 times in the collab, with the 7 star bundle. Now I am not a very god player, and have sat with a lot of annilihation dungeons unfinished as well as all the AAs and A5 undone. I ended up getting 3 yugi's, 2 dragons, magician and 2 poison guys. With Nere friend I have pretty easily completed most dungeons that sat undone. Still having problems with the special descended rush, but that will fall soon as well. Yugi is on another level and pretty fun as well. If you are like me and need the power creep to finish dungeons then Yugi is definitely worth it.

    submitted by /u/Alterna75
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    [Video] Sonia Story Mode Team... Is It Strong Enough?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 07:24 PM PST

    [Shitpost][RNG] Guess I'll take a rainbow pii if I have to....

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 03:49 PM PST

    LF Achilles friends 352,082,310

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 08:08 AM PST

    Clearing Technical Dungeons FAST Help

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 12:30 PM PST

    I've mentioned this in a couple of threads across this board, but I thought I'd take a shot at getting some general advice on this topic.

    So, I started playing PAD a long time ago, played for a couple years, and then went away for a bit. I came back and haven't left since. I'm almost to my 1,850th login, so a good amount of time.

    Since I cleared them all the first time I started the game, I've NEVER gone back into the Technical Dungeons to clear them all over again. I'm probably somewhere around the 3rd or 4th overall dungeon in there.

    I know posting my box would be helpful, but I'm just trying to get a sense of what some of you would do in order to clear these levels so I can take a stab at the AA Dungeons, since I can't until I clear out all of these other ones.

    So, any ideas to speed clear a bunch of these dungeons would be very helpful. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/scowley75
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    Need some teambuilding help

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 11:31 AM PST

    Box: https://imgur.com/a/MkDFTck

    Pulled B&J this god fest and she seems like my best lead right now. The only other candidate is Mariel.

    I'm looking for a team to help me push into endgame content as the highest dungeon I've cleared is arena 3. Any help is much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Unwilling_Gorilla
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    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 11:03 AM PST

    Whats the best use for Odysseus? I've been running Reincarnated Sakuya and Veroah.

    submitted by /u/ForgotAnotherPW
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    is it just me or is green att. leads kinda lackluster now?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 10:01 PM PST

    ik we have zela kitty, and ppl for farming like sylvie, and lou bei, but no one in my friends list runs them (except zela kitty ofc and maybe zela herself.). just me? maybe idk good green leads.

    p.s. YES i say the color instead of wood water or fire lol.

    submitted by /u/Made-Gearless
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    Any instant Fagan-Rai instant skill teams in my box?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 10:20 AM PST

    Trying to make a [Team] to beat Alt. Arena and Arena 5

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:11 AM PST


    Here are my monster box and my best teams. Not exactly the same team, but I beat Arena 3 with the Zeta team and Arena 4 with the Akine team. I got to the 20th floor in arena 5 with a previous version of the Zeta team, with Bcotton instead of the vdp zeta. Felt like I didn't have enough damage and missed a second zeta active , so tried again with current formation, died to Zeus.

    I think I tried once with akine and just died to some big preemptive. Never tried with Dmeta, until last godfest I didn't have Akine so no god FUA. Also not super confident about doing 7c+VDP+FUA.

    Veroah is new to me and I don't really know how to build for her.

    So, which would be the best team for Arena 5. And Alt. Arena? I don't even know which is supposed to be harder, anyways, what are the big mechanics you have to counter and encounters you must be prepared to handle?

    Relevant SA in my teams: Zeta VDP Zeta Tape resist Akine Jammer resist + The 3 DMetas have one of the 3 SA each. VDP, <50%, cloud resist Cotton VDP

    Thank you very much in advance for your help!

    submitted by /u/RaesaK_loves_RGBHV
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    Should I select furball or Hunter as my BEST friend? I think furball is more OP

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 11:55 PM PST

    Is it worth it to evo this or should i keep it without evo

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 09:53 PM PST

    Yugi Teams vs. Dungeon Mechanics?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 03:41 PM PST

    Yugi looks amazing, and I've got enough stones and trade ammo to likely get close to the optimal Yugi team (1 Yugi, 2 Guardians, 1 Dark Magician). Despite all the benefits, I am concerned about several common dungeon mechanics. Can someone who has played Yugi in JPN comment on how a Yugi team handles all of the following:

    1. Healing. Yeah I know 4x RCV, but none of the team makes hearts. So I can easily see getting hit with a huge gravity and getting trolled on hearts.
    2. Time debuff
    3. RCV debuff
    4. Unmatchable orbs
    5. Awoken bind clear.

    The hardest dungeons now typically have most or all of the above mechanics, and it looks like the optimal Yugi team is short on some or all of these.

    submitted by /u/CopperBlue17
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    A few days ago. I finally reached the 1000 login club, boyz!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 04:03 PM PST

    This has to be a typo, right?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 09:32 AM PST

    So this happened on my alt acct...

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 12:04 PM PST

    I know there's a lot of new fancy leads now days, but still love my VSonia, first teased Jan. 30th 2019!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 07:25 PM PST

    [LF] saintly eschamali and faiz accel form friends ID: 395,224,448

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 08:44 PM PST

    What are farmable options for poison sky fall overrides?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 04:55 PM PST

    Unfortunately I took a bit of a break during Halloween and never took the time to farm the pumpkin equip, are there any farmable overrides that "get the job done"?

    submitted by /u/xokej
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