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    Friday, June 18, 2021

    Puzzle & Dragons Nice pull!!!

    Puzzle & Dragons Nice pull!!!

    Nice pull!!!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    The "Devalue" Argument is a pointless Argument.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    So I hear Elitists and some people whining that people getting easy to get Crowns from REMdra Ranking Dungeons and people threatened to unfriend people who have the "Nine" Title are really dumb. I think they make this argument to brag or have too much clout. Let me give you some reasons as to why this is the worse argument to even speak of.

    1. Cosmetic: Other than the 30 Crown Requirement for No Skyfall Badge, it doesn't really do much other than "Oooooooooo! Shiny Crown!" or "Ooooooooo! Badass Title!" I wonder what these people were thinking that Titles and Crowns make a difference and tells a person's skill or not. Well you people don't decide that shit and that creates a "Stereotype" Argument of "Judging a Book by it's Cover" I don't get how getting easy to get crowns and titles trigger these people so much. It's a freaking COSMETIC THAT DOES NOT AFFECT YOU AT ALL!!!!
    2. Your Monster Box: I have 4 Crowns (3 from REMdra and 1 I "Legitimately" gotten from I think it was Rikuu Ranking.) and just cleared the "Nine" Title and whaled for End Game Leads like Nadeko and Seina and yet my skill is not even that great because I got "Carried" by them with the perfect leads and subs. I cleared pretty much everything but Shura 2 and Alt Shura 2 because it's hard even with the perfect team or the perfect guides of people clearing it in this subreddit due to either Orb RNG, Floor 2 Change orb trolling or Spawns that somehow "Counter" your team. (I'm looking at you Sun Quan. I hate you when I use Seina.) All Rankings (Except Fixed Team and REmdra) are determined by your box and if you don't have the exact team in the guides, you might not even get the crown at all due to a lack of a box. New players are out of luck. Other players who accidentally sold or fused those monsters for box space and what not are out of luck too.
    3. Missing Out: New Players might not even get crowns from the old Ranking Dungeons because they are new and their box is not developed yet or they missed out on it and just started during the 100 free GF rolls or something. So if a player gets a crown from a REMdra Ranking or gets a "Nine" Title, it just means they are new and want their shiny item. The only way they are not getting the "Nine" Title is that they don't do this event or the event expires.
    4. "It's a Free Stone at the End of the Day": What the Elitists and the Minority don't get is this point right here! It may be a free Title but it also gives a stone! IT'S A FREE STONE! Like why wouldn't people want to do the "Nine" Title for a free stone! So you Elitists and the Minorities should be banned for even doing daily stones dungeons that gives rare mats, latent tamas, Snowglobes and etc that give a free stone because of you guys looking down on others because they want their free stone and the title is just a bonus.
    5. Powercreep and Evolution: The game is nine years old. Of course Devalue is going to happen but Gungho does Buffs, Buffs and more Buffs at the end of the day to make "Devalue" into "Value" like Ex-GFEs getting a new Mega Evo (Ronia and Grodin) or New Equip forms. The game is changing everyday but that what makes it exciting and some players still use "Devalued" stuff because they like them or Waifu/Husbando. Also Remember during the old times that Latent Tamas, Rare Evo Mats and Qilin and Schez Dragons were hard to get but events and exchanges helped with that.
    6. "Everybody Wins" and New Player Attraction: Since it's a Nine Year old Game and growing, Gungho still needs to attract new players to play the game too. What better way than free rolls, free stones, free hard to get materials, free Latent Tamas, free crowns from Remdra and a free Title from this event to get people started! Also REMdra is not a only a free crown but it is also a good event with a player participation prize like free rolls and also free EXP and Free Skill Delays (And you can bet your ass that Skill Delays Latents are still important to this day due to Transforming Leads.) Idk why Elitists and the Minority cannot think this mentality of "Everyone Wins"
    7. "Letting People Play what they Want!": At the End of the day, 95% of Content is Single Player (With Ranking Dungeons and the 8 Player PVP coming up soon making up the other 5%). People do No-REM playthroughs, others play with their favorites and others chase the meta for Endgame. I also Meta Chase not only for Endgame but to make my PAD Experience easier. My friend does it differently. He might not have the best leads, the best box or has more PSI than me but if he had the "Nine" Title and some Remdra crowns, I would not judge him for it. I will not unfriend him or look down on him and I will still play with him if he is not busy or I am not busy. He also doesn't chase the meta and he wants to play with whoever he wants and tries to make Lina Inverse work as he really likes her. He is also on my Best Friend list and idk why people want to unfriend someone because of a Title that everyone will get. Like I have Nadeko and you are in my Best Friend list yet people want to unfriend for a really dumb reason and it doesn't benefit anyone other than a wasted Best Friend Tag Bonus and having Lack of Access to leads that sync with your leads. And I bet you guys would friend randoms to benefit your leads anyway.

    So to all you Minorities and Elitists that love to use the "Devalue" Argument so much, I will remind you of this and wish this was stickied as a reminder. This Devalue argument does not help the community at all and just alienates the community all because of some Cosmetic that doesn't do much other than make people use this argument as a justification of an argument and to make their clouty selves feel better. Who are they to judge how a player plays just by a simple cosmetic or how these people play at all? Let them do whatever they want.

    submitted by /u/ChiakiKakumei
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    Shura 3 Title Challenge - Nautlius without Valeria

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 06:46 AM PDT

    [Guide] Shura 3 Boss Rush w/ Nautilus

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 09:59 PM PDT

    Finally cleared shura 3 using this. Here are some tips for the F8 - F14 boss rush using this team.

    If you are fortune enough to have AValeria right now then this guide is still likely relevant. Please make sure to check the Skill Usage and Management section


    Please note that the Selica and Artemis in the team have the double limit cap latent and the team has 20 rows in total. Additionally, this team has 0 wood oe's. Any damage calculations will be based on these facts.

    Also, in my run I used Rford on Selica, warding mask on Freya, and 50% blind badge.


    F8 Parvati/Minerva

    You should have Selica's equip charged up when entering this floor in order to stall out the leader change from the previous floor and to give you time to VDP down Parvati if she appears.

    This team has no way to deal with a full board of hearts so its game over if you let Parvati attack while she's below 50%.

    Minerva, on the other hand, is the easier spawn. Even if you let the delay run out and she's below 50% she doesn't do anything special.


    F9 Tsukuyomi/Andromeda

    1 row + Naut enhance will kill Andromeda.

    1 row + 1 wood combo will kill Tsukuyomi.

    Avoid only doing 1 row on Tsukuyomi as it will take her directly to her execute line. Match 6 wood without a row one or twice and the go for the kill w/ a row.

    Also, make sure to not wait to long as Tsukuyomi does her execute move after 4 turns (when the sticky blind skyfall runs out naturally).

    Make sure Alynna is ready for the next floor as Baldin hits you with awoken bind.


    F10 Amenominakanushi/Baldin

    1 row + Naut enhance will kill Amenominakanushi

    You will need to constantly match 2 rows on Baldin in order to chip him down at a good pace. The mortal poisons are not much of a problem since you're on a 7x6 board and matching atleast 1 heart tpa + more heart combos should let you outheal the mortal poisons.


    F11 Gremory/Ilm/Grandis

    Naut's auto FUA will kill Grandis over 2 turns.

    Throw in a couple of non-Row matches for Gremory then go for the kill w/ a row. Make sure you overwrite the time debuff.

    Ilm is definitely the most annoying. If you're feeling brave then you can do this. Otherwise you can make a row or 6 matchwood from the roulettes w/o using naut active (make sure you can tank her normal hits w/o healing). Afterwards, match 6 without a row to chip her down a bit then go for the kill w/ a row.

    Make sure Alynna is up for the next floor as Metatron hits you with a heart unmatchable preempt.


    F12 Fenrir/Metatron/Senri/Albert

    Make sure you put Fenrir below 75% before he is able to do this second attack in order to avoid the RCV debuff. Then throw in some non-row 6 matches of wood before going for the kill.

    Haven't encountered Metatron before but make sure to recover the unmatchable. Based on her health, I believe you can throw in 1 row match before chipping her down a bit with non-row matches then going for the kill with a row.

    Exit the dungeon or pray for a 6 match skyfall if you encounter Senri. W/o AValeria, this team has no way to deal with full heart boards unless you tech something in.

    You can just keep on matching rows on Albert and he will die on the ~3rd-4th turn of row matching. Would recommend holding off on Alynna to recover awoken bind as her active is better used to generate orbs incase Raphael spawns next floor.


    F13 Raphael/Gorkaos/Gorfeis

    Never encountered Raphael in my runs but based on my calculations, anything less than a row + 3 match will never kill Raphael. Feel free to use Alynna or Selica to generate enough wood orbs to one shot him.

    Use NY Artemis base skill on Gorkaos and a double row or 2 rows over 2 turns will kill him. Make sure to also use Freya active as the dragons on the next floor will chip you down if you don't overwrite the RCV debuff

    Haven't encountered Gorfeis but it should be the same story as Gorkaos except NY Artemis active is likely not required (Might as well use it though since there's no point in charging up her assist).


    F14 Ryuunsai/Kyozansai

    For both spawns, keep matching VDP and answer time/unmatchable debuffs they throw at you. If you face Kyozansai, you can match 1 row of wood w/ no other wood combos to chip him down w/o getting voided.


    F15 Hexa

    Keep on killing the Augites till you reach Hexa. Make sure Selica is usable the turn you kill the middle Augite as both Hexas lock the board.

    If you were forced to use Freya on Gorkaos, just keep on matching non-row 6 matches to stall till its ready. Otherwise, match rows and use a damage reduction active and make sure Alynna is ready when you're ready to take him below 50%. Be weary of his 2% execute.


    Skill Usage and Management

    JP builds that run AValeria instead of NYartemis use Selica's delay to wait out the Gorkao's attribute absorb. This is not a problem w/ NYArtemis since the her base skill is a 2 turn attribute absorb. As such, feel free to use Selica's skill if you get orb trolled or to remove time debuffs.

    JP builds also use AValeria to remove RCV debuffs. If you ever get RCV debuffed for > 5 turns and still want to continue the run, feel free to use Freya base active. I had to stall ~20 turns on the hexa floor to get Freya's equip back up and was still able to clear the dungeon.

    Other than that, feel free to use Alynna active to generate wood orbs. Just be sure to have her up for any floors that have long awoken binds/ any unmatchable.


    Some numbers and notes

    1 row match + Naut enhance with 9 combos in total will deal ~5 billion damage before killers and attribute advantage/disadvantage.

    Double row + Naut enhance will 9 combos total will deal ~12-13 billion damage before killers and attribute advantage/disadvantage.

    A non-row 6 match + Naut enchance will deal ~1 billion damage before killers and attribute advantage/disadvantage.

    Please note that the aforementioned damage numbers are matches w/o any wood OE in the matches and calculated using PDC.

    If you're following along with a JP video that runs AValeria instead of NYArtemis, be weary of the damage calculations as NYArtemis' takoyakis will add extra damage.

    Additionally, this team only has 8 seconds of move time so make sure to puzzle fast.

    Finally, always be aware of the enemy's execute threshold. Your run will be different from mines, if you're doubting if you can kill a spawn (and you're not running the risk of dying) match non-row 6 match. Would recommend using the Shura 3 dungeon info protic guide as it lays everything out very well. I probably would not have been able to clear without it.


    Good luck!

    submitted by /u/taken754
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    Why is he taking so little damage in shura 3?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 04:15 PM PDT

    I was looking at different shura 3 clears and I came across this clear. He seems to be taking a lot less damage with seina than he should be. Was there an easier dungeon in japan or something?

    submitted by /u/bluepower9
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    [Misc] For anyone's who cares about the music but normally plays muted, there's a new boss theme for the final floor of the Sacred Dragon Relic story

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:26 AM PDT

    Also, this might be the first time we've had vocals for a song in the game?

    submitted by /u/PKReuniclus
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    Team building help for Stardra Title

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 07:45 PM PDT

    I’ve been playing a little under a week and have some questions.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 05:56 PM PDT

    Rank 1000 + Memorial Egg Machine

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 09:32 PM PDT

    Which summon is best to summon on right now?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 05:41 PM PDT

    [Dungeon][Data] Token Dropdata sheet updated with Relic Dragons (and Fate/Heaven's Feel)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:59 PM PDT

    [LF][JP] Blue Albrecht 211,605,937

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 02:52 PM PDT

    I am using Natsuru and Royal Orc. I want to bf a blue albrecht.

    submitted by /u/NekojitaJP
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    What Royal Oak teams can clear Shura3?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    Best way to get rainbow fatties currently, or in the next few days?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 07:41 PM PDT

    What's the point of the Mystic Miasma Stone reward from the latest story?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 06:37 AM PDT

    First ASR1 clear :)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:16 PM PDT

    Would like some more advice on my team.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:14 PM PDT

    I received some great advice from a couple of people, but I'm still not too sure about how to change my team. My current team and box are in recent previous posts.

    submitted by /u/ALM0NSTER08
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    Alright gang, here we go again. Old school player lookin' to get back into challenging content. Been playing for a weekish now and need some help putting together a team!!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 09:59 PM PDT

    Where can I farm 2x dmg cap limit latent?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 12:07 PM PDT

    What am I missing? :(

    submitted by /u/ImNotNeko
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    Box help for a returning player

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 01:55 PM PDT

    I haven't played PAD since FMAB collab, looking for any meta team that can reliably clear most dungeons. I have no idea what the meta is now since everything I have has been powercreeped. Currently running Saber alter, adopted sakura, and sherias roots. any help is appreciated.


    submitted by /u/Equinox415
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    Got 297. Is this a type of plus point?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 04:43 AM PDT

    New titles for the easier shura 3

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:12 PM PDT

    So there's two new dungeons which you can get titles for, one of them being stardra and one being Kyuu (九). I have two questions about the kyuu title, do we know when it's going to be distributed? Is it going to be the exact same as the one on jp with the icon being red which the white kanji in the middle?

    submitted by /u/xylodarkness
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    Any use for multiple Royal Oaks?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:19 AM PDT

    How many royal oaks is too many royal oaks for a team?

    Is there any imaginable team for end game dungeons that would benefit from having 3 royal oaks; 4 if you include the paired leader? Specifically Alt Ultimate Arena and Illusory World of Carnage (and it's Alt. Counterpart.)

    submitted by /u/ImNotGlenCoco
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    Is this a good trade for alynna? I just rolled naut aswell so I need to trade for her. Have dupes of everyone except Sophie. Thanks!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:00 PM PDT

    Any Selica substitute as Nautilus sub?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    Title. I have all the staple sub except for her. Is there any sub which can replace Selica at all?

    submitted by /u/j03k1ng
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