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    Thursday, December 26, 2019

    Puzzle & Dragons Gungho Legal team every time YamaP speaks in a livestream

    Puzzle & Dragons Gungho Legal team every time YamaP speaks in a livestream

    Gungho Legal team every time YamaP speaks in a livestream

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 06:21 AM PST

    Your entire friend's list turning into Minakas overnight like

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 01:49 AM PST

    Got inspired to wish everyone of my friends merry christmas. I got so many answers that the first messages got deleted before I have read them :( This community is just love ❤️ i wish everyone here a merry christmas in the last hours we have today

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 10:22 AM PST

    [Guide][Discussion] Sub Evaluation & Minaka Teambuilding

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 09:59 AM PST

    If you're familiar with Minaka, her needs and want to skip my rambling. Scroll past the brief wall of text and the list will start. If not, begin here.

    I include Velkhana's LS and AS here since this is the "best" pairing in NA and this post is written with that pairing in mind.

    Minaka's LS (1.5/12/4): Puzzle becomes a 7x6 board. HP x1.5, ATK x3 for Water attribute cards. ATK x2, RCV x2 when matching 4+ Water or Dark orbs. +1x ATK +1x RCV per additional orb up to ATK x4, RCV x4 at 6 orbs.

    Minaka's AS: Changes Wood orbs to Water and Light orbs to Heal. Reduces damage taken by 50% for 1 turns.

    Velkhana's LS (2/20/1/35%): HP x2 for Water attribute cards. All allies 8x ATK at 4 combos. +2x for each additional, up to 20x ATK at 10 combos. 35% shield when healing at least 100,000HP with Heart orbs.

    Velkhana's AS: 2.5x Water ATK for 3 turns. Increases the skyfall of Water orbs by 25% for 3 turns.

    So now that we've all spent our Christmas money, gift cards etc. chasing Minaka; I've decided to put together an opinion based guide evaluating subs for her based off what I've seen in JP Youtube videos and discussions on this sub. I've been seeing a tremendous amount of questions and discussions about Minaka and teambuilding for her evo form and wanted to create a useful reference that is digestible for all skill levels of team building.

    It's no secret that she's a future proof lead simply because of the utility she offers. I still believe Tifa is superior since she has access to a better sub pool, namely BZela and Goury; but Minaka is next in the series of staple cards you will see on your friend list for the foreseeable future.

    Before I get to the list, I think it's important to draw attention to a few things Minaka needs. Namely that we lack Coco Ferkana who is the template pairing in JP since she's a very good auto FUA lead. This means running a full row team absolutely requires SFUA coming from somewhere, ideally from a Yoh equip on your main damage dealer. Pairing mainly with Velkhana means RCV is more important and regular FUA is devalued when it comes to row teams since you can't match both at the same time. You don't have to use a blue row to activate since she caps her LS damage at 6 orbs of either blue or dark but Minaka's kit clearly indicates she should be a row leader. With all of that said, I will be evaluating subs based on that and assuming that they are Level 110 with optimal SAs. As mentioned above, this is not a general blue tier list but an opinion based evaluation of subs for the pairing of Evo Minaka and Velkhana. There are other leads to pair with (and they will be noted briefly as they come up) but that's the best one we have access to so it's what I'm using as the template to work from.

    The first time I mention a card, I will hyperlink it to Padx for convenience.This is by no means an exhaustive list of subs or meant to be a definitive guide to team building; rather a jumping off point for people who are unsure where to start or are overlooking budget subs complete with a short summary of each card. Each tier is not in any exact order but will follow a general formula of subs near the top being more highly valued while we work our way down to the less than ideal options.

    If I overlook a card or place someone you love in a tier you hate or vice versa, please leave a comment and let me know what a shitheel I am. After all, the purpose of this post is to encourage discussion.

    Game8 Templates:

    I'm always half in on these templates but I think they tend to cover all of the bases so it's a good place to start. There are four template teams, three of which pair with Coco Ferkana who is a JP exclusive and brings auto FUA. Unfortunately, we're missing Coco which leaves Velkhana from Monster Hunter as the "optimal" pairing. Ukyo, Beach I&I and Rimururu are a few other pairings that people are more likely to have as they were more accessible than Velkhana. One more leader to mention is Base Minaka, she's a very good pair but is more restrictive in teambuilding as she adds a clause for dragons in her LS.

    I won't be covering assists since it's fairly obvious what the luxury equips are in general (eg; Aerith, Yoh) but here is an Ilmina search for blue equips in case you'd like to look at on color options.

    Minaka B. Veroah Kaname Amatsu Grand Starster Coco
    Minaka B. Veroah B. Veroah Velkhana Mel Coco
    Minaka B. Veroah Mut Amatsu Grand Starster Velkhana
    Minaka B. Cotton Revo Isis Eugeo Revo I&I Coco

    High Tier Subs:

    This will include subs for the template teams and some others that are not mentioned. I won't include any JP exclusive subs or equips outside of mentioning Coco above since that's a massive piece of the puzzle that we're missing. If you did skip the wall of text above, I'll mention once more that the subs are not ordered within the tiers but will follow a general more ideal to less ideal pattern as you go down the list. This is to say that in my opinion, Beach Veroah is not the best sub outright and is not necessarily better than Velkhana. Without further adieu...

    B.Veroah Double orb convert on a 5 turn CD that overwrites RCV debuffs. Good VDP damage stick with excellent stats.

    Velkhana An ideal damage stick, triple 7c with a VDP and 4k Attack at 110. Brings a spike and skyfall on active. An excellent choice to carry an SFUA equip which is very valuable given the added damage and need for FUA.

    Kaname Chidori One of my favorite blue subs. 10c and double VDP means she hits hard but still brings a ton of utility since she fully covers poison with her SA. Brings a Team HP and Team RCV which is welcome. Good weighted stats and good distribution for a damage dealer. Her active is a Zela active but swaps heart orbs for light which devalues it a bit. Minaka changes light to heart which offsets that but still requires the use of two actives for a VDP+SFUA board.

    Amatsu Amazing weighted stats, great combination of utility and damage in his kit and a great active that unlocks orbs. One of the "you'll use him if you have him" sort of cards.

    Dark Gamalya Great damage output with a 7c, 10c and VDP and covers cloud. Her active unlocks and combos with Minaka's active to get hearts on the board. Less consistent than Velkhana damage wise since you need to hit 10c but hits harder when you do.

    Base Minaka Thanks to /u/iQyu for this addition. Base Minaka is essentially a better version of Mut with great weighted stats, although her HP could be better. She brings 2 big fingers and 3 heart OE which covers your healing needs in it's entirety. Her active is obviously fantastic and generates heart and blue while giving a shield on a 9 turn CD. If you have dupes, I suggest keeping one in her base form rather than creating her equip.

    Evo Cherun Blue Zela but lacking damage and missing +1 combo on the active. This matters less since we have the 7x6 board as her board change itself doesn't require a second active to activate SFUA like Chidori's does. Her two seconds of movement time help a lot and adding another 10% HP on top of a lot of blue sub's insane HP is welcome.

    Highren Excellent active utility, full heal and awoken bind recovery plus a damage void. ~1500 weighted stats but leans heavily to RCV. Awakenings are simple, unbindable with 4 VDP. He does his job as a damage dealer well and provides an oh shit button if you need it.

    Mut More useful for the Velkhana pairing than Coco since you want to be sure to consistently activate Velkhana's shield and she'll help you do that. Brings 3 TE, some heart OE and covers tape.

    B.Cotton Cotton has been so good for so long, great active that generates water and hearts on a short cooldown, covers FUA and can provide damage from the 2 7c and VDP. Alternatively she can cover tape if you need it. Good carrier for your 2 turn Fujin active.

    Grand Starster Covers bind, awoken bind, tape, has a good board change and brings a bit of damage as well with 7cs and 3 OE. Lower weighted stats than some of the standouts on this list but is there for utility more than anything. You'll want to leave his jammer blessing awakening off for this team.

    Lutina Brings a TE, guard break, damage with 2 7c and a VDP and has L Unlock for utility, high weighted stats although heavily skewed to RCV. Can provide consistent water skyfall since her active is 1 turn and can be used as an inherit base for your Fujin active.

    Middle Tier Subs:

    Saber Admittedly would have her tiered higher if we had Coco but killing hearts and hazards on a 13 turn cooldown is outclassed even though the rest of her kit is excellent. Still an amazing sub and I would consider her between middle and high tier. She has a big finger and lots of damage awakenings so even if you don't use her active she's more than a respectable damage dealer. Skill charge may be wasted on many turns since we're running mono but it does offset the long CD.

    Beach I&I Debated putting her(them) higher since she's a unique sub that brings resists and VDP damage. Her active is missing unlock but reduces orb unmatchable status and gives a bicolor that can combo with Minaka's active. I rate her highly compared to others in this tier. She's also a good leader pair if friends lack Velkhana.

    Blujin Three fingers, 2 7c and a team RCV are the highlights of her awakenings. Low HP and her higher attack is semi "wasted" on floors with VDP. The reason she and Uruka are not top tier is mainly due to their actives being one turn which can force you to stall in some dungeons. It's just a better option to inherit a two turn Fujin on a low CD sub.

    Uruka Board change and Fujin skill on her active which is great, two fingers and three 7c with a soft unbind should you need it. I prefer her over Blujin but they're all but interchangeable.

    Kyori A short cooldown active that overwrites time debuffs, a big finger and very high attack makes Kyori a solid sub but suffers from her damage awakenings being L unlocks rather than 7c or additional VDP. Comes with a devil killer and is able to take devil killer latents. Still a great sub but outclassed by other short CD subs just due to ease of use.

    Sonia Clea She comes with a bicolor board that will remove awoken bind once that comes to NA. Great stats and good distribution since the RCV can be made up elsewhere. Has L unlock in addition to 3 7c and a VDP. She's a good damage dealer but doesn't bring much to the team beyond that and has less attack than other first choice damage dealers.

    Beach Eschamali Pure damage stick, albeit an excellent one. With the exception of Elgenubi, the seasonal Eschamalis have bind resist SA which is nice although you can slap Zordon on her and roll another SA if you'd prefer that. OE doesn't apply to anything except for skyfalls but is a better option in NA than JP since we can't match a row and normal FUA.

    Mega Ryune Unlock and bicolor board change but that's it as far as active goes. Comes with 4 rows and a combo orb, can cover cloud via SA. Stats are good but she has no personal damage awakenings and I would prefer a support unit to bring more support.

    Tidus 7 turn CD, 2 turn spike active plus a big finger, SFUA and 6 rows. Access to a second big finger via SA and has 1100 weighted stats with good distribution which is surprising for a 5* base collab card. Give him Zordon and he brings a ton of utility to the team. He's missing SBR which is made up elsewhere on the team but is still noteable.

    Blue Odin Great stats with good distribution, a small finger and 2 VDP plus good offensive SA choices including a third VDP. His active leaves something to be desired; it converts away light and heart orbs while adding two combos on a 12 turn CD. It's a bit long and doesn't synergize with Minaka's active as a way to create a VDP+SFUA board.

    Naga the Serpent You'll want to leave the last awakening off, just like Grand Starster. She's a great budget sub with good offensive awakenings and a short CD board change that also overwrites nasty skyfalls. She has good SAs and the only real problem is a pitiful health pool.

    Meridonalis Good stats and a good double convert active, unfortunately removes hearts so you'll need two actives for floors with resolve. Brings 6 rows, a finger and VDP plus either cloud or tape for her SA. Zordon equip makes her unbindable which solves her biggest problem. Good team damage stick. Like Tidus, she's missing SBR which is made up elsewhere on the team but is still noteable.

    Evo Rimururu A decent lead pairing in base form given you have Lutina. Her value as a sub comes in her evo form where she provides 5 blue OE and a big finger via SA. She has a 2 turn CD active that overwrites TE debuffs and gives +2 seconds of move time and converts poison away. Thanks to /u/KittyPowerSupply for giving me reason to retier her.

    Suou High weighted stats skewed to RCV. 4 7c which is excellent but no VDP which is the largest issue with his kit. Lacking unbindability is also an issue and can't be corrected by SA so you're forced into running an unbindable equip which is not possible for all of us. Good active and can cover cloud via SA.

    Beach Tachibana Brings some personal damage with 2 7c, has a finger, team hp and a few resists. No option for VDP and is not naturally unbindable. Overall her awakenings aren't bad but lack important pieces to bump her up to being a serious contender. Weighted stats are low but distribution is good. Her active also leave something to be desired, +2 combo and no unlock while making a 4 element plus heart board on a 12 turn CD.

    Mega Skuld Skuld suffers from the same issues as Kyori but has worse stats and a longer CD active. Her active is generally good, but I would prefer a +combo or other bonus instead of the delay she offers. She doesn't bring VDP so damage only comes from L unlocks and stops short as a main damage dealer.

    Revo I&I 3 turn spike and RCV buff on a 12 turn CD, brings 2 7c, 2 TPA and 2 rows and has access to tape resist or unbindability through her SA. Weighted stats could be better and awakenings are kind of a hodgepodge of everything. Not bad but certainly not a first choice.

    Budget Subs:

    Charlotte Good active that gives you an FUA but leaves the rest of your board bicolor. Both her base and evo forms are good but provide different things. It comes down to preference but I prefer this evo since she provides 5 rows. Given her stats, I prefer her as a support sub.

    En Lower weighted stats (despite favorable distribution to HP and ATK) push En to this tier but his awakenings are solid and synergize with Minaka's high RCV. Three fingers, a 7c, 2 over 80s and guard break round out the notable awakenings. Unbindability is available via SA. He has a one turn RCV buff and TE buff on a 3 CD timer.

    Pixel Rinoa Stats aren't great as a damage dealer but she has a short CD active that converts away hazards and hearts. It leaves other colors intact so you can create hearts with another active. 2 OE, 2 VDP, an attacker killer and access to cloud or tape resist via SA. Really not that bad as far as budget VDP goes and I debate moving her up a tier just because of that.

    Revo Isis Oh how you have fallen from grace. Awoken Isis was a Ra Drag staple but hasn't gotten too much love. She's not a bad sub by any means and brings a shield and bind recovery on a short CD. Unfortunately, most subs are unbindable and awoken bind is far more valuable these days. Comes with 2 OE, 2 rows a 7c and a big finger. Has access to L unlock, guard break and another 7c via SA. L unlock is probably the best choice of the group.

    Revo Gabriel I could basically copy and paste the last half of Revo I&I's description and just change awakenings around. The HP recovery on the active is more or less wasted since RCV isn't hard to come by on Minaka teams. Not a great SA selection.

    Revo Sarasvati I don't really have a lot to say here. 2 OE, 2 fingers and an L unlock via SA. Her active is clearly meant to be looped but given you can clear 75% of the board consistently activation won't be an issue. She's better on 5x6 where you may not get enough orbs to deal requisite damage.

    SR Lakshmi High weighted stats but she also leans heavily towards RCV which is less valuable than HP for this team. Comes with some killers, a heart OE and a finger. You can basically choose between heart OE or FUA for her SA out of a group of 5 which also turns me off to her. Other SAs are damage based and her 1681 ATK at 110 just doesn't cut it. Her active isn't true damage and spawns orbs rather than converting, which is far less valuable on 7x6.

    Hatsume Basically covers jammer by herself and that's it. Valuable for that reason and that reason alone, otherwise she's more or less dead weight.

    Aife Will be more valuable once we get her awoken form but her stats aren't great at all and triple 7c doesn't make up for that, especially since she lacks VDP. Doesn't have SA and isn't naturally unbindable. She does bring two fingers and an active that converts fire and hazards to water on an 8 turn CD (without touching hearts) which is nice.

    submitted by /u/KaiHG
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    Another Live Update for the Upcoming "Christmas" strim!!

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 01:33 AM PST

    Apologies for not doing one last stream. I had finals to study for and thankfully, managed to pass all my classes haha. With no more classes to study for for a week or so, I can get back to doing live updates! Stream starts in 1 hour and 30 minutes!

    1. Pre-8th anniversary event
    • Receive 101 stones by logging in anytime from January 1st to February 1st
    • For 5 weeks, you have a chance to roll Ney, cotton, saline, veroah, and Ina. So its like that chance at a free witch way back then. Ney will be on first week, Cotton second week, and vice versa
    • Survey free gatcha. Pick from 6* pantheon
    • New 3P content will be coming. Starting on January 20th
    • Art contest winners will have their monsters implemented into PAD starting on January 1st
    • For 5 weeks, 5 Experience of a Lifetime will be available. One for each week.
      • January 1st - January 7th
      • January 8th - January 14th
      • January 15th - January 21st
      • January 22nd - January 28th
      • January 29th - February 4th
    1. Another time attack
    • Rules:
      • 10 minutes
      • no collabs as base but assists are ok
    • Rewards:
      • If cleared under 10 minutes
        • 1 free roll on the Super godfest
        • 5 diamond dragon fruits
      • If 2nd person clears under 10 minutes
        • 5 super snow globe dragons
        • 3 tri god masks
    • Update: Both succeeded, so we get the following
      • 1 roll at the super godfest
      • 5 diamond dragon fruits
      • 5 super snow globe dragons
      • 3 tri god masks
      • REM buffs; Murai and Iwai both roll the REM and whatever they roll will get buff
        • Murai rolls wood Weejas, Delgado, and Claymore
        • Iwai rolls fire Chester and Okuninushi
    1. News
    • New Years challenge
      • Arenas 1, 2, AND 3 will be combined into a ONE dungeon
      • Arenas 4 and 5 will be combined into ONE dungeon
        • You have 1 hour limit to complete both dungeons; 1 hour for each to be specific
    • New Years Reeche and assist revealed
      • Link to their stat page
        • In case there are people who are lazy to click the link, she has 3x 7c AND skill charge
      • AS: removes lock orbs. rainbow board change. for 2 turns, voids damage absorb AND color absorb
      • LS: 2x hp and atk for devil types. 2+ TE. reduces damage when reaching 7 or more combos. 9x atk when matching 4 or more attributes
    • Vidar Descended, aka material for SRevo Norse pantheon
      • SR FREYJA
    1. Collab News

    For awakenings, I will shortly post pictures of them afterwards

    Yugioh (link to whole collab) (For the sake of translating and saving time, I will leave out assists for 6* and below as they all share the same actives. Check out the link to see what awakenings they have)

    • Yugi (base 7*)
      • AS: light, dark, and heart board change. Transforms into Yami Yugi
      • LS: 9x atk when matching 9 light or dark connected orbs
    • Yami (Transformation for Yugi)
      • AS: fire water jammer and poison orbs to dark orbs. 2 turn fujin and 2+ combos
      • LS: dark cards 2x to all stats. Voids poison damage. 9x atk for matching 9 connected dark orbs and auto fua
    • Yami (Uevo)
      • SA: TE+, SB+, or combo orb
      • AS: clears all awoken binds. Top row to dark orbs and bottom row to light orbs
      • LS: 5x atk and 2+ combos when matching 5+ light AND dark. 2x hp and 5x atk for dark cards
    • Slifer the sky dragon (Yugi assist)
      • AS: clears all awoken binds. Top row to dark orbs and bottom row to light orbs
    • Kaiba (base 7*)
      • SA: SB+, VDP, or TE+
      • AS: for 1 turn, void skyfalls. top and bottom to water orbs
      • LS: water cards 5x atk. halves damage when HP is above 80%. 3x atk and auto fua when matching 6 or more connected water orbs
    • Kaiba (Uevo)
      • SB+, VDP, or TE+
      • AS: unlocks board. randomly spawns 15 water and dark orbs
      • LS: reduces damage when above 50% hp. water cards 4.5 atk. 4x atk when matching 6 or more connected water orbs. 2+ combos when matching 9 or more connected water orbs
    • Obelisk the tormentor (Kaiba assist)
      • AS: unlocks board. randomly spawns 15 water and dark orbs
    • Marik (Base 7*)
      • SA: guard break, TPA, or TE+
      • AS: 2x atk for dark cards and rcv for 1 turn. wood to dark and water orbs to heart orbs
      • LS: devil types 2x hp and 6x atk. 3x atk and reduces damage when matching 2 or more dark combos
    • Marik (Uevo)
      • SA: guard break, TPA, or TE+
      • AS: clears all binds and awakening binds. 2+ combos for 1 turn
      • LS: no skyfalls. 3+ combos when matching 5 (4 attributes + heal orbs) attributes. fire and dark cards 2x atk and hp. 6x atk when reaching 10c or more.
    • Winged dragon of Ra (Marik assist)
      • AS: full bind and awakening bind clear. 2+ combos for 1 turn
    • Tea:
      • AS: full hp heal. for 3 turns, recovers 20% of max hp. Orb refresh
      • LS: 1.5x hp for healer cards. 4x atk when matching 4 or more attributes. 4x atk and reduces damage when healing 50k or more.
    • Joey
      • AS: deals 150x fire damage to all enemies. top row to fire and bottom row to dark
      • LS: 3x atk and halves damage when matching 5 connected fire orbs in L formation. 1+ combo and 6x atk when matching 4 or more attributes
    • Mai
      • AS: 2 turn delay. removes locked orbs. randomly spawns 6 heart orbs from non wood and fire orbs
      • LS: Up to 9x atk when reaching 5 or more combos. 2x atk and reduces damage when matching 2 or more heal combos
    • Bakura
      • AS: Poisons enemies. dark, heal, and poison board.
      • LS: reduces damage when above 50% hp. Voids damage from matching poison orbs. Up 15x atk when matching 4 or more connected poison orbs.
    • Dark Magician
      • AS: delays enemies by 3 turns. remove locked orbs. jammer, poison and bombs to dark orbs.
      • LS: 2x atk and hp for dark cards. 7x atk when skill is used. 1+ combo when matching 9 or more connected dark orbs.
    • Dark Magician Girl
      • AS: removes locked orbs. randomly spawns 5 light and dark orbs.
      • LS: 3.5x atk and 1.5x hp to light and dark cards. 4x atk and reduces damage when healing 50k or more.
    • Blue Eyes White Dragon
      • AS: 2+ combos for 1 turn. 2 left most column to water orbs and 2 right most column to light orbs.
      • LS: 5x atk and 1.5x hp to dragon cards. 1+ combo and 3x atk when matching water and light combos
    • Gandora, the Dragon of Destruction
      • AS: for 1 turn, increases atk based on how many team HP+ awakenings there are. Reduces HP by 50%.
      • LS: no skyfalls. 2x atk when matching 2 or more dark combos. up to 11x when there is 10 or less orbs left on the board.
    • Gaia Knight
      • AS: deals 10k true damage to all enemies. 2 left most column to wood orbs and 2 right most column to dark orbs.
      • AS: 2x hp for attacker cards. 3x atk when matching wood and dark orbs. 3x atk when matching 5 or more connected wood or dark orbs
    • Mystical Elf
      • AS: recovers 50% of max HP. Full clear unmatchable orbs. left most column to heart orbs.
      • LS: 7x atk and reduces damage when matching 2 or more heal combos. recovers 10x rcv when matching orbs.
    • Fortress Dragon
      • AS: 3+ haste. transforms into Dark Magician Girl (The one 6* Dark Magician Girl from earlier)
      • LS: 3x atk when reaching 4 or more combos. 3x atk and reduces damage when hp is above 50%
    • Kuriboh
      • AS: 1+ combos and reduces damage for 5 turns
      • LS: 7x6 board. 1.5x hp and rcv for wood cards. up to 10x atk when reaching 4 or more combos
    • Swords of Revealing Light (I'm assuming this will be the exchangeable monster of the collab)
      • AS: for 3 turns, increased skyfalls of light orbs. 3 turns skill delay
    1. Uevos (link to all uevo artworks and awakenings)
      • SA: VDP, team HP, or SB+
      • AS: recovers 10% of max hp. randomly spawns 4 wood orbs from non wood orbs.
      • LS: 1.5x to all stats for wood cards. 2x atk when hp is above 50%. 5x atk and reduces damage when matching 2 wood combos
      • SA: VDP, team HP, or SB+
      • AS: removes locks and randomly spawns 4 light orbs from non light orbs
      • LS: 4x atk for light cards. 1.5x atk when skill is used. 4x atk when reaching 5 or more combos.
      • SA: VDP, team HP, or SB+
      • AS: halves damage for 1 turn. fire water wood and dark board change
      • LS: 2.5x atk and rcv to dark cards. 2+ TE. 8x atk when matching 6 or more connected orbs. Up to a maximum of 8x at 8 connected orbs.
      • SA: VDP, SB+, or god killer
      • AS: light and heart board change. Full hp and bind recovery
      • LS: 6x atk when hp is above 50%. 4x atk and rcv when hp is below 49%. 3x atk and reduces damage when matching 2 or more light combos
      • Freyja will require a new descended called Vidar descended. Descends on January 1st!!
      • SA: SB+, VDP, jammer res+, SFUA, or dungeon boost
      • AS: for 3 turns, 2.5x atk to wood and dark attributes and rcv. 1+ haste
      • LS: wood cards 1.5x hp, 4x atk and rcv. 3x atk and reduces damage when matching 5 or more connected wood orbs
    1. Other stuff
    • NY buffs announced which can be seen here
    • Buffs to the aforementioned cards rolled by Murai and Iwai found here
    • SGF announced which can be seen here
    • Vidar Descended has no assist clause (RIP FARMING TEAMS). Starts on January 1st!!!

    OK, I think that's about it, time for bed since I have work on Boxing Day haha. Thanks for bearing with me guys and until next time!

    submitted by /u/Shining_Equinox
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    My 2200 day just happen to be Christmas

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 05:51 AM PST

    Caught up in the Christmas spirit, I decided to send everyone on my friends list a message saying Merry Christmas. Checking back a few hours later, I was so happy to see so many responses. Hope everyone has a great New Years (*⁰▿⁰*)

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 11:21 PM PST

    My only saved message. I still like to look at it to know that we have one of the best communities on this website.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 07:27 PM PST

    [Shitpost]Yog looking at Lakshmi and be like...

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 09:05 AM PST

    Kamen Rider coming to NA

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 07:02 PM PST

    Return player need help and suggestions

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 01:23 PM PST

    I just returned to play this game after stopped playing it for about 5 years and found out my old account. I post my main box here and need some suggestion. A lot of changes had happened to this game in these years and I'm trying to catch up but still have a lot of questions needing help.

    I just get minaka and zela, I guess those 2 will be the most useful leaders now?

    Is there other characters worth to work now?

    I found the +system had changed and I know by selling characters can get the + back, but is there any other way to get + back without selling?

    A lot of ultimate evo will need new evo materials now like diamond dragon fruit. The pad guide I searched says it invades in Thursday dungeon but I have been using farming it today about 10 more times and did not see one. Is it really available from there or is there a better place to farm it? (I can't pass arenas with my current ream yet when I tried)

    Sorry for so many questions but any suggestions would be welcome and wish all had a nice Christmas and will have a good new year. ;)

    In the end Looking for friend. Anyone will be welcome. ID 337 872 281.


    submitted by /u/flyinskycy
    [link] [comments]

    Just started yesterday can anyone give my the rundown on how this game works and tips on team building. Thanks

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 12:37 PM PST

    People complaning they are PAD money broke NY Ganesha x4 gold coins here slot 2 ALL THE TIME

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 08:30 AM PST

    359 446 332 I have NY ganehsa up ALL the time in slot 2. I GUARANTEE you, I'm the only one in NA PAD that has this all the time. I still await a friend who will become the best friend the moment they can commit their slot 2 to their NY ganehsa (Forever big commitment). You may use my NY ganesha though if you like, or you can use your bf on me. He will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS be in slot 2.

    submitted by /u/juked1s
    [link] [comments]

    NEED VELKHANA FRIENDS!! Base minaka is just to awesome with that dragon goodness! 358, 487, 335

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 09:42 AM PST

    Is there a place to find the YGO collab cards awakenings?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 09:40 AM PST

    Incredibly interested and the pics Ive currently found are very low quality and I can only make out a few awakenings. Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/G46R13L7
    [link] [comments]

    [Shitpost] Damn, this ad is everywhere

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 11:00 PM PST

    [Help] Minaka vs. Tifa

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 08:53 AM PST

    Can someone explain why Minaka is better than Tifa? imo tifa has better damage control but maybe I'm just dumb. Is it the sub pool maybe?

    submitted by /u/JBiggs24
    [link] [comments]

    I completed AA2 on the day after Christmas! Anyone else feel like AA2 was a lot easier than AA1?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 10:42 AM PST

    [LF] looking for Velkhana friends. Running Minaka with shattercryst+. Also running Velkhana with aerith equip if interested. 318 910 441

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 02:00 PM PST

    LF Minaka friends, ID: 336 523 483

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 01:51 PM PST

    Hi! I’m in dire need of some velkhana friends, since the system keep giving me more minaka , 324,614,396 thanks!

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 01:48 PM PST

    [LF] Velkhana friends, ID: 306,745,484

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 01:23 PM PST

    [discuss] Is anyone else's most wanted YuGiOh card Kuriboh?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 12:37 PM PST

    When I saw this lil poof I was like damn, this is the perfect 7x6 for Lilia (5819 and 5820). His leaderskill is perfect to pair with a wood combo lead with autoFUA (needs VDP for FUA). He also had 1 resist if each type so if you have that Sousuke teddybear equip for a leaderswap you start out with 3 blind resists. Kuriboh actually has a higher ATK multiplier than Diablos and his 3 team HP awakenings (and more useful shield active skill) make up for the weighted stat differences.

    I'm not exactly sure what team I'll be using or if I'll be pairing my dark Lilia with the base version for the swap, but I'm excited to try it out. He seems great to me. Its a nice feeling when your most wanted roll isn't a chase card in a REM.

    submitted by /u/PapaIceBear
    [link] [comments]

    Late Christmas free pull. Worth it.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 12:01 PM PST

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