• Breaking News

    Monday, May 31, 2021

    Puzzle & Dragons Let's give a Final Salute to the real Hero in PAD on Memorial Day! We will miss you!

    Puzzle & Dragons Let's give a Final Salute to the real Hero in PAD on Memorial Day! We will miss you!

    Let's give a Final Salute to the real Hero in PAD on Memorial Day! We will miss you!

    Posted: 31 May 2021 12:27 PM PDT

    Let's give a Final Salute to the real Hero in PAD on Memorial Day! We will miss you!


    Thank you, Exploration Gathering of Talents 2 for making our Qilin and Scheherazade Dragon Farming easier and better rates than going through the really hard Arenas that might not even drop at all during their invades.

    Thank you for making a lot of our extra Chinese Pantheons, Egypt 1 Pantheons, Neys and Cottons to beautiful and powerful Necklace and Earring Equips!

    Thank you for being there for 2 and a half months despite all the other events going on and we need a quick run of this to entertain ourselves.

    I will give my final salute to this dungeon by running it until I have no more stamina or until the dungeon disappears for good.

    Thank you, Exploration Gathering of Talents 2 for making us strong.

    submitted by /u/ChiakiKakumei
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    [GUIDE / Team building] Brand new guide for one of the best scaling color cross lead : Karin Kanzuki (#5100) ! Will keep improving it over time ~

    Posted: 31 May 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    [GUIDE / Team building] Brand new guide for one of the best scaling color cross lead : Karin Kanzuki (#5100) ! Will keep improving it over time ~


    Last thing enemies see before being obliterated to the sound of damage cap.

    With the current iteration of Street Fight Collab, my favorite lead (also one of the best scaling cross leads out there) and former extremely glass extremely cannon glass cannon, Perfect Victor Karin Kanzuki (#5100), received notable buffs :

    • x2 all stats buff to her LS
    • 2 cross awakenings (1 normal, 1 super awakening)
    • a RCV boost in her AS

    These buffs alongside the many other updates (being contents or mechanics) added to the game since her initial release opens up a lot of content to her, as well as a "new way" of building and playing her team. Indeed, Karin Kanzuki now benefits a ton from playing rainbow (and it also not suck anymore to build rainbow) ! I tried to cover this matter as best as I could in the guide, so you'll have to read that :9

    But rainbow aside, while she remains very fragile in regard to modern content and our current meta, she can now beat a lot of recent content, including a few of the very challenging ones, like modern-ish descends, and technicals dungeons up to Alt Shura 1 (which she does beat, we have clears already, even in NA (i.e., without Marvel)). Does she beat Shura 2 ? I wonder, and I doubt it (I have yet to actually investigate it though). That doesn't prevent her to beat a ton of other stuff, and in the guide I'll try to help you build for that purpose !

    That includes large -but not exhaustive- lists of possible subs, equips, and leader pairings (cross leads or non cross leads), to adjust your team design to your liking.

    If you have no idea of what I'm talking about and don't know much about color crosses, don't you worry I also have that covered in the guide, as well as another guide dedicated to helping you to learn to actually play the color cross playstyle. Just remember that overall this is a rather inefficient and hard to learn playstyle, but oh well. I would argue the fun I've been having with (exclusively) this playstyle for the past 3 years is worth it. It might or might not be your thing though :9

    While I'm satisfied with the guide as is for a version 1.0, I will keep on updating it a ton with the continuous new additions to the game. Most importantly, and as per the feedback I have received so far, team templates will come soon-ish, and dungeon guides (when I'm done running them lul) should follow too. For the moment it's too early, as I need to figure out exactly her new limits, and mess with various stuff to see what works and what doesn't.

    In the meantime, I think this is a good start and hopefully it should provide plenty of clues on how to approach the brand new Karin Kanzuki as a lead.

    If you're interested in running scaling color cross leads in general at any point, well Karin Kanzuki IS one of the best scaling cross lead available in NA right now (don't compare her with unstoppable force of destruction Phyllis, they are different by design as Phyllis is actually a (insanely good) non-scaling cross lead) ! If that's your thing, maybe try to grab her while the REM is available ~

    Lastly, if you want to play with Karin Kanzuki, you can add me as a friend no prob

    → 349-296-255 ←

    I have about 70 slots still open, and will likely play almost exclusively Karin Kanzuki for about a decade or so lmao a very long while. If you decide to add me, don't bother adjusting your leads to me or even BFing me (unless it benefits you of course!!), as I always self lead :>

    I also have practically all the good cross leads in 2021, so you can add me if you want to play other cross leads as well o/

    And I think that is all ? I'm quite excited to finally be able to release this (it's been a whole month lul), and I hope you'll find interesting bits in this new guide.

    Take care !

    submitted by /u/Yamakyu
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    PSA: Use coin leaders for the daily "Summer Memories Gift Dungeon [1]"

    Posted: 31 May 2021 12:55 PM PDT

    Just wanted to remind people if they forget, but use coin leaders (NY Ganesha, Ganesha, Argo, etc) for the daily gift dungeons to rack up some coins. Got 204 million coins from today's dungeon with 2 NY Ganesha, 4 greeds, and 2 dungeon boost hats. 5 of these daily dungeons would be enough to super limit break a monster at 1 billion coins.

    submitted by /u/AlbaFox
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    I LOVE this. What a great treat for SF2 fans. Little things like this keep players coming back.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:10 AM PDT

    Wanted to see how high I could get the damage multiplier on my SanTama.... Wow

    Posted: 31 May 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    Would’ve probably taken me a lot longer to beat this dungeon if it wasn’t 0 stamina today

    Posted: 31 May 2021 01:03 PM PDT

    This is some bullshit...was attempting to finally clear this and it isn’t 0 stam

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:04 PM PDT

    Double Giyu AA2 Farming Team I’ve been running (Lead Bind badge)

    Posted: 31 May 2021 10:48 AM PDT

    Digging Sagat as a new Tanjiro sub. Solid utility with 3 red combo awakenings plus his 100% blind resist and a strong 4 turn active. How about that damage with the 10C SA (485 million)

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:51 AM PDT

    My ASR1 farm team. It’s relatively fast and extremely safe. Rank 1000 here I come.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:25 AM PDT

    [NA][Event] Don’t forget about A Gathering of Snow Globe Dragons for 1hr (midnight central for Red attribute)

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:39 PM PDT

    First Alt. Shura 2 clear!!

    Posted: 31 May 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    Trades for Street Fighters and perhaps other respective 6* GFE fodder

    Posted: 31 May 2021 11:54 AM PDT

    Anybody happen to know, is there any other good use for 6* fodder. It feels like so long since I've used it. All the newer machines want your 7* fodder. My main account is sitting on top of an almost scary amount of fodder. I have like 4-6 of most of the 6* cards. I did pretty crappy in my about 200 stones on both accounts for this machine, and I still kind of want Akuma, nash, guile and Sagat.

    To be honest I have like 0 plans for akuma and have no idea how I would use him. Nash and guile no immediate plans but both have a 6 skill boost form and are pretty unique. Sagat I don't think I have to go into, that card just owns. His new form, as well as my regretting not getting his equip however many years ago.

    submitted by /u/juked1s
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    Sf karin question

    Posted: 31 May 2021 01:43 PM PDT

    If i make 2 light cross with base sfkarin, is that 12x dmg or 36x dmg?

    submitted by /u/weabooprincess
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    Technicals 0 Stam Today

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:56 AM PDT

    Just a reminder to everyone that technicals are 0 Stam today only. Farm them while you have the chance!

    submitted by /u/phobia42
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    I like big mults and I cannot lie

    Posted: 30 May 2021 05:07 PM PDT

    I've just gotten this game and rerolled in till I got the 9 star and was wondering since there's only two 9 stars in this godfest which one is better madoo or reeche and if yes should I reroll in till I get her.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 12:52 PM PDT

    Chun Li You Rock!!!

    Posted: 31 May 2021 03:04 AM PDT

    Tsubotki changelog #24, the REALLY EXCITING IDNA ONE!!!!!

    Posted: 30 May 2021 04:06 PM PDT

    Hello and welcome to our 24th changelog!!!! This one is my favorite one ever because we did the IDNA UPDATE!!!!!!

    Donations Update

    We've almost met our first monthly tier goal! Nice. Thanks SO SO SO MUCH to everyone who has pledged in the past couple weeks!! If you still want to pledge, you can do so at our Patreon!

    Also, /u/WetTheSystem has generously offered to do a pledge-match that's still active for the next two weeks! If you want to support us for future months, you can pledge our $5 tier and follow him on Twitch, send him a screenshot, and he'll match you! (up to $100 total) Alternatively, you can also sub to him (including with Amazon/Twitch Prime, for free) & he will donate the proceeds to us! Thanks so much WetTheSystem, and to everyone who contributes!!



    ^idna has been around a while and would give you only NA results of cards, like if you did ^idna equip Tsubaki it would say "no results" rather than giving you Tsubaki equip, since that card isn't in NA yet.

    But now, it ALSO GIVES YOU NA DATA!! 😍

    Also, in every ^id command, both regular & ^idna, it will say (JP Buffed) if a card is different in JP from NA.

    Check it out:

    Note the list of evos is ALSO shorter in ^idna Mito, so you can see at a glance how the tree has changed!

    Okay, but it gets better. The syntax for making ANY id3 query NA-only is available as --na, (think Unix flags)! 😍

    Here's some examples:

    Holy crap guys I hope you're as excited about this as I am -- this ticket was issue #81 in our repo, and had been open since September last year. For context, we're currently on issue #1130. We spent the entire month working on it, and pushed a couple questionable commits in the pipeline, but here we are! Yay!! 🌎

    Other updates

    Behind the scenes

    • Turtle's been improving the UX of editing padglobal commands more, particularly the interaction with aliases of other commands 🐢
    • Aradia refactored a bunch of graph stuff
    • We made the emergency ^breakglass command available to admins restart the bot instead of just shut it down (sorry about the hour of downtime the other day!)

    Links to stuff!

    submitted by /u/TsubakiBot
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    Returning player (haven’t played in a few years) and pulled these from the machine. What team should I use? I’ve heard naut is good, but who to use with him?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 03:15 AM PDT

    Two things

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:43 AM PDT

    1. I'm loving how much fodder we have gotten the past 6 months. I have been able to trade for Ryu, Chun-Li, Guile, Nash and Karin.


    1. 0 Stamina man. It's awesome but such a shame only 24 hours (although i totally get why) being a family guy its hard to fit the time in to take advantage of it.
    submitted by /u/kelleheruk
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    What would be a good last member for my Silent Honor Dark team?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:09 AM PDT

    330267211 need nautilus friends

    Posted: 31 May 2021 03:01 PM PDT

    [Brag] I did three pulls. I hear Blanka is pretty good.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:42 AM PDT

    LF Karin Kanzuki friends! 347 949 400

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:28 AM PDT

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