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    Sunday, January 30, 2022

    Puzzle & Dragons Long story short, I know practically nothing about this game besides “match colors and get big numbers.” I don’t know any of this “titles” stuff or proper team building. Could really use some help and advice from this community (box included (almost full))

    Puzzle & Dragons Long story short, I know practically nothing about this game besides “match colors and get big numbers.” I don’t know any of this “titles” stuff or proper team building. Could really use some help and advice from this community (box included (almost full))

    Long story short, I know practically nothing about this game besides “match colors and get big numbers.” I don’t know any of this “titles” stuff or proper team building. Could really use some help and advice from this community (box included (almost full))

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 05:48 PM PST

    Got my very first GFE from the Video Egg Machine accross 2 accounts!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 09:48 PM PST

    I hate this dungeon, I’m so glad it’s over! We did it!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 10:58 AM PST

    It took me all week to prepare the RMenoa assist and get RValk Ciel but I did it ��

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 03:53 PM PST

    Seawolf/Naut/Royal Oak for MD/AltMD?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 08:36 PM PST

    What do you think is the easiest lead to team build for MD/AltMD assuming you have most subs and leads needed?

    I really hate team building, so I am trying to figure out which lead I should put the effort into building a team around. I have most of the good subs and assists. (Don't have blue Albrecht yet, or anything else requiring gems from MD+ or SR3. Also didn't get Popp, and don't have Cecilia, but I did finally get around to clearing Ciel and making the blue/red ones.)

    If anyone is bored and wants to help me put together a team, I could always post my box, but it is 2500+ cards.

    submitted by /u/C654213
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    Would someone please look through my dark box and see if I have an MD1/Alt MD1 capable team (with Mahito and Mikage)?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 03:44 AM PST

    I don't expect much! Just a skim and a team template suggestion, I appreciate anything from anyone willing to take their time! Monster box: https://imgur.com/gallery/J2yFUjW

    submitted by /u/GrabMyDoorknob
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    [Tips?] If you are running MD2, consider stalling another turn on Chester

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 10:04 AM PST

    Chester on F6 cast a 3 turn spinner in the middle on 7x6 (and shrink back to 6x5) on super resolves.

    Most players kill him on the turn of super resolve, and if you get Astraea on the next floor, she will preempt a 1 turn spinner of 2 rows, making it rather hard to oneshot her. If you stalled a turn on her, she'll cast a 5 turn spinner depending on her %HP.

    You can overcome this series of events by spinner cure latent or a spinner active. Otherwise it is rather troublesome for some teams and players.

    chester ast t1 ast t2 ...... ...... ...... ..xxx. xxxxxx ..xx.. ..xxx. -> ...... -> oooooo ...... xxxxxx ..xx.. ...... ...... ...... (x or o) 3t -> 2t 1t -> 5t! 

    However, if you stall another turn on Chester, that would put the effect of his spinner on 1 turn left when you move to the next floor.

    Because of how enemy AI works (flash back to AA3), if the spinner they are casting has the same number of turns of effect as the remaining spinner cast by another enemy, they will skip and do a normal attack instead.

    chester ast t1 ast t2 ...... ...... ...... ..xxx. ..xxx. ..xx.. ..xxx. -> ..xxx. -> oooooo ...... ...... ..xx.. ...... ...... ...... (x or o) 2t -> 1t -> 5t! +483600 

    The upside is that you'd have a easier time VDP-ing (or even with Daytona + HCotton active) Astraea on first turn to 1 shot, and you don't have to deal with the spinner in the middle for 5 more turns, or have an spinner cure in the team at all.

    The downside is that you will take a large hit from Chester (697500), and then a preempt from Astraea (483600).

    To me the Chester spinner is much easier to VDP with on Astraea because the lower left corner is a free moving space. I can count time on the spinner at the bottom left corner (req color count back te mod 6). I can also count time on the 2 rows spinner, however it is much harder to move orbs without touching the spinner in and out of the edge.

    And by the way, you can do this kind of matches on Chester.

    L.LLLL aaabbb L.xxx. b.xxxa L.xxx. b.xxxa L..... b....a ..LLLL aaabbb tpa normal match 

    Don't fear the spinners, adapt and learn to manipulate them :)

    submitted by /u/fether
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    One Punch Man must rolls

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 12:41 PM PST

    I am a no iap player so magic stones are a very limited resource for me, I was wondering if there were any cards in the one punch man collab that were must haves and would be worth dropping lots of stones to get. I don't want to have a situation again like when I rolled a Daytona and realized I had not HCottons or even an HChaekol. Do you see any cards in the lineup that will be that important for any of the main leaders in the future?

    submitted by /u/DandyLionMan
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    Another Naut shit build for alt MD1 Fairy challenge

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 09:00 PM PST

    Its a shitpost so lets get on with it.


    Badge : hp+ * Nautilus (6 sdr) with Zela Hat * Alynna (poison skyfall + either 2 sdr or rcv+) with xmas Polowne assist * Chakeol (unmatchable + rcv+ or physical killer) with Akuma assist * Selica (ddc) with Avan assist * Fuji Shusuke (ddc) with GMenoa (delay version) assist * CMenoa (6 sdr) with GMenoa (non delay version) or GGY assist.

    Pair with Naut works too, but CMenoa makes Naut transform to his final form faster. Team has about 600k+ hp and can heal nicely with one heart match + combo. Stronger heal can be done with tpa heal instead.

    Everything here can 2hko you so always heal and save heart orbs when its CMenoa turn next. If want better heal power, use rcv+ badge. You need minimum 530k hp for the whole dungeon because gems floor will hit for 520k.

    If you dont have GMenoa delay assist, then use Gojo. With Gojo, CMenoa can use Zela hat or any wood row assist.

    With this build, clear time will be under 20 mins, so dont rush.

    Terminology used for steps below

    • Super damage - Make one row + 1 wood match + combo as much as you can.. this will guarantee Selica and Fuji and CMenoa to hit the cap.

    • Mega damage - Make 2 rows and combo as much as you can. This will guarantee Alynna and Chakeol to hit the cap.

    • Ultra damage - Make 1 row + vdp and combo as much as you can. This will guarantee Naut to hit the cap.

    Floor breakdown

    Floor 1 * Stall 1 turn by clearing board and collecting at least 3 ot more wood orbs. Put the wood orbs on the bottom of the board. * Naut transform then Alynna transform then Avan haste then CMenoa haste * Alynna then super damage.

    Floor 2 * GMenoa delay then Selica then random 1c match. * Another 1c match * CMenoa then attack till hit resolve * Naut transform then kill. If there are spinners, do 2 heart rows as well to clear it.

    Floor 3 * If blue one comes out, pop Selica. Use CMenoa then hit resolve * Naut then kill.

    Floor 4 * 1c match * Alynna then CMenoa then hit resolve * Naut then kill while making 1 heart row

    Floor 5 * Fuji then CMenoa then use the spinner to make one heart row * Selica then Naut then kill with row + L

    Floor 6 * (Either) Do OHKO super or mega damage with CMenoa

    Floor 7 * (Saras) use Alynna, then Naut, then do ultra damage * (Arianrhod) Naut then do 1 row + 1 heart row + combo. If can do 2 heart row, do 2 instead. Then CMenoa and kill.

    Floor 8 * (Kanna) Selica then Gouki then Naut/CMenoa then kill. * (Eschamali) just do OHKO ultra damage.

    Floor 9 * (Australis) if previous one was Kanna, then Fuji then Naut/CMenoa then kill. If not then use Gouki first then do the kill step. * (Saria) bring her down to resolve, then when she opens her game, dont play it. Instead just arrange the board so that there will be splitted wood on top and bottom of the board and just do 1c of non wood orb. After that solve the board with just 1 row. Keep the remaining wood orbs for the next floor and hope you have enough of it. If you are confident with playing her game then do as you like. You need min 8c to pass her test.

    Floor 11 * (Takamimusubi) Make a wood row. Then use Naut / CMenoa to tank until Alynna is up while bringing down to half hp. Then Alynna then Selica then Naut/CMenoa then kill. Make heart row as well to clear spinner if any. * (Sritri) Make a 6 wood blob then use Naut / CMenoa to tank until Alynna is up then just do OHKO ultra damage.

    Floor 12 * (Kamimusubi) Alynna or Fuji (if 3rd skill) then OHKO ultra damage. * (Macha) tank and stall until Naut is back in the lead while bringing her down to half hp. Then do mega damage. If the swapped one is Fuji, then you can go for the kill while still on swapped.

    Floor 13 * Vdp vdp vdp until she puts up spinner. * Make heart row to clear the spinner then do ultra damage until she transform

    Floor 14 * (Water Albrecht) if by miracle Gouki is not used, then mega damage all the way. Otherwise gambare stalling. He will lock the board like every 2 turns so use Selica accordingly. To stall, make wood blob and not row. * (Dark Albrecht) just do mega damage or ultra damage. When reaching red zone, ultra damage all the way. * (Wood Albrecht) just mega damage all the way. Save Alynna as he will use awoken void at some point.

    Modify your build accordingly if you are missing any of the units mentioned above.

    End of shitpost.

    submitted by /u/acecorouna
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    Blackbird bundle???

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 04:34 PM PST

    Are their going to be any special bundles or anything for the black bird Godfest? And if so is their any idea on the pricing?

    submitted by /u/Ok_Blackberry_5639
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    After many tries that tested my resolve, I am now officially a Fairy

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 04:23 PM PST

    Finally beat MD1… and I learned I really hate execute mechanics

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 01:20 PM PST

    [Achievemnt] First ever CIEL clear with a relative cheap Oak team. Used no stones aswell!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 10:48 AM PST

    NY Rush: In case anyone's looking for another NY Ganesha swap. 3 minutes for 613 million coins.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 12:17 PM PST

    Fairy Title clear, after way too many attempts

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 06:07 PM PST

    NY Rush Coin dungeon

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 08:34 AM PST

    Does anyone have a simple team that most players would have in the box to run this stupidly complex dungeon. I SUCK AT THIS GAME. I AM BEYOND FRUSTRATED. My only redeeming factor in playing is building up my monster box. I want to 120 level a ton of monster. 3 painful weeks at the Sunday dungeon and very little to show for it coin wise.

    This dungeon comes here and yeah. By no I have one lousy swap monster, no Daytona, No NY Ganesha. I have Kaiki but my assist all such and I cannot meet the manic requirements of floor 4. I have wasted over 2 hours on finding a team to run this with any sort or easy or even finish it with a coin multiplier. Padx is down so searching for data is a nightmare. Why is this so difficult. Why is there so many mechanics. This game is losings my patience. It really is hard to want to play these days with player resources dwindling and I am not great player, I need to rely on external resources.

    Any help would be appreciated. Snowed in and about to throw my phone at he wall. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/jnine2020
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    3p Mut Descended - Dark Gravity/Swipe

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 05:03 PM PST

    [Help] Nautilus Team for Illusory World of Carnage

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 06:32 PM PST

    Genos Leader Pairing

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 12:25 AM PST

    So I've been stocking up on the grand total of three cards with the Super Enhanced Matching awakening (CSelica, CXiahou Dun, NYKamimusubi) and freaked out when we got an actually viable leader for them (Genos). I can't decide if I want to run Genos x FHera-Luna or Genos x Genos. Thoughts?

    Genos x Genos

    3.6/625/3.6, 75%, 6000000 follow up

    Genos x Hera

    5.4/350/1.8, 50%, 3000000 follow up, 4c

    submitted by /u/Technical-Anybody433
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    Dreading Mut Descended after Amen and Khonsu. Team for reliable clears?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 04:44 PM PST

    After miserable experiences clearing Amen Descended and Khonsu Descended, I'm reluctant to even attempt Mut Descended, even for the first-time clear bonus of 3 rainbow medals.

    I have 86 rainbow medals and 5 black medals (so effectively 111 rainbow medals) on my main and 137 rainbow medals on my alt. So I have plenty of rainbow medals already.

    Is it really worth the hassle of clearing it during the dungeon's debut?

    If so, what leads, subs, and equips do you recommend using to clear it?

    submitted by /u/Tek70x7
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    I destroyed Stellar Stage of the Supreme in ONLY 1 DAY

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 12:14 AM PST

    [LF] Christmas menoa friends and ny ganesha 333,759,460

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 03:24 PM PST

    First real title!!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 04:35 PM PST

    Silly question, but: When people say "trading +297 for AA4 latent" or something to that effect, how do you actually trade the 297 points?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 01:11 PM PST

    I've been wondering this a while, can't quite figure it out. Sometimes I see people offering +297 for a gem or a latent, but since you can't put +297 on any of the 8* gems or latents, does it just have to be a separate trade on the honor system, like trading... oh, I don't know, a Hera-Is gem for a VDP and then a +297 shynee for an evo mask? Or is there another way to do it that I'm missing? I feel pretty silly for asking, but I really appreciate anyone who can clear this up!

    submitted by /u/bramptonsouthexposed
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    Mut Descended - Dark Swipe

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 05:02 PM PST

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