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    Monday, August 23, 2021

    Puzzle & Dragons [megathread]R-r-r-rolling thread

    Puzzle & Dragons [megathread]R-r-r-rolling thread

    [megathread]R-r-r-rolling thread

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 03:37 AM PDT

    It's time to dddddd duel! Good luck A!

    submitted by /u/ChoppedChef33
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    Absolute King team

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    Tell a sad story without any words

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 08:38 AM PDT

    Tried to make an expensive meme, turned out okay

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    Good luck chasing Exodia, Yugi

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 10:06 PM PDT

    NA Exclusive Thousand-Eyes Restrict

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    Murase birthday celebration: Ronové and Quetzalcouatl bolstered

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    From the Discord…


    Both cooldowns reduced to 2.

    Wood/Null version:

    —New Leader Skill: 6xATK when attacking with three Attributes, cut enemy HP by 1 with four or more. Making a Heal cross results in 4xATK and reducing damage by 65%.

    —New Awakenings: Resistance—Bind+, Defense Break, 3-Attribute Amplification x 3 (or whatever its proper name is…)

    —Super Awakenings: 3-Attribute Amplification, 4-Attribute Amplification, Skill Boost+

    Wood/Fire version:

    —New Leader Skill: Replace "cut enemy HP by 1" with "gain two combos" in the above.

    —New Awakenings: Resistance—Bind+, 3-Attribute Amplification x 3, Two-Pronged Attack

    —Super Awakenings: Defense Break, Skill Boost+, 3-Attribute Amplification

    Pixel version:

    —New Leader Skill: 2xHP and 6xATK if all subordinates are Pixel. Reduce damage by 50% when making a Heal cross. 4xATK when attacking with at least three Attributes.


    —Active revision: For 2 turns, double RCV and time limit, add 2 combos, and reduce damage by 50%.

    —New Leader Skill: 5xATK and 2 extra combos if matching at least four Wood orbs together. 4xATK and reduce damage by 25% with at least 7 combos. 2xHP for Wood units.

    submitted by /u/SkyknightXi
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    Adding anyone who needs them, 341457423

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 10:39 AM PDT

    [Guide] Yu-Gi-Oh Collab IAP and Trade Analysis

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 09:21 PM PDT

    With the Yu-Gi-Oh collab dropping tonight here are my thoughts on the collabs bundles and trades.

    Some Things To Keep In Mind

    • Only IAP if you have the income to do so. No matter how enticing a card may be it is not worth it is not worth it to break the bank chasing it.

    • Only trade/IAP if you know what you're going to use the card with/for. It'd be the worst feeling if you traded for something and then never rolled the leads/subs/assists to support it later.

    • These are my personal opinions. Your opinions may differ and if you think a trade or IAP would benefit you a lot then go for it.

    IAP Bundles

    30 Magic Stones and 7 Star Bundle - $30 USD

    Would not recommend getting this bundle because even though it seems easy to snipe a Yugi or Kaiba, you have a 25% chance to roll Pegasus and have spent 10 extra dollars for him.

    The analysis of each card will come in later sections.


    20 Magic Stones and Pegasus Guaranteed Bundle - $20 USD

    This is the bundle to buy in this collab if you were considering IAPing.

    Pegasus himself is not that good of a leader as he comes with a very gimmicky leader skill that comes with no shield. He does come with a looping active but there are other better systems that exist. Overall, gets outclassed by the fairies and submarines in terms of being a viable leader.

    He is also not that spectacular as sub either as he takes 20 turns to transform and only has 1 SB pre-transform. His 2 turn void damage on transformation can be helpful for stalling but overall, it does not seem worth it to include in teams when cards like Sakura (Fate) counter a lot more with their active skill post transform.

    Though Pegasus may not be that good of a sub or leader, the real value comes from his weapon. The awakenings are very good, 1 SB and 40% Jammer/Poison can help fill in gaps when teambuilding. But the best part is the active, 3 turn Fujin active while voiding damage is amazing in SR3 and the upcoming Mysterious Dimension.

    In SR3 you can use this weapon on the F6 dark carbuncle and charge it back up to tank Hexa's <50% execute or Raphael's execute if you can't one-shot him.

    In Mysterious Dimension, you can counter Blue and Dark Albert with just a single active. 3 turn Fujin for Blue Albert when he's <50 and damage void for Dark Albert's execute.

    Being able to counter multiple spawns/floors with a weapon that has very good awakenings is spectacular and means that you leave room for other assists to help cover resists or other gimmicks.

    If you're a late game player and want to have an easier time in SR3 and/or MD, then I would highly recommend getting this bundle for his weapon.


    15 Magic Stones and Blue-Eyes White Dragon Guaranteed Bundle - $15 USD

    Blue-Eyes in its base form has decent awakenings and a decent active skill but will likely never see use in a viable team. Though he does have a Fujin active on a 9 turn cooldown, there is a concern of if his board change erases too many hearts or creates an awkward board.

    His weapon comes with very subpar awakenings with the same active as his base form.

    Overall, Blue-Eyes may see some use in farming for its active I would not recommend buying unless you're a completionist or want to keep him for possible use in farming teams.




    Yugi in base form was once at the top of meta but unfortunately, even after receiving buffs, he struggles to be viable today.

    The biggest thing holding back transform Yugi is the fact that he only comes with a 3x HP multiplier with no shield. 3x HP is enough for most dungeons but being vulnerable to >100% gravities makes him weaker than other effective 3x HP leaders . You could pair with Sakura (Fate) but the hassle of transforming Yugi and Sakura (2 if you intend to loop) does not seem worth it when the Fairies and Submarines offer easier teambuilding. Not to mention that the Yugi/Sakura pairing is only ~8.5x effective HP when other leaders have much higher multipliers.

    Yugi's Uvo form may be the most enticing reason to trade for Yugi as he has 2x 10c, can be 2x damage cap'd, comes with blind resist, and comes with some rows. His 2 turn delay is also very helpful for stalling. Spectacular sub on paper but has no place on a viable endgame team currently. He's waiting for JJK collab to be confirmed as he is a very solid card on Yuji/Mahito teams.

    Finally, Yugi's assist also very good as it can cover tape and SBR on your dark row team. The 2 turn delay is also nice. It should not be relied on as a cleric active as it only recovers HP and awoken bind. A solid assist but not the reason why you would be trading for Yugi.

    Overall, if JJK gets announced somehow, trade for Yugi.



    Kaiba has too many evos to talk about so I will only talk about his best evos and uses.

    Kaiba's Uvo is an amazing water sub. His awakenings leave nothing more to be desired and can 2x damage cap easily despite only having 4 7c or 3 7c + VDP due to his high attack and takoyakis. His active is also fantastic as the delay can be used for stalling throughout a dungeon and the shield can be used to tank a <50% execute. Fits very well on Natsuru/Natsuru or Bride Yuri/Natsuru teams.

    Kaiba's first assist, Obelisk the Tormenter card, has a very subpar active skill but has great awakenings that can benefit any team. This card with its 1.5 secs of move time will see use as 7x6 leads and leader swaps will become more common with upcoming leaders.

    Kaiba's second assist, Blue-Eyes Ultimate dragon card has the same amazing active as Uvo Kaiba and decent awakenings that can benefit any blue team.

    Overall, even if you don't have a blue team for Uvo Kaiba or Blue-Eyes ultimate dragon card, Kaiba may be worthwhile for Obelisk the Tormenter card.


    Marik's base form seems useless. His 2 tpas eat into other possible awakenings and his skill gets outclassed by other dark Horus-style actives.

    Mariks Uvo form gets outclassed in terms of damage by a lot of other dark cards and gets outclassed as a devil/dark cleric by GH Belial. There is some benefit to being able to deal damage and having a cleric active at the same time, but his skill cooldown is too long for it to be used as the sole cleric active of a team. His active also comes with a turn of VDP which may come handy but is very weak against rapid fire VDP spawns or VDP spawns that are difficult to one-shot.

    Marik's assist is a very standard resist(s)+cleric active weapon but nothing worth trading for as the 6 star Shining Friendship Card (Tea Gardener equip) fills a very similar niche.

    Overall, Marik's Uvo and assist are decent but nothing that's worth 5 7-star GFE's.

    Recommendations and Final Thoughts

    Here are my trade and IAP recommendations

    • Yugi: Only if JJK gets announced somehow

    • Kaiba: If you have a solid blue team or are looking for a generically good assist (Obelisk)

    • Pegasus bundle: Weapon counters a lot of endgame gimmicks.

    As it currently stands, this rerun is very mediocre and not as impactful as the first run. For anyone planning to make any trades, remember to wait until the last day incase info about future collabs/events changes the value of these cards.

    submitted by /u/taken754
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    Pegasus Asymmetrical Pairings?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    Hey y'all! I pulled two Pegasooses chasing for Exodia (Not sure if I'm mad or not), aaaand I was just wondering what content he's used for, and who to pair him with? I don't mind manual FUA but he has no shield :(

    submitted by /u/5c00py
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    Yugioh medal / Exodia swipe farming (Nosf, 1 Ping)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 05:20 AM PDT

    How do I skill up Expedia? New player Question. I don’t see him in any dungeon!

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    Exodia!!!! Thanks apple autocorrect

    submitted by /u/Diligent_Reindeer489
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    I need friends. Came back after a year hiatus and my friends list was obliterated (rightfully so lol.)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 01:38 PM PDT

    Is Marik worthwhile?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 11:02 AM PDT

    Honestly the only reason I ask is because I rolled 9 times worth of stones and managed to get a second Yugi. I was wondering if Marik is worthwhile cuz id probably use the Yugi as fodder is I really wanted him. I rolled for Exodia but failed lol, but it's whatever. I haven't used Phyllis yet anyway. I just wanted to try and have every card in the collab cuz I like Yugioh. Funnily enough, Yugi is the only 7* I have and now I have 2 of him. Kaiba I don't think I want cuz he's blue and Pegasus is obviously not exchangeable. So yeah, any thoughts or opinions would be appreciated. Thanks

    submitted by /u/padluigi
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    [question] Karin Shindou availability

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 10:41 AM PDT

    Looking to trade for/purchase Karin shindou (how to tell someone you didn't pull Exodia without telling them you didn't pull Exodia) and couldn't find a single mention of her in the pad protic news roundup on the upcoming run of GH collab. Is she just not available this time around?

    submitted by /u/DrKoofBratomMD
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    Should I devolve my Yugi? Had a Fortress Dragon from the last run of Yugi-Gi-Oh! What leads are most people running with Yugi?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    [Brag] It's not much, but after 4 months i was finally able to beat Shura 1.

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 07:00 PM PDT

    My team has no pathetic cards Kaiba...

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 02:13 PM PDT

    Damage Absorb Latent for the win…

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 01:43 PM PDT

    Dumb awoken skill?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 01:38 AM PDT

    How do we obtain YOH "the forbidden one"?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 11:25 AM PDT

    Seeing we can obtain the pieces to evolve the Forbidden one in the collab exchange but no idea how to obtain the base piece (7449). Anyone know how to obtain it?

    submitted by /u/Wupuck
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    Should I Trade For Yugi?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 07:27 AM PDT

    I don't have that many spare gods, but Yugi is back, and he was extremely strong back then. I don't want to let this chance pass again. My spare gods are:
    2 Madoo
    2 Kanna
    1 Zela
    1 Athena Non
    1 Rex
    1 Yuri
    1 Priscilla

    I have one copy of everything else that I own, so these are all I can trade in. Is he still meta to trade for, and if so what should I trade in for him?

    submitted by /u/namespelldwrong23
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    YGO collab worth it? Advice on gaining and saving stones.

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 06:11 PM PDT

    A little rant- For some context. I am about 90 days into the game and just finished rolling in the fairies collab 79 total pulls including the free pulls. Not one sprout… I'm kind of angry and only have 100 stones left (roughly 230 stones spent I think). I'm not sure whether I should ever roll again or wait for something game changing to come along. Unfortunately I just feel crushed by this machine and not getting a sprout. Probably should not have rolled.

    Advice on saving stones or when to roll if you are N-IAP? Is there a strategy of knowing when to stop rolling or should I just throw a few stones at every egg machine that comes around?

    submitted by /u/Pippacuber
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    Should I spend my gems on 10MS Yugioh DM Egg Machine?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 10:13 AM PDT

    Damage void piercer not working?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 09:52 AM PDT

    Maybe I'm just not understanding how it works, but I was working on the 90 Million DL Challenge (Orb move time 99 sec).

    I came up against a monster who voids damage over 100 (and later, over 1,000,000). I added King of the Fairies, Albrecht to my team for his Damage Void Piercer ability, but it didn't seem to work. I matched up a 3x3 square of wood orbs, the animation played and everything, but my team was still only hitting for 1 damage. Is there something I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/CAdamH
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