• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 29, 2021

    Puzzle & Dragons OMG, missed the xmas gremory trade by only 2 hrs. I had only 10 MS and the only card I wanted is what I got.

    Puzzle & Dragons OMG, missed the xmas gremory trade by only 2 hrs. I had only 10 MS and the only card I wanted is what I got.

    OMG, missed the xmas gremory trade by only 2 hrs. I had only 10 MS and the only card I wanted is what I got.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 03:58 AM PDT

    PSA. Turn monster leveling back to ON after unlocking exploration dungeon with Hino

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 06:11 AM PDT

    I've seen a few posts from people who's cards were not getting skilled up in the skill leveling dungeon. Reminder to change this setting back so you don't waist any stamina.

    submitted by /u/Alpha_pad_385743438
    [link] [comments]

    PSA: if you're not bringing some type of utility to help with the dungeon mechanics, please stop trying to join on 3p hoppo descends. Orb unlocks, time debuffs, atk debuffs, skyfall debuffs, rcv debuffs, unmatchable recovery, damage absorb pierce are all needed!!!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 12:18 PM PDT

    Odd attack ping slowdown recently

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 11:55 AM PDT

    For the past few weeks I've been seeing odd slowdown in dungeons. There's a 0.5s delay after combos stop and before attacks start going off, and a ~200ms pause after every ping. This makes the attack animation take an extra 2 seconds compared to before. It doesn't happen consistently with every team, but it's always active with Nadeko, and sometimes with other teams.

    I'm on android Samsung 10+. I've tried Data Installation, turning Visual Effects off, Simple Background on, new effects off, mass ATK effect off. Nothing seems to make any difference. Anyone else on android having similar problems?

    EDIT: I saw another post earlier with an issue linked to game sounds. I tried turning off sounds completely in PAD, and attack animations became about 2-3 seconds faster, and the game is running much smoother in general.

    submitted by /u/sohvan
    [link] [comments]

    So this happened in multiplayer today ��

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 04:34 PM PDT

    Main acct [ID: 353 049 469] Alt acct [ID: 302 342 484] If anyone uses base Knight Kisaragi for token farming let me know. Doesn’t have to have Dungeon Bonus equip...would be nice if it did

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 12:07 PM PDT

    50 stones well spent. Def. recommend rolling a few times

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 01:37 PM PDT

    Hoppo, from Hell's heart I stab thee

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 08:31 AM PDT

    Need help building a Seina team for shura 2 after finally pulling xmas grem today

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    The 100% clear rate Alt.Shura 1 team

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 09:23 AM PDT

    With everything that has happened in the last 2+ years, I've had one constant

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 10:54 AM PDT

    Is the current SGFest better than the one that introduced the new GFEs?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 12:52 PM PDT

    It's annoying cuz I knew about this SGFest with the seasonals. I remember seeing that on blogging mama. I'm annoyed that I rolled so much on that SGFest instead of this one.

    submitted by /u/padluigi
    [link] [comments]

    Buying dbdc farmables drags 320,038,472

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    Offering 297 per dbdc drag (scroll, text, and books drags) I'm wanting 5 of each.

    submitted by /u/Pokeswag99
    [link] [comments]

    Best site for dungeon info?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Never really found PadX dungeon info that helpful or clear, but at least it was something. Seems like it's not up to date, is there another and better site (or app) to use?

    submitted by /u/basscar12
    [link] [comments]

    Looking forward to another 6 years till o hit 1000

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    First pull on the Seasonal Godfest!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 03:57 AM PDT

    [Team] what would be my best team for Shura 2 and alt shura and yes I will get a jurond when it comes back

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 02:40 PM PDT

    So what’s the hype with sosuke, how are you using him?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 02:36 PM PDT

    Hi! I had to take a hiatus for a few months and was wondering how these teams stand in current meta now? I have yet to beat a few of the higher Ultimate Arenas/Carnage.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 02:35 PM PDT

    Mikage shura2 without Chris

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 09:58 PM PDT

    Just rolled a Suou. I can't tell if he's good or if I should just be using him as an assist

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 01:53 PM PDT

    i know it’s not impressive now but i finally hit the damage cap after 4 years of playing!

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 03:53 PM PDT

    3-4 year hiatus, back for now. Need some help with team building! Don’t have any assist monsters yet, but open to start building whatever’s recommended. Thanks everyone!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 01:30 PM PDT

    It’s not much but I finally cleared Alt Shura. I need a shot of tequila after that.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 01:10 PM PDT

    How much is enough Raziel?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 06:48 PM PDT

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