• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 14, 2019

    Puzzle & Dragons Maybe the best pack spent to date...

    Puzzle & Dragons Maybe the best pack spent to date...

    Maybe the best pack spent to date...

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 11:18 AM PST

    [Video] Fujimi Fantasia Monster Exchange Challenge! - Teletha Testarossa

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 01:27 AM PST

    What would PAD be like if they got rid of all inbetween floor animations and what not?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 12:31 PM PST

    It be like speed chess IMO, with much lesser time to plan inbetween and more actual thinking while you moving the orbs. Now ofc you don't have to start moving them THE SECOND the new spawn monster is created, but wouldn't you? ofc this would be absoutly no fair for ranking dungeons, althought it be nice if EVERYBODY can turn this feature on for ranking dungeons. Honestly ranking dungeons really need this. Even though you try to plan your next move while waiting for the spawn, I know I get a little nervous in that moment you have to think about it. Especially if it's been a good run, like OHH if i keep this up.. I got that certain % I want.. and then I fuck it up because i get nervous of over confident and start flubbing the orbs up

    submitted by /u/juked1s
    [link] [comments]

    What are rainbow medals good for, anyway?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 11:24 AM PST

    I'm not very diligent about earning them, but I still have like 20. And they don't stack 😩

    submitted by /u/eproteus
    [link] [comments]

    [LF] Friends who are willing to put up Amen w/ tricolor+haste assist at request; ID- 360,450,411

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 11:56 AM PST

    Wasn't xmas fagan tradable last go around?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 01:45 PM PST

    Wrote this when I was in middle school, happy holidays

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 06:14 PM PST

    "GOOD MORNING, EVERYONE!" A silver-haired girl yells. "IT'S NOT CHRISTMAS YET!" She was wearing a five-colored ugly Christmas sweater that looks one size too big for her.

    All I did was moan and stay in bed. "For the sake of our ears, Ideal, keep it down. I'm trying to sleep."

    My name is Ace. Local mid-game dungeoneer. Learned the tricks, tips, and ticks of being an awesome puzzling, well, person. I have a great team of good and not-so-good-but-still-good monsters. I can only have 5 out at a time, but with my big 2-story house and yard, as well as veteran player credentials, I can have 8 monsters living with me, but only 5 when entering dungeons. A lot look very human, and others, are, well, other beings.

    One of those being that obnoxious girl, Ideal. Commonly known as the "Mid-player's Anubis," she is a very powerful asset on many teams, whether as a leader under her Curse Inclined form, or a great sub (and even leader) in her Colorful Benevolence form.

    "Just let us rest, please? We need it." That was Reeche, the Great Witch of the Ice Flowers. Very useful with her active ability and powerful for Rainbow teams as a leader. Would tell you more, but nah.

    "Might as well get up, as you woke me." And then there's Suou, the Creeping Mist Devil Dragonbound. Strong Fire-Water type monster. Basically Beach Barbara and Julie in one person. Not as powerful as two, but one is fine.

    "Like, seriously, gal? I feel like throwing a pillow at your face." Finally, there's Roche, the Black Scissors Dragon Caller. Dark-Grass, with a bit of a bad side you don't wanna get on. More powerful when hurt when awoken in her evolved form, and I believe better to make a team around her unevolved.

    These four are the just some of the newbies in the group. And they all were in at quite a time, as Christmas was coming, and we have done jack. So, after eating some chocolate cake and sipping a Lavafizz Soda, I began by heading to the basement to grab the tree decorations.

    "Need some help getting those?" Reeche asked from the top of the stairs. "The box is really packed, so I recommend letting me help."

    "No thanks, I'm fine!" I respond while standing on an unstable box full of stuffed animals. "I just need to reach a little bit more-AAH!"

    All of a sudden, the box I'm standing on caved in, and immediately, I grab hold of the deco box. It soon tipped, and I came down, with a couple of other boxes coming down on me. BLAM!

    Then, I heard footsteps coming my way. Looking through the rubble, it was Ideal and Reeche, with the former coming down first.

    "Well, this ain't an Ideal situation, isn't it, Reeche?" Ideal asked as she got to the bottom of the stairs with her to check on my mishap. She loves to hear puns referring herself, and even puns her own name a couple of times, just like that. "We might need to stifle through these if we are to find those decorations!"

    "I'll agree." Reeche responds, breathing out a sigh.

    Pulling me out of the mess, the three of us looked for the box of Christmas decorations. After about 30 minutes, I found what we're looking for, right next to the box of vintage soda cans I've collected before. "Found 'em!" I announced.

    Heaving the box upstairs, I begin to hear some pitter patter occuring, probably from the kitchen. As I come into view of the ground floor of our house, I notice Suou and Roche cooking what I believe are some gingerbread cookies. Well, Suou is the one cooking, and Roche is decorating the finished products. But, I see at least 2 empty bags of sugar in the trash.

    "Why are you using THAT much sugar? You know Ideal has a bit of a sugar craze." I remind him as I put down the box next to the tree. "Like, what? You can't use that much!"

    "Well, I was trying to make our Christmas a little, um, sweeter." He responded in his usual tone.

    "Yeah, but in turn, it make a specific someone more hyper." I remarked flatly. "Just hide the cookies in a safe place, alright? Don't let Ideal see those."

    Suou nodded. Then I turned to Roche, who is decorating the finished cookies. I am surprised that she is only using green icing. But what's not exactly surprising is that I had taken the four newbies out to see "The Grinch" a month ago, I guess. So it only made sense.

    She looked like she didn't wanna be disturbed, so I went ahead and began decorating the tree. Hanging each decoration, I began to realize that some of the branches are too high to get to, so I tried to keep putting the things below.

    "Let me help you with that," Reeche wisped all of a sudden, unhanging one of the candy canes close to the bottom of the tree and placing them up way higher. "You're kinda short for things like this."

    She then tries to take another one from the bottom branches, but it begins freezing a little. So, I did my naturally stupid thing and karate chop her arm, forcing her to drop the ornament as it just clatters on the ground. Thank goodness for 3D printed decorations!

    "That did sting a little, Ace." Reeche moaned. "How come?"

    I responded, "It was gonna turn into ice."

    And yet, she tries again. Half the time, she doesn't freeze it, but the times she does I had to make her let go in some way. It went on for about 5 minutes, and only then it got crazy as I held up my favorite ornament: an angel ornament that I made when I was in 3rd Grade.

    "Let me put that one at the very top for you, close enough to the star." Reeche told me, trying to get the angel off my hands.

    "It my favorite, please. I get to decide where to put it." I shot back, tightening my grip.

    "Come on, Ace, let it go," She sarcastically serenaded like she's Elsa or something. "But in full honesty, just please give it up."

    "No! I insist on doing it myself." I struggled.

    Both of us kept pulling the ornament back and forth. And then, right when we were about to pull the angel apart, a staff came flying from below and knocked the ornament in the air, and then there was Ideal, staff in one hand, ornament in the other. Her expression to our scuttle was quite serious.

    "Just wow, guys." She looked a little shocked. "What kind of argument was that? Even I could be more mature than that, you know."

    "Uh...sorry." I apologized, scratching my head a little. Reeche just put her head down in absolute shame, sighing

    "Figures." Ideal concluded, walking up to the tree and placing the angel on a branch in a way so that it was the center of the tree. "I mean, it looks nice!"

    After that, I decided to return the box, and along the way, I notice Suou and Roche bickering quietly.

    As I came back, I noticed her putting on some boots and a jacket near the door, along with a big wagon, full of stuff. "What are you doing?" I asked Ideal.

    "I'm gonna do a snowball pop-up shop!" She cheerily said. "Snowball wars are all the craze, and I'm out to help the war effort!"

    "Sounds like fun. I'm in." Suou applied. He seemed to be finished with cooking, as the kitchen looks virtually clean. "Roche is in as well. She just needs her jacket."

    "Well, if we need some funds, I'm in." I say. The only one who has yet to say was Reeche, who just nodded yes. I just hope Suou and Roche found a place to hide those cookies.

    Outside, it was busy snowing. People were wearing sweaters, some with tons of bags. Fire monsters lurked nearby, keeping not only themselves, but their dungeoneers cool, as well. The neighborhood I'm in, Eastwing Junction, was once the site of an epic and crazy snowball war just some 2-3 weeks ago. Couldn't tell you what exactly went down, but it did involve taking down every dungeoneer that has a Reeche. So, by extension, one of those targeted being yours truly.

    "Right over here, folks!" Ideal called, leading us to the southwest corner of two popular streets: Elijabel Drive and Overlay Avenue.

    Overlay Avenue is where some kids in our neighborhood try to prevent the big plow from driving through, as it does go up a hill where the sled down. Elijabel Drive was the site of the Neighborhood Market, an event that runs every weekend during summer.

    "Now we set up shop?" I ask. We've walked for 15 minutes to get here.

    "Absolutely!" She replied, grabbing out our supplies, which consisted up of a folding table, a lot of snowball molds, ski masks, and even snowball launchers, as well as a barrel full of slush, and a couple of trash can lids and hockey sticks.

    "Why all this?" Suou asked. He seemed curious as to why Ideal brought so much.

    "It appears as if we are selling all of these." Reeche inferred. "Winter lasts until February, so, there will be a lot of flying snowballs."

    "Seems legit." Roche uttered, causing Ideal to giggle a little.

    We began our pop-up shop- snowballs for 10 cents each, snowball molds for a quarter, protective gear (masks and lids) for 3 bucks each, and the launchers and sticks for 5 bucks. However, we needed an idea for the slush. Apparently, Suou had a great idea.

    "Maybe we can stuff some slush in the snowballs," He thought out loud. "We could scoop us some slush from the barrel, and let Reeche do the rest. Ain't I right?"

    "I know a lot of varying ice magic," She responded. "But encasing slush in a snowball? It's tricky even for expert ice users."

    I try to encourage her. "You're the Great Witch of the Ice Flowers! You can turn thorny vines into beautiful icicles, and roses into chilling bouquets! You even froze Hera-Beorc's entire garden so we could beat her! I have no doubt you could do this."

    Well, my eyes were closed while proclaiming of her powerful magic. By the time I was done, she had already made around 100 slush-filled snowballs at a dollar a piece, and our shop made $47.60. Oh well, I thought, better get to work.

    "Thanks for coming here!" Ideal thanked another customer. "Suou, how's the funds?"

    "We have at least 123 dollars and 20 cents." He checked. "We're doing great, guys."

    "Amazing!" She yipped. Then we heard some footsteps. Across the street were our rivals, Markus Evalini and his almighty and powerful Mega Awoken Dark Angel, Metatron.

    "My bros heard about some pop-up shop." Markus said. "So, Ace, you wanna give it up? It ain't an Ideal situation if this escalates."

    "First of all, sir, this was my idea, and second, only I make the puns about my name." She hissed. "We do have the right to refuse service to some customers. That means you."

    "Oh, sure. Relinquish the shop, or I'll screw you over badly." He demands.

    "Let him." Reeche surrenders, stepping a couple steps away. "He does deserve it, after all."

    Ideal is shocked. "What?!" We can't just-" Then Reeche gives her a wink. "Oh, ok, then. You can have it." She concedes to Markus.

    Slowly, we all leave, with me taking the money box. "Uh, uh, uh." He says. "The money stays with me."

    So I leave it in the wagon. He walks up to our shop and rips off the price list and sets up his own, with doubled prices and an even worse logo than the one we have.

    Little did he know, Ideal had attached a white string to the wagon handle, and I was holding that string. We were at least a couple of feet from the shop, and then...

    "EN GARDE!" Reeche cried out, forming three slush-filled snowballs and flung them at Markus and Metatron. All at once, we pulled out some snowball molds, made some snowballs, and launched an assault, driving the duo out.

    "And take- that!" I bellowed I threw a snowball at my rival's face. The two were pretty snowed in, but they immediately shook all the snow and slush off.

    "Nice move, but of course, I don't come alone." Markus told us before whistling. "Hrrrrrrrruppp!"

    Then out came the rest of his troupe. Minnie, the punk girl who lived Peachwood Avenue, and her Coiled Cipher Dragon Caller, Ney; Aldrin, the toy collector and prankster who lives at Elway Street, and his Toy Dragon Caller, Cotton; and of course, Levon, the hippie emo teen who resides at a house at the edge of the neighborhood, with his Yog-Sogoloth, The Limitless One, and his Spirit Dragonbound, Lajoa.

    "You really wanna throw down, do ya?" Markus taunted, throwing down a snowball. "You're outnumbered, and we have- wait where's Cornelia?"

    Then, from my side, Cornelia, the blonde, shy, and creative bookworm/geek at Eastwing Junior High, came right around with her Great Witch of The Glowing Gates, Saline. She's posing as our enemy, but when snow wars like this go, or any war, for that manner, she switches to our field.

    "S-s-sorry I'm late, g-g-guys." Cornelia shuddered, trying to apologize to me. "My m-mom wanted me to re-read the f-f-f-first five chapters of 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea."

    "ARE YOU SERIOUSLY-ugh." Markus cried out in disbelief, facepalming himself. "Well, it's even now. Get 'em, team."

    All at once, his lackeys and their monsters got at us with over 150 snowballs. Arming ourselves with the trash can lids, we fought back with our Slushie Shades, which is our term for slush-filled snowballs. I think someone at the Northwing neighborhood called them "Sloppy Specials."

    In 20 minutes, Roche and Cornelia are both knocked out, blasted to a wall from a big snowball by Yog, while Ideal hawkeyes a Slushie Shade between Cotton's eyes, blinding her and putting her out. Also, Suou covered the back of a ski mask with slush and slammed it against Lajoa, putting that Dragonbound out, only for Minnie, the punk, to tackle him down and and strike him cold with a nearby hockey stick.

    As for who's left, it has gotten tiring, but Ney went fencing against Saline, whom the latter is using her mace-staff hybrid weapon, while the former is a rapier, a sword with a long, narrow blade and a well-decorated guard/handle. And me and Markus were back to old school snowball fight tactics, with hand-made walls and snowballs. Meta just finished putting down Reeche with a ton of snowballs, leaving her buried in snow and slush.

    "You really wanna keep going, eh, Markus?" I ask him in a loud voice. "You wanna go, bro?!"

    "Oh you can just SHUT UP!" Markus yells back, throwing two more Slushie Shades, one at my chest, the other at my wall, only for me to throw a regular snowball back at his face.

    "You can eat that for dinner, Markus! Ha!" I say, tossing a Slushie Shade at his face to secure his down position.

    Meanwhile, Ney manages to knock out Saline with a nice backhand maneuver that looked so complicated that even Ideal wouldn't try. Speaking of, Ney is then gravitized by her and flung towards Metatron, kicking them both to the curb.

    She then turns to help me up.

    "Are you good, Ace?" Ideal asks me, looking exhausted. "Looks like we win, but everyone sure is tired."

    "Yeah, let me just-" I grunted, getting up. "Maybe we should get outta here and wait for the others."

    "I guess I can agree, dude," Ideal concurs. "We might as well- ulp!"

    All of a sudden, a couple of light beams, both yellow and purple, flash out of her, as I see the tip of Ney's blade puncturing through. Clutching the wound, Ideal slowly shudders and drops to her side, still shivering. And behind her, there's Markus, holding one of Saline's mace-wands in each hand. He then tosses one to scared old me.

    "Let's settle this like adults." Markus challenges.

    Picking up the weapon, I knew that we were about to go for one last tango. We screamed, ran at each other, and the second our weapons collided…


    "Ugh…" I grumble in bed. It was snowing, but IDK what day it is.


    "Whoever is making that noise, stop, please. I need some rest." I ask.


    "Wait, wait, wait...WHAT!?" I shouted, wild-eyed. Scanning a look at my digi-clock, It said this:


    7:11 AM

    Turning to my door, there was Ideal. The silver-haired girl was screaming me awake! Turns out my alarm wasn't working, so she took the ulterior plan. She looked perfectly fine, which was the weird thing, though.

    "H-h-how are you still alive?" I asked in shock. "I saw you get stabbed in the chest! I thought you died!"

    "Silly, that was on the 23rd!" She responded, looking bubbly. "We managed to recoup and recover thanks to the rest of the gang. Your OGs monsters, such as Brigid, Drawn Joker, and others- they all brought us up again!"

    "Yeah, alright, who cares." I booed. "I'm gonna-"

    "WHATEVER ACE JUST HURRY UP AND GET DOWNSTAIRS AS WE HAVE ALREADY PREPARED BREAKFAST!" Ideal screamed, rushing downstairs with ear-piercing sounds.

    After that problemo, I got the strength to get up, and then headed downstairs to see what's up. Apparently, breakfast is set, with eggnog, chocolate milk, and orange juice for drinks, while there's a lot of stuff upon the table, like bacon, ham, and omelete. But I did notice that there's an empty bowl with crumbs in it.

    "Hey, Suou, you know where the gingerbread and sugar cookies went?" I asked, still a little groggy.

    He and Roche just finished another batch of those cookies, so, as they were finishing up, Suou pointed out the window. There, I saw Ideal making one too many snowmen. Clearly she knew where they hid the cookies.

    "So, should we have breakfast and then open up some gifts?" I questioned, trying to ignore looking at the window again.

    "Yeah, sure." Reeche replied, coming down with pyjamas on. She also looked sleepy, and then I saw Ideal come down after her. I couldn't figure out how she did that, but oh well.

    Immediately, we ate breakfast, but it looked like Ideal was gonna be hoarding a large stock of the chocolate milk thanks to her sugar rush.. So I took two cartons of that milk before she got to them. In retaliation, I held most of the bacon, Roche kept a lot of the cookies to herself, Suou made sure no one gets too much eggs by holding them down, and Reeche announced that she will freeze anyone who gets too close to the ham. Eventually, after 3 minutes, we formed a peace treaty and ate and drank equally.

    "Gift time, guys." Reeche reminded us after we were all done. Then, she turned to Ideal and said this in a sarcastically fun toe "Ideal, it's your turn to do some dishwashing as Suou, Roche, Ace and I all did it in the past for too long, so for the rest of the year, you have to do the dishwashing. Just don't slip!"

    "Aww, come on!" She moaned. "For the rest of the YEAR?!"

    "Yep! We'll make sure you'll have lots of stuff to wash!" Reeche responded with a slightly less bubbly tone.

    "Half are fakes…" Ideal murmured very quietly, as she began washing the dishes. Reeche couldn't understand.

    "I call first dibs!" I call out, picking up the first gift, a red one. "Let's see…ah!"

    Turns out, the gift I opened contained party poppers, and they fired as I opened the lid of the box. Everyone was laughing, as someone else decided to take another gift box, a blue and gold one.

    As Suou unwrapped his gift, he finds a very light box. Opening it, he shuts it immediately and plugs his nose. "Ugh, who gifted that!?" He demanded.

    It turns out, it was some Black Garden Flora perfume, something Roche would definitely wanna have, as the smell makes him turn a little purple.

    "You opened MY gift, idiot." Roche snickered, taking the perfume out of the box and hitting the back of his head with the box. "Make sure to read the label!"

    "But it had my name on it, Roche!" He protested. As I investigated the wrapping paper, it does have his name on it! Huh.

    "Mine next," Reeche advanced, taking a gift box wrapped in black, opening it to find a plastic glass box full of slimy machine bugs!

    "Eeeeeeeeeeek!" She shrieked, throwing the glass box at me. "I don't want those! Get them away! Get them AWAY!"

    I mean, honestly, I know a guy who would buy these due to his absolute obsession with them, but let's be real; I didn't tell you that (my) Reeche has a blended phobia made out of Blennophobia, Entomophobia, and Mechanophobia. Wow, guys, I should've told you anyway.

    This kinda went on, as the rest of us got the things we wanted: I got a remote-controlled mini Red Mechdragon, Betelguise (Now I just need the ultra-rare mini Canopus to finish the collection, Suou getting another red-and-blue kimono for his collection (I mean, it's a Christmas-themed one, who cares), and Reeche got the 12th and newest volume of The Frosty-Lad's Spellbook of Ice and Snow.

    When we were done, Ideal came out of the kitchen, looking like a mess. Here's an insider: I told Suou to make every washable thing in the kitchen dirty.

    "You guys were done without me?!" She moaned, disappointed. "I couldn't believe!"

    "Well, we did save a couple of gifts for you, y'know." I responded, with a sinister smile. "They're over there!"

    There are two gifts left. One is yellow, the other is purple. After a while, she opens the yellow box. Inside was a spring-powered pie-facer, which kicked in upon her opening it.

    "Aah!" Ideal shuddered, with pie in her face. She takes a lick. "Banana-blueberry. Quite nice!" We were all laughing there.

    She then opens the other gift to find a snow globe! And it's not just any globe, it's a customized one that keeps on snowing forever, made with the sturdiest glass ever! As Ideal look closer, she finds…

    "Hey, I see all of us in here!" She announces. "Come look!"

    "Oh yeah!" We say. I can see myself, crouched next to a wall of snow; Roche, sitting down and drawing in the snow with a stick; Reeche, adjusting her hat on a snowman; Suou, making a small campfire; and in the middle of it all is Ideal, making a snow angel.

    "It's actually very beautiful," Reeche reviews. "Such detail!"

    "Doesn't look boring for once when you stare at it." Roche notices.

    "I can agree. I mean, all of us packed in a snowball like this is cute!" Suou concurs.

    "Who got this for me?" Ideal asked us all.

    "We all did!" The rest of us shouted, giving the Curse Inclined Dragon Caller a big group hug.

    "Merry Christmas!" We all shouted with joy.

    submitted by /u/PuzzarianIdeal
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    [Team] Seeking box advice for a long time, mostly casual, player. I’m ready to get into the game for real and want to know some of the best teams I can build with current box and when I should roll for better leaders/subs

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 01:03 PM PST


    So far I have two teams I've built around what I think are my two best cards: Yog and Reincarnated Anubis.

    Here is my monster box including my two teams: https://imgur.com/gallery/K5bKL4g

    The meta has changed so much since I went casual that I have no idea what is good now. Please help me build some teams and/or let me know when I should roll and what I should aim for.

    I've only ever beat Arena 1 so I would like teams that could help me beat other arenas and other end game stuff.

    I've tried several different kind of teams so I have no preference. I appreciate you reading this far!

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/LALocal305
    [link] [comments]

    [JP] LF Ult Gremory friends 354086544

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 01:32 AM PST

    LF Meryl Mujina Neun friends - 350,678,289.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 10:36 AM PST

    Metagame & Theorycrafting! Weekend [Discussion] Megathread

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 03:00 AM PST

    Happy Weekend!

    Feel free to discuss anything about new monsters, dungeon, content or just your own ideas here.

    To put monster icons directly in your comments, use Iconify

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Why the power boost?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 10:00 PM PST

    So this is the time I am messing around with right now. For some reason, sometimes I get a multipler of x63. I have no idea how I'm doing it or why I'm getting it. Could some please let me know some I can get that boost regularly 😉.


    submitted by /u/Jaxongamer88
    [link] [comments]

    1200 days played! Ama

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 05:24 AM PST


    I love this game. I love the community. I am fully planning on playing indefinitely.

    I've beat everything except for aa3 so far. I have most definitely spent money on the game. And I certainly plan on continuing to at least buy most/all of the bundles in the future.

    submitted by /u/xanthaze
    [link] [comments]

    LF Sinon friends! ID: 351,547,421. A Sinon BF would be nice too

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 09:17 PM PST

    5x Dark+Earth Boost/<50%/7Combo

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 10:26 AM PST

    [LF] Rehven friends: 384,002,366

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 07:32 PM PST

    What the hell is “skill level-up fusion”?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 06:28 PM PST

    In the extra enhancements tab. Kinda new to the game, and I can't find information on it anywhere. This game is just so overwhelming...

    submitted by /u/MmePeignoir
    [link] [comments]

    orphen friends 313051404

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 09:30 PM PST

    PSA Skill Up Dungeon doesn’t work on Mega DKali

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 09:14 AM PST


    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 06:18 PM PST

    Can anyone multiplayer with and help me beat challenge dungeons 8-10 and others I run kali, kamimusubi suou pandora teams Also looking for advice on which team leaders are the best 305236458

    submitted by /u/Antichristez
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    Is there a dungeon for skill up-ing Christmas Sonia?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 02:09 PM PST

    I want to use her for an Amen system, but don't see her on the skill up dungeon, and can't seem to get her skill up drop, #2521 in the normal dungeon. Is there a way to farm skill-ups like how there is for the other REM monsters?

    submitted by /u/SocksInCrocers
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